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Friday, 08 June 2018 12:59

This an invitation to Pastors, Intercessors, Leaders, Young adults & Youth Leaders, Young adults and Youths to UPRISING Canada: Stand on Guard on August 8-11, 2018

It is so evident that Millennials are faced with challenges never before experienced by generations past. They are asleep or lost interest to the calling of Christ; spiritually dead. In North America, churches are aging while attendance is on a steep decline.

Studies by The Pew Research Centre in Washington, D.C. have determined that adults in the US who identify themselves as “Christians” fell from 78% to 71% within a seven year period. In addition, multiple studies highlight that up to 50% of youth group attendees drift from God after they graduate from high school. Regrettably, Canadian statistics exceed this.

There is no longer any time to hit the snooze button - Jesus Christ’s return is soon-approaching! However, before the Coming of the Son of Man, by faith, we believe that this same generation will be used to usher a new global wave of revival - a revival that the world has never seen before, as declared by many prophets of God.

July 2016 in South Korea marked the beginning of a United Prayer Rising (UPRISING) movement by the youth, for all generations. In South Korea the emerging generation from 36 different nations gathered and where the Millennials were challenged to pray at the DMZ boarders of North and South Korea, where they prayed "ONE DAY, ONE KOREA." On February 2018 in the PeyongChang Olympic Winter Games, a divided nation marched under one flag.

The call was clear: “Awake, O sleeper, arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” Ephesians 5:14. Generations past and present - rising from their slumber. They gathered. They prayed. They saw the change in their nation.

The waves keep rolling. A rapid series of global UPRISING movements have since taken place:

  • Philippines, September 2017
  • South Africa, September 2017
  • Malaysia, September 2017
  • Mongolia, October 2017
  • Bolivia, November 2017

…with waves set to sweep through Chile, Brazil, Europe, India, and the United States in 2019.

“In that day I will raise up the booth of David that is fallen and repair its breaches, and raise up its ruins and rebuild it as in the days of old, that they may possess… all the nations who are called by my Name,” declares the Lord who does this.” Amos 9:11-12

The trumpet has sounded, and Canada has heard the call. WE ARE READY TO “STAND ON GUARD”. We are excited to announce that Canada will host the first United Prayer Rising in North America, and with excitement we say that UPRISING Canada: Stand on Guard will be a historic catalyst event.

UPRISING Canada: Stand on Guard will take place on August 8th to 11th, 2018 at The Catch the Fire Toronto (Attwell Centre) - hosted by various churches across the Greater Toronto Area and The Emerging Generation Ministry.   Watch the video:

This will be a 4-day catalytic prayer convergence, for the reversal of the global trend of attack happening among the millennials today. With faith, we will see the re-birth of prayer, missions, and Jesus movements in our nation… as in the days of the well-known Toronto Blessing.

UPRISING Canada will address the Canadian challenges of attacks on this generation. First a three-day destiny conference on August 8-10, 2018 that will have powerful worship sessions, relevant plenary sessions, and empowering breakout prayer sessions. And on August 11, 2018, concluding with a 12 hour united prayer and worship rally for a time of coming to God to face the Generation's spiritual Goliath. For speaker information, please view attached PDF. (August 8-10, 2018 will be a paid conference and August 11, 2018, Solemn Assembly will be free, please visit our website for more details (

Toronto is also known for its vast multi-cultural population. Thus, we will be welcoming participants from all over the world, of those who have heard the call. We are calling forth the emerging generation in Canada and thousands more to rise up! We are expecting thousands to be part of this event.

We ask that you prayerfully consider your participation in UPRISING Canada. It would be a great honour for you to be part of this event, unite the body and the generations for such a time like this. Be involved

in this historic movement. This opportunity is something that we do not want you to miss out on!

For more information or to register for this event, we invite you to visit or Facebook: .

Thursday, 31 May 2018 07:20

Praying with Christ’s authority breaks the control of the powers of darkness over people groups, cities and nations

By John D Robb, IPC Chairman

Chains of spiritual darkness and bondage often link unreached peoples, cities and countries to principalities and powers who seek to control the affairs of humankind. Over the last couple of decades in the missions world, we have been undergoing a rediscovery that the issue in reaching the unreached is one of spiritual power. Just as it was when Elijah faced the gods of Egypt or Baal on Mount Carmel, so today the issue still is one of power encounter between the true God and false gods, those spirit beings who hold sway over segments of humanity.

