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Monday, 17 January 2011 20:17

A major new report into the increasing levels of discrimination faced by Christians in Europe has been launched in Vienna. The report, produced by the Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe highlights the growing trend towards marginalising Christians from the public square. The paper gives examples of attacks on freedom of religion and freedom of conscience, including moves in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to force doctors to perform abortions against their conscience. The launch coincided with a conference sponsored by The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) on freedom of conscience and religion. The document also refers to attacks on freedom of expression, such as the Spanish Government imposing a €100,000 fine on a Christian TV network for running a series of advertisements in favour of the family and opposing the homosexual lifestyle.

Pray: that this report's findings will lead to understanding and acceptance of Christian values. (Ps.147:5)


Tuesday, 07 September 2010 11:56

Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a popular Sunni Muslim cleric said, 'Islam entered Europe twice and left it. Perhaps the next conquest, Allah willing, will be by means of preaching and ideology. The conquest need not necessarily be by the sword. Perhaps we will conquer these lands without armies. We want an army of preachers and teachers who will present Islam in all languages and in all dialects'. Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali speaking in a BBC interview on Islamism of Europe said There can never be sufficient appeasement and new demands will continue to be made by Muslims for changes in our society. A Barnabasfund call for prayer reported, ’The increasing power of Islamisation (political Islam) has affected European communities and radical Muslims are seeking to create dramatic changes in their host societies; wanting Islam to gain social, cultural, economic and political power. In response the West is gradually changing structures, laws and customs to suit Muslim communities. This week’s INSIGHT ARTICLE focus is on an Islamic subtle invasion of Europe

Pray: that Christian values and the Christian message will gain popularity as Islam becomes more visible in Europe. (Gal.5:5)



Friday, 07 October 2011 13:25

A painted portrait and empty child stroller is all that remains of 14-months-old Angyalka, who drowned in the village of Kolonttar in the burning sludge flood of the nearby aluminium plant on October 4, 2010, in Hungary's worst ever chemical disaster on record. Some villagers pause to remember, or pray, around a memorial to those who died when 180 million gallons of red sludge flooded the village of Kolonttar and nearby towns, 150 kilometres west of Budapest. The town’s struggling farmers have only just started working their lands again, after removing most of the sludge. Local authorities provided them with new fields to plant their crops. Environmentalists remain concerned about the long term impact of the disaster. Hard working residents who lost their loved ones say it's little satisfaction that the owner of the Ajka Alumina plant was fined nearly 650 million dollars because of the disaster. They say nothing in the world can ever compensate for the lives that were lost.

that, as the land is slowly being restored, emotions and spirits will also be healed. (Ps.34:17,18)


Saturday, 12 October 2013 12:53

What is the best way to reach out to youngsters, to encourage them to go to church and to live a Catholic life? Parish priest Zsolt Kovesdy from Kunszentmárton, Hungary, has an idea. He is planning to start a radio show playing rap and hip-hop music. The station would, obviously, avoid music containing swearing and inappropriate topics, but his plan is to offer honest words and thoughts about life and the world. Kovesdy believes that the Catholic Church can only reach young people if it modernises its methods and he believes a social radio with modern music and interactive talk-shows could be a good solution. He is already very popular in his parish having organised a range of activities including horse and cart rides and climbing. According to a Hungarian newspaper he even made a skateboard track and let the children use their boardsin the church’s courtyard.

Pray: that Kovesdy will see a growth in the church through these initiatives.


Thursday, 05 May 2011 15:26

The Hungarian President Pal Schnitt has signed a new Constitution which defines marriage as being exclusively between a man and a woman. The new document also acknowledges the right to life of the unborn child from conception and affirms the role of Christianity in Hungary’s history. The new Constitution was passed last week in the Hungarian parliament by a majority of 262 votes to 44 against and one abstention. The margin reflected the two-thirds majority enjoyed by the governing Fidesz-Christian Democrat Party, which proposed the document. The document has been criticised by a number of groups, including the German government and various European secular organisations. However the Hungarian foreign ministry rejected the criticism as ‘unacceptable’, accusing Germany of interfering publicly in Hungary’s internal affairs instead of using bilateral talks to air concerns.

Pray: for the way He has been leading the Government to uphold marriage and the rights of the unborn child.



