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Super User

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur

Thursday, 21 April 2011 14:32

‘Cynical directors and weak censors mean our children can now go to films that would have been x-rated ten years ago’, a film critic has warned. Chris Tookey’s comments came in response to the release of Sucker Punch, a 12A-rated film that teaches our children that ‘abusive sex and extreme violence aren’t really so bad’ – a rating which allows children in as long as they are accompanied by an adult. Mr Tookey, writing in the Daily Mail, hit out at the 12A certificate given to some movies and warned that current ground rules on sex and violence ‘have been relaxed to the point where not only morality but also common sense have flown out of the window’. Mr Tookey said there was plenty of evidence to suggest that ‘the 12A certificate is increasingly being used with despicable cynicism to expose children to material that is highly inappropriate and potentially damaging’.

Pray: for a review of the ‘boundaries’ of censoring that will affirm the protection of our children and young people from the excesses of the film industry. (Ps.141:9)


Friday, 09 July 2010 16:40

David Cameron hinted at tougher sentences for knife crime in the wake of the latest ‘absolutely horrific’ death of a 15-year-old in London. The fatal stabbing of Zac Olumegbon outside his school in West Norwood on 2 July was raised in Parliament by MP Chuka Umunna. In his response, the Prime Minister referred to a review of sentencing, saying: ‘I'm very clear we do need to have the strongest possible signal about how carrying a knife is just unacceptable. We need to send out a signal that it is not a defensive measure, it's not a cool thing to do. It should not happen and the punishment will be tough’. Mr Cameron said the long-term solution was ‘to give people an alternative to the gangs they are drawn towards, because they don't have other networks and help and hope in their lives. (See 4th item) Three teenagers, aged 16 and 17, have been charged with Zac's murder.

Pray: for the Lord to effect changes to the youngsters’ role models. (Mt.18:3)


Thursday, 10 November 2011 15:50

Media watchdog Ofcom is clamping down on radio broadcasters which flout rules meant to protect children from inappropriate music lyrics. Ofcom is concerned about a number of cases where ‘offensive language was broadcast, some at times when children were particularly likely to have been listening’. The watchdog has met with the radio industry and plans to publish guidance ‘by the end of the year to clarify the rules in the broadcasting code’. The move comes as it is revealed the Government is to look at putting cinema-style age classifications on music videos. Although current radio rules ban inappropriate or offensive material when children may be listening, Ofcom says they are being flouted.

Pray: that these moves by Ofcom and the Government to curb inappropriate material being broadcast will be successful. (Ps.139:24)

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Tuesday, 01 November 2011 14:09

Former Tory minister Ann Widdecombe has accused the Government of double standards when it comes to religious and homosexual persecution abroad. Miss Widdecombe told a Christian charity's conference that Prime Minister David Cameron was threatening to cut aid to countries which persecuted gays but was not doing anything to help persecuted Christians. ‘If David Cameron is tough on governments which persecute gays, why can't he be tough on those who persecute Christians?’ she told the Aid to the Church in Need annual conference. ‘You stand a better chance of earnest representation if you are a hedgehog than if you are a persecuted Christian.’ Aid to the Church in Need claims 75% of all religious persecution in the world is directed against Christians with 105,000 killed every year for faith-related reasons.

Pray: that our Government would be wise in its judgements and speak out for all those who are persecuted. (1Pet.4:6)


Tuesday, 05 June 2012 16:26

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are on the up, official statistics show, with experts blaming reckless men and women in their early 20s and men who have sex with men. A separate report says that 70 per cent of single women regularly have unprotected sex, and 18 per cent are often too drunk to use contraception. The Health Protection Agency (HPA), which was behind the figures, warned ‘too many people are putting themselves at risk of STIs and serious health problems by having unsafe sex’. Commenting on the Health Protection Agency’s figures, Dr Gwenda Hughes, head of STI surveillance at the HPA, said they ‘are a matter of concern regarding young heterosexuals and men who have sex with men’. She continued: ‘We anticipated some increase in diagnoses due to improvements in testing in recent years, but not on the scale seen here. People should consider reducing the number of partners they have and reduce overlap in their sexual partnerships.’