The late Peter Wagner in a symposium on power evangelism at Fuller Seminary once affirmed: "Satan delegates high-ranking members of the hierarchy of evil spirits to control nations regions, cities, tribes, people groups, neighborhoods and other significant social networks of human beings throughout the world. Their major assignment is to prevent God from being glorified in their territory, which they do through directing the activity of lower-ranking demons."

Ephesians 6 indicates that all Christians are involved in an unseen warfare with the powers of darkness, how much more those of us who are involved in frontier missions as missionaries, intercessors, researchers or strategists? Paul says our struggle or literally "wrestling" is to be carried on through prayer in the Spirit. Apart from the sword of the Spirit, the word of God, prayer is the only offensive weapon available to us in this cosmic warfare.

Obviously, if we are going to see missionary breakthroughs in peoples, cities and countries, we will need to learn how to use the offensive weapon of prayer to dislodge the powers of darkness. While discussing the receptivity or resistance of people groups to Christ, Wagner draws out this implication: "It goes without saying that if this hypothesis concerning territorial spirits is correct, and if we could learn how to break their control through the power of God, positions on the resistance-receptivity axis could change virtually overnight."

Pastor Francis Frangipane, writing about the strongholds the powers of darkness maintain over groups of people, takes a similar line of thinking:

"There are satanic strongholds over countries and communities; there are strongholds which influence churches and individuals.... These fortresses exist in the thought patterns and ideas that govern individuals... as well as communities and nations. Before victory can be claimed, these strongholds must be pulled down, and Satan's armor removed. Then the mighty weapons of the Word and the Spirit can effectively plunder Satan's house."

Studies of the belief systems of pagan peoples attest to the reality of the picture of spirit beings portrayed in Ephesians 6, the book of Daniel and elsewhere. The Burmese believe in supernatural beings called nats arranged hierarchically with control over natural phenomena, villages, regions, and nations. Their link with these beings is maintained through witches or mediums, at least one of whom is found in each village.

In Thailand there are both village and regional spirits, with the village ones being subordinate to the regional ones. Pillars are often erected in villages as a habitat for their guardian spirits. One CMA missionary told me of the increasing oppression and lack of spiritual responsiveness she and her coworker encountered in a village once this pillar was erected. An OMF missionary thinks he has identified the national principality over all of Thailand.

In India a similar cosmology involving guardian spirits over villages and others over regions is found. They are often associated with disease, sudden death and catastrophe. Kali, the goddess of destruction, is a regional deity known especially among the Bengalis of West Bengal in Calcutta. Anyone who has been to Calcutta can see the devastating impact she and her worship have made upon that city and its people. Christian workers living there complain of severe oppression and serious disunity in the churches.

A book on the African country of Zimbabwe reveals that every region, city, village is thought to be under the control of territorial spirits. In Nigeria an Assemblies of God leader, who formerly was a high-ranking occult practitioner before his conversion, said that Satan assigned him control of 12 spirits, each of which controlled 600 demons. He testified, "I was in touch with all the spirits controlling each town in Nigeria, and I had a shrine in all the major cities."

Recently in a meeting with a well-known Japanese evangelist and several missionaries to Japan, I was surprised to discover how much the Japanese are still bound up with occultism. We can be fooled by the highly technological, modern look of Japan, and not realize that large numbers of the Japanese still attend Shinto shrines, that every school child carries an amulet, or that Shinto priests are called upon to dedicate each new building. And a dangerous phenomenon is now facing us in the West as New Age cults advocate "channeling" to communicate with spirit beings, thus reestablishing links with the powers of darkness originally broken by the evangelization and Christianization of Western societies.

The problem is that most of us do not realize we are in a no-holds-barred war, and therefore, they feel no need for prayer as a strategic weapon. John Piper, a Minneapolis pastor, puts it this way:

"The problem is that most Christians don't really believe that life is war, and that our invisible enemy is awesome. How then are you ever going to get them to pray? They'll say they believe these truths but watch their lives. There is a peace-time casualness in the church about spiritual things. There are no bombs falling in their lives, no bullets whizzing overhead, no mines to avoid, no roars on the horizon; all is well in America, the Disneyland of the universe. So why pray?"

