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Saturday, 07 August 2010 14:13

A conservative group is preparing legal action to challenge last Tuesday’s vote that cleared the way for a mosque to be built near the site of the Sept. 11 attacks. The American Center for Law and Justice is representing New York City fire-fighter Timothy Brown, a first responder who survived the 2001 terrorist attacks but lost nearly 100 friends. It is planning to file a petition in state court alleging that there has been an abuse of discretion in the Landmarks Preservation Commission's decision. The city commission voted 9-0 Tuesday to deny landmark status to a building on Park Place that a Muslim group wants to convert into a mosque and Islamic community centre. Landmark status would have made it difficult for the group to build the centre there. (See Prayer Alert 2410) Thousands have protested the proposed ‘mega mosque,’ arguing that an Islamic centre just two blocks away from Ground Zero is insensitive and insulting to the families of the 9/11 victims.

Pray: for God to weave His purposes into the atmosphere over and on Ground Zero. (Ps.2:1)


Saturday, 11 September 2010 11:35

A Christian pastor in the US state of Florida has called off and then threatened to reconsider plans to burn copies of the Muslim holy book in a bonfire on Saturday to mark the ninth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington, DC. The event had been roundly criticised and stoked fears of violence around the globe. (e.g. see below) Rev Terry Jones said on Thursday that he made the decision to cancel the event because the leader of a planned Islamic centre near the so-called Ground Zero site in New York had agreed to move its location. However, the developers behind the planned Islamic centre said they had not agreed to any such deal. During a televised news conference on Thursday, Jones called on others not to burn copies of the Qur’an. He said instead, he would fly to New York to speak with Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the head of the planned New York Islamic centre.

Pray: that this proposed disrespectful action will not go ahead and that God would over-rule here and in other similar situations. (1Pe.2:17)


Friday, 07 September 2012 10:28

Democrat President Barack Obama says it's not his job to defend his Christian faith against doubters who suspect he's Muslim. His Republican Party challenger Mitt Romney says religion is ‘integral’ to his life - he often avoids mentioning his Mormon faith by name. The men responded in writing to nine questions about their faith. Religion has been a tricky political issue for both men. A recent Pew Research Centre poll found that 49% of Americans correctly identify Obama as a Christian. More Americans know that Romney is Mormon, but 30% do not believe that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Christian. Both men said that political candidates should be judged by their works not faith. Both also said that religion is central to their lives.

Pray: for the race to the next term of office in the White House to focus on helpful facts, leading to informed choices when voting. (Dt.16:18-20)


Thursday, 12 January 2012 14:05

Approximately 160 churches in New York will be evicted from their premises by February 12th after the U.S. Supreme Court decided not to hear a case to reverse an Education Department decision banning schools from allowing churches to use their premises for worship. Many local churches may not find alternative venues and could close. It could also have ramifications for thousands of churches meeting in public buildings throughout the US. Critics of the decision are concerned the ban will eventually extend to religious organisations meeting in any state-funded building. (University auditoriums house worship services of larger churches). Last Thursday seven people were arrested, including four pastors, for protesting outside the New York Law Department, where they kneeled and sang hymns with others protesting against the Court’s decision. They were released without charge after 3 hours.

Pray: this would not escalate into the closure of churches, but rather an eleventh hour solution that all could agree with is found. (Ps.27:13)



Tuesday, 21 September 2010 14:39

A US lawyer who successfully defended Rifqa Bary, a teenage Christian convert from Islam, has had his organisation’s website destroyed by a Muslim hacker. John Stemberger is also facing a $10 million lawsuit filed by the lawyer who represented Miss Bary’s Muslim parents. Mr Stemberger represented Rifqa Bary, who hit the headlines last year when she told US media that she would not be safe with her Muslim parents and feared an ‘honour killing’. Her father has denied the allegations. Earlier this week Mr Stemberger’s pro-family organisation, the Florida Family Policy Council, said that a Muslim hacker had managed to access their website, disabling parts of it and interfering with the inner workings of the site. The hacker left an ‘obscene message on the events page explaining in broken English who he was and why he was hacking the site’, according to Mr Stemberger.