Thursday, 14 July 2011 13:47

In a move reminiscent of its Soviet Communist past, Hungary last night passed a restrictive religion law showing that its dictatorial mindset has not yet fully abated. Although Communism officially ended in Hungary over 20 years ago, the Hungarian Parliament Monday night after midnight, procured for the country the title of ‘Worst Religion Law in Europe’, when it adopted its new ‘Law on the Right to Freedom of Conscience and Religion, and on Churches, Religions and Religious Communities'. I am both saddened and disappointed by the adoption of such a draconian law,’ said Joseph K. Grieboski, Founder and Chairman of The Institute on Religion and Public Policy ‘I have known and worked closely with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, most recently on the new constitution, and expected much more from him. The law is a danger to all Hungarian society and a terrible indication of the state of democracy in the country,’ Grieboski said in a media advisory.

Pray: for the Hungarian Parliament that they will reconsider this law. (Job.6:29)


Thursday, 08 August 2013 19:26

Survivors of one of Eastern Europe's deadliest wave of attacks against Roma since World War II received some justice Tuesday, August 6, as four Hungarian men were found guilty of killing six Roma people including a five-year-old child. Brothers Arpad and Istvan Kiss and Zsolt Peto received life imprisonment for attacking Roma villages with guns, grenades and firebombs. The men, who were between ages 28 and 42 during the violence, have denied wrongdoing. The fourth suspect István Csontos, who served as a driver to his accomplices, was sentenced to 13 years imprisonment. He admitted to cooperation but denied active involvement in the murders. At the time, BosNewsLife visited the village of Tatárszentgyörgy, where one of the most serious atrocities happened, and published this report.

Pray: for the Roma people that further persecution would cease. (Ps.5:11b)



Friday, 29 March 2013 18:57

Key non-governmental groups and officials have urged the Euopean Union to urgently tackle the ‘growing problem’ of street children moving from Eastern to Western Europe by improving cross-border co-operation and child protection. They made the appeal at the 'European Forum On Street Children 2009' in Budapest, amid concerns that the EU's open borders mean that ‘unaccompanied’ minors from poorer member states are increasingly roaming the streets of richer Western European cities. There are believed to be a quarter of a million street children in Europe, although officials cautioned that the figure may be higher because as many as 1.5 million young gypsies, also known as Roma, are ‘unregistered’. In a final declaration, delegates attending the Forum, urged the EU to realize the European Parliament's goal of ending ‘the phenomenon of street children’ by 2015.

Pray: that the governments and authorities will be able to tackle this problem speedily. (Job.14:21)



Thursday, 04 July 2013 15:06

Smaller evangelical congregations and other groups were weighing their options after Hungary's parliament introduced new rules on recognizing churches, despite the Constitutional Court’s annulment of several passages in a controversial church law. Criteria for recognized churches include a history of at least one hundred years or minimum two decades of activities in Hungary. Additionally, a church should count 0.1 percent or more of Hungary's 10-million population as its members or supporters. The adjusted law appeared to revive Communist-era rhetoric, demanding that recognized churches must ‘not pose a risk to national security’ and ‘cooperate with government agencies for community purposes’. The government-sponsored amendment demands that churches are those faith groups ‘recognized by parliament’. Other organizations that pursue religious activities must be registered by the Municipal Court. Formal recognition qualifies churches for government support and allows them to collect donations during services and do pastoral work in jails and hospitals of this heavily Catholic nation.

Pray: that the parliament will recognise churches and faith groups for their spiritual beliefs and not just historical criteria. (1Cor.16:18)



Sunday, 31 October 2010 08:03

EU crisis response commisioner Kristalina Georgieva says massive toxic flooding in Hungary that killed nine people and injured more than 120 others has underscored the need for a stronger European disaster response. Since October 4 about 800,000 cubic-meters of toxic sludge has leaked from a reservoir of a metals plant flooding towns and villages in an area as large as 40 square kilometres. Experts from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany and Sweden are investigating the sludge and hope to provide European assistance similar to that given to the US oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. But Hungary would not receive additional money from the EU solidarity fund because the chemical spill was allegedly caused by human error. They may transfer funds from rural development protection projects. Commissioner Georgieva, who has visited the devastated villages and towns will present a European strategy for disaster response by the end of this month.

Pray: that Commissioner Georgieva is able to produce guidelines for stronger and better responses when livelihoods are destroyed and people killed. (Ps.67:1-2)