In Mark 3:27, Jesus said something that is especially relevant to the activity of frontier missions: "No one can enter a strongman's house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strongman. Then he can rob his house." It stands to reason that we as missionaries cannot be successful in entering and carrying off what has belonged to Satan for centuries-portions of humanity under his dominion-without binding the territorial spirits that have delegated control there. Prayer in the Spirit informed by facts uncovered by research is a potent force in binding the strongmen over cities, people groups and countries.

In Matthew 18:18-19, Jesus gave a startling assurance to those who pray in this way: "I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Again, I tell you, that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my father in heaven." Effective territorial deliverance prayer occurs when we pray in unity with others. This teaching demonstrates the importance of prayer groups and networks being formed where people pray prayers of agreement for certain people groups, cities or countries in an in-depth way. This, it seems to me, is what will bring the breakthrough.

The Greek word for "bind" in these verses means "to chain or imprison." The prayers of God's people joined together will chain and circumscribe the activity of spirit beings hostile to the glory of God and the expansion of His kingdom on earth. As the Apostle Paul puts it, "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds" (II Corinthians 10:3-4).

The experience of the late Omar Cabrera, who was a pastor/evangelist in Argentina, underlines the awesome weaponry that prayer in the Spirit brings to bear on the occult realm. He made it his practice to fast and pray for a number of days before opening an evangelism campaign in a city he was trying to reach. Often during those periods of fasting and prayer, spirit beings would come against him, even appearing in grotesque shapes, to contest his presence and plan to evangelize that city. They often would say, "You have no right to be here. This is my territory." To which he replied, "On the contrary, you have no right to be here. I bind you in the authority of Jesus Christ, the one who has all authority in heaven and on earth." Immediately that spirit fled the scene and a higher principality would often come into place against Cabrera. In the same way, through a protracted struggle in prayer, Cabrera broke the hold of such spirit beingsthat often turned out to be spirits of witchcraft. When the topmost “strongman” was bound, the mood of the whole city changed-often from one of resistance to the gospel to great receptivity-with hundreds and thousands coming to Christ, accompanied by extraordinary signs and wonders, healings and miracles. Using this approach, Cabrera went from ministering to a congregation of under 20, to becoming pastor of the world's third largest church at that time with over 140,000 in attendance.

As zany and outlandish as Cabrera's experiences seem to the materialistic naturalist in all of us, we would do well to apply what he and many other Christian workers are learning about authoritative prayer to the work of frontier missions. As I have traveled around leading consultations and seminars on mission strategy for national Christian workers, the issue of territorial deliverance praying keeps coming up. My growing conviction is that in many resistant contexts we can strategize and evangelize until we are blue in the face with no effect until we identify and bind the strongman over the group we are seeking to reach. Until this happens we are unlikely to see much of a response.

Could it be that whole peoples we have written off as being "resistant" are in themselves really not resistant at all, but are in the grip of spirit beings that are the source of the resistance? Arthur Matthews, a veteran missionary wrote of his burden in intercession for two specific areas of Southeast Asia where the missionaries were unable to make any headway: "So asserting my position with Christ in the heavenlies on the basis of God's word, I took unto me the whole armor of God in order to stand against the wiles of the devil, and to withstand his opposition to the gospel." He held on until news from both places began to change: "The resisting powers in both places were weakened, making possible victories for the Lord."

Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth With A Mission, described his experience in praying and fasting for three days with 12 coworkers in 1973. As they prayed the Lord revealed they should pray for the downfall of the "prince of Greece." The same day in New Zealand and Europe, YWAM groups received a similar word from God. All three groups obeyed and came against this principality. Within 24 hours, a political coup changed the government of Greece, bringing greater freedom for mission activity in the country.

While I was in Senegal conducting a seminar years ago, an Assemblies of God mission leader told me their denomination had begun to pray and fast corporately for the Muslims. Afterwards, they saw a new responsiveness on the part of these people and churches have been established among them.