Pray: that God would put a spiritual firewall around Christian websites. (Pr.2:8)


Friday, 14 October 2011 14:51

The anti-abortion movement's policy known as a ‘personhood amendment,’ which legally defines a person as existing at the moment of fertilization, has been rejected twice in recent years by voters in Colorado. But the effort has found new life in the state of Mississippi, where a personhood amendment will appear on the Nov. 8 ballot.

Pray: that Mississippi, the nation's most conservative state, would agree to outlaw abortion. (Ps.36:6)


Friday, 16 August 2013 19:29

Suicide kills more people in the United States every year than homicide, hypertension or motor vehicle crashes. Yet it's seldom discussed in the Church. Southern Baptists Dr. Frank Page and his wife hope to build on the growing national awareness of mental health issues. At the Southern Baptist annual convention in Houston this week the denomination have been working to promote awareness of mental health issues and begin to remove some of the stigma attached as they encourage churches to more pro-actively minister to those who are suffering. Page says, ‘These are legitimate, serious issues that people struggle with and the church needs to be the place where we say ‘we understand’. The local Church can help through support groups, counseling or simply awareness of what the community has to offer. It's an enormous challenge but with more than 36,000 people taking their own lives each year it could meet an enormous need.’

Pray: for the success of this initiative, may the North American Church save many in every sense of the word. (Is.25:4)


Thursday, 25 July 2013 16:01

At a conference in Washington where thousands of Christians met to Support Israel Texas Senator Ted Cruz said he and other Christians need to do a better job of explaining why support for Israel helps protect the USA and if the U.S. won't stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons Israel will. He added that the U.S. should support Israel unequivocally and Christians should pray that the Palestinians would renounce violence. New York Rabbi Shlomo Riskin referred to Jews and Christians as God's children and grandchildren and thanked the thousands of mostly evangelical Christians attending the summit for demonstrating God's love. Executive director of Christians United for Israel, lamented that America's mainline churches no longer support Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the group on Wednesday by satellite.

Pray: that more people would recognise the danger for Israel as the winds of war blow across the Middle East. (Jer.31:9-11)



Thursday, 04 July 2013 14:53

Fast cars, lavish mansions, infidelity and angst-filled episodes are displayed in prosperous lifestyles of six mega-church pastors featured in a trailer for the new reality show, ‘Preachers of L.A.,’ on the Oxygen network in the Autumn. ‘The Bible says I wish above all things that you would prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers. I believe that,’ declares Bishop Clarence McClendon, one of the stars of the show in the trailer posted to YouTube on Thursday. His international broadcast reaches 250 million homes with the prosperity gospel, on Oxygen (NBC Universal.) ‘P. Diddy, Jay-Z, aren’t the only ones who should be driving Ferraris and living in large houses,’ says cast member Bishop Ron Gibson who ministers to 4,500 people at Life Church of God in Christ. Pastor Wayne Chaney explained, ‘being a pastor is very dangerous because you have to be perfect at all times.’However the show focuses on the imperfection in the lives of very famous and very rich ministers.

Pray: against a carnal, superficial image being portrayed. Pray that no one in the body of Christ will be hurt through these ministries. (Mic.2:11,12)


Thursday, 20 September 2012 14:06

Actor and producer Kirk Cameron said America can get out of the ‘mess’ it's in by returning to the ‘original factory settings’, which involves listening to the Founding Fathers who relied on wisdom that comes from faith in God and His Word. Speaking at the 2012 Values Voter Summit in Washington DC last week, the evangelical Christian said he was concerned about the future of the nation as he is a father of six children. He said he is particularly concerned about the November election due to the nation's gigantic debt and issues like crumbling values, unwanted pregnancies, teenage suicides, breaking families, drugs and alcoholism. Cameron added that he finds most people merely playing the blame game, while there's a need for a clear voice to help the nation get out of the mess. ‘Perhaps we have forgotten what made us such a great nation in the first place,’ he said.

Pray: for a revival and a return to Biblical Christian values in the USA. (Rev.2:4-5)