Pray: for people especially young adults to take a more measured approach to their sexual behaviour. (1Co.7:2)


Friday, 13 August 2010 15:47

UK’s largest children’s charity has revealed new data showing that children are being damaged due to huge delays in the courts in England and Wales. A five-year-long pattern of deterioration has led to family courts taking up to 65 weeks to rule if it is safe for children to stay with their parents, says Barnado's. Vulnerable children are waiting on average more than a year (57 weeks) in unstable family homes or emergency foster placements before a county court decides if they will be taken into care, says the charity. In the family proceedings (magistrates) court the average time is 45 weeks. Martin Narey, Barnardos chief executive, said: ‘The courts need urgently to reflect on the damage these delays are having on extremely vulnerable children. A year of a child’s life is an inordinate amount of time for them to be trapped in desperate limbo, unclear of their future and very possibly at risk.

Pray: for court procedures to be sped up and also for the vulnerable children caught up in the system. (Jn.17:15)


Thursday, 07 June 2012 21:37

The postbags of MPs are dominated by correspondence over same sex marriage from constituents asking them to oppose David Cameron’s plan to redefine marriage. According to the findings by ComRes, same-sex ‘marriage’ is one of the primary concerns mentioned in both letters and emails to MPs. Among Tories, 45 per cent say that letters and emails opposing same-sex marriage are the number one item in their postbag and email accounts. MPs from all parties revealed that constituents were ‘overwhelmingly’ against the measure, with 19 per cent generally opposed and 55 per cent strongly opposed to the measure. Just 16 per cent of those who are in touch with their MPs support the plans. The poll also found that only 4 per cent of MPs believe that redefining marriage is a main priority for the general public. Andrew Hawkins, Chief Executive of ComRes, said: ‘Clearly this issue has touched a raw nerve with the public, and not in a positive way.’

Pray: that the message opposing same-sex marriage will reach our Government loud and clear. (Jer.29:6)


Saturday, 20 April 2013 11:26

Church members will be among those rolling up their sleeves to clean up an estate in Ipswich over the May Bank Holiday weekend. Neighbours will be joining forces to clear rubbish and disused furniture from the town's Queesnway estate. Ten skips have been positioned around the estate and leaflets have been distributed asking residents to give up four hours of their time on Bank Holiday Monday. ‘Carry the Can’ has been organised by the Christian Noisy Group, which has worked to make a difference on the Queensway estate for the last 13 years. The group is led by Mick Earrey, who lives on the estate. He said: ‘It is really great to see the local churches, businesses and community all working so well together to make positive improvements.’ The initiative has the support of local councelors.

Pray: that the witness the church gives by this initiative will lead to many blessings. (Ez.10:4)



Tuesday, 16 August 2011 10:44

A top fashion magazine has sparked outrage by publishing images of a ten-year old girl wearing heavy make-up and posing like an adult model. Paris Vogue’s disturbing images of child model Thylane Blondeau have brought strong criticism from parents’ groups and politicians. In a 15-page spread in the December/January issue, she is wearing heavy make-up and gold stilettos. Last week the Mothers’ Union issued strong criticism of the pictures. ‘We have grave concerns about the modelling agency which clearly does not know if it represents a child or an adult,’ it said. ‘Photo shoots requiring her, a ten-year-old-girl, to dress in full make-up, teetering heels and a dress with a cleavage cut to the waist across her prepubescent body deny Miss Blondeau the right to be the child she is.’ A summit called by Prime Minister David Cameron and the Mothers’ Union to address the sexualisation of children in advertising and the media will be held in October.

Pray: for an end to the sexualisation of children by the fashion industry and in the media. (Ps.34:11)


Wednesday, 11 August 2010 16:38

Tens of thousands of school pupils were suspended from English schools last year for attacking their teachers or classmates. Almost 17,000 of these suspensions involved primary school pupils aged 11 and under, and over 63,000 of them involved children in secondary schools. The Department for Education’s statistics also revealed that there were 1,240 cases of children aged four and under being suspended for a variety of reasons during 2008/09. According to the report, boys are three times more likely to be suspended than girls, and three and a half times more likely to be permanently excluded. Schools minister Nick Gibb has responded by reiterating the Government’s commitment to improving behaviour in schools and raising academic standards. He said: ‘We will introduce further measures to strengthen teacher authority and support schools in maintaining good behaviour’. In February a survey revealed that one in four parents avoid disciplining their children because they want an ‘easy life’ and fear upsetting them.

Pray: that all families of disaffected pupils are granted strength to instil respect for those in authority. (Ex.20:12)