Pray for any unreached peoples, unevangelized cities or countries you are aware of or are especially concerned for as the Holy Spirit brings them to mind. Pray for the breaking of the hold of principalities and powers, liberation to receive Christ, and for Christian workers and ministries among them.

Pray for the development of ongoing prayer networks for every remaining unreached people, unevangelized city or country, that God will raise up intercessors with a special burden for each segment of the unevangelized world.

Ask for God's guidance as to what you and others you are in touch withshould do? How can we work together to martial national and international prayer efforts to focus on those still unreached by the glorious Gospel of Christ?

John D. Robb is Chairman of the International Prayer Council and International Prayer Connect
(Updated from its original publication in the International Journal of Frontier Missiology, Vol. 8:1, January 1991)

Thursday, 31 May 2018 07:16

“Is it not written: My House will be called a house of prayer for all nations?” (Mark 11:17)The central focus of Jesus' words in this passage was that the Jewish temple's purpose had been subverted. It was to serve as a "house of prayer for all nations" in line with the original call to Abraham to be a blessing to "all the peoples of the earth" (Gen. 12:3) Israel was called to be a praying and missionary people that would declare His truth to the nations and especially to bring forth the Messiah who would save Gentiles as well as Jews worldwide.

The word in the original Greek for the passage in Mark and Matthew 28 (the Great Commission) is Ethne or ethnic groups and corresponds to the Hebrew word in Gen. 12:3 for people groups. He was not talking about political nation states like India or China but the many ethnolinguistic groups that compose those political entities. Therefore, Jesus was reasserting this original missionary calling and reminding His Jewish hearers that they needed to pray for the people groups of the earth that did not yet have the Good News of the Messiah. A short time later, the book of Acts describes how the early disciples took Jesus’s words seriously and "joined constantly together in prayer" (1:14). That culture of ongoing, united prayer characterized their church life and resulted in the mission to the Gentiles and powerful mission breakthroughs that we read about in the rest of Acts.

God’s people today are also called to become houses of prayer for all peoples. God can use even relatively small groups of believers to have a profound impact on the forgotten, unreached people groups of our world whether their congregation or others go to reach them. The Moravians started praying in this way with about 200 people in the 18th century, a united prayer effort that went over 100 years. That seemingly insignificant prayer effort ended up impacting 5000 locations on earth, sending out the first Protestant missionaries from their little village in eastern Germany to many far-off lands and peoples. It all started with organized, informed, united and persevering prayer. Obviously, the Lord takes such praying very seriously in His scheme of things.

In case they would be useful, here are three important new prayer/mission resources:

1) The first is a video my colleagues and I prepared from our last year’s consultation for international prayer and mission leaders that was held at Herrnhut (the Lord’s watch), that same Moravian village from which such a powerful, world-impacting mission movement was launched through united prayer.

Spirit of the Moravians 9-min
Spirit of the Moravians 3-min

2) Also, linked below is a resource on the 31 largest “frontier” or most unreached people groups that a church can use with its members to practically become a "house of prayer for all peoples". It was created collaborative by a team of prayer and mission leaders from different agencies, thanks be to God.

There is no copyright so these resources can be used far and wide to bless the Body of Christ and the still unreached masses of our world waiting to hear about and be transformed by Jesus Christ. We in the IPC are in the process of circulating both resources internationally and hope that you will help us publicize them so many will be helped.

The 31 Largest Frontier People Groups – booklet download,

3) A Window on the Darkness: a new “must read” book for praying people

Have you ever wondered just why the darkness in the world today seems to be getting darker, and what can be done about it?

This book sheds fresh light on this topic, and on the spiritual nature of this darkness. It shines the light of Scripture on the evil one and on the way in which so many have become bewitched. This is a clarion call to the church and individual Christians to get ready to do battle with the powers of darkness, and to shine Christ's light more powerfully.

Brian Mills writes out of many years of experience in international prayer ministry. He is a senior advisor in the International Prayer Council and is one of the leaders in the International Reconciliation movement. He has ministered in over 75 nations and authored nine books to date. He is also part of a global group that is seeking to understand more about the dark spiritual powers at work in the world.

"The most informative book for our times I’ve read for a long time."

Order ‘Window on the Darkness’ by Brian Mills in print or Kindle formats from Amazon USAAmazon UK .

Thursday, 31 May 2018 07:15

In spite of the hiccup that has arisen in plans for a historic summit with North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong Un, let’s continue to pray that differences will be ironed out and that the meeting will go ahead at some point. There has been so much good progress in the meeting at the DMZ between President Moon and Kim as well as the release of three Korean American prisoners following U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s summit planning meetings with Kim. The latest news suggests that the meeting may still go ahead, even on June 12th.

Many thousands of Korean believers as well as many other Christians around the world have been praying for such a breakthrough for years and we believe the time has come for relations between the North and South to be normalized and even for a reunification of the two Koreas at some point. We need to keep praying with that vision in sight, trusting the Lord who is the Healer of the Nations to bring it forth!

“For decades, we have been adversaries. Now we are hopeful that we can work together to resolve this conflict,” said Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. “There’s still a lot of work to do to achieve our ultimate goal,” he acknowledged, referring to what the United States has called a complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. “There are many challenges along the way.”

Praying friends in Arizona sent this information about some of the prayer events that have happened lately.:

“What most media outlets didn’t notice is that Christians in South Korea had been fasting and praying for the peace summit. In Paju, a city south of the North Korean border, pastors held an all-night vigil; and a group of Christian politicians joined together for a fasting and prayer event in the National Assembly buildings in Seoul. 

Between January 1 and 5, 2018, 2000 pastors gathered at a Christian conference in Seoul, South Korea. Among the speakers were Chuck Pierce, Lou Engle, and Bill Johnson.  Lou urged the pastors to go on a 40-day fast for the unification of the two countries and for the war to end.

At the time of this conference, the tension was high between President Trump and Kim Jong Un. However, near the end of this 40-day prayer and fasting period, a dramatic shift started to occur throughout the region.

South Koreans have been in desperate prayer for a time such as we see breaking forth in Korea. North Korea’s persecuted Christians have been praying for this moment—for years.

Before long, the churches of South Korea will freely send teams into the North with food, medicine and the message of Christ.  “Like a patient in a coma, North Korea will awaken. The world will watch a national transformation. We are witnessing the greatest display of God’s sovereign power over nations since the Berlin Wall fell.” (Charisma News).

Let’s thank God and pray:

Thank God for North Korea’s release of three American prisoners and for the successful meetings of Secretary of State Mike Pomeo with Kim Jong Un so far as well as progress made towards a summit between President Trump and Chairman Kim.

Pray that such a summit meeting will still happen though it may be postponed for a later time.  May Satan, the divider and destroyer, be bound and may peace and liberation come to the Korean peninsula.

Pray that denuclearization would be agreed to by the North and that those in that government currently bound by fear of what might happen to them or their loss of the benefits from the status quo will be kept from derailing this process.

Let’s pray for this 70 year conflict to completely come to an end and for the Gospel and humanitarian/development aid to flow freely to those millions of North Koreans living in abject poverty and starvation. May their deliverance come quickly now!

Thursday, 31 May 2018 07:13

Pakistan is in dire straits and in danger of falling. Pakistan needs your prayers. This is an excerpt from a longer call to prayer by a prayer leader who is concerned about this crucial country.

Deteriorating relationship between Pakistan and U.S.

Realizing the opportunity to break the relationship between America andPakistan, Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and China have approached Pakistan. “Forget America.  We will stand beside you and help you.”--China is asking to open a naval base and an air force base near Gwadar and  it seems this request will be granted, perhaps even by this summer. Gwadar isone of the best deep-water ports in the world – at the head of the oilstraits.  Military equipment is now being purchased from China rather than the U.S. They are also buying military equipment from Russia and having joint exerciseswith them. Pakistan has held joint military exercises with Saudi Arabia, and istraining their military.

In this turmoil, the fanatics and terrorists have seen their opportunity to overthrow the government.  They stormed the streets in many cities.  They blocked entrances in and out of the capital and brought the country to a standstill.  Government, police, and even the military could not stop them without an all-out civil war.  The Supreme Court gave an ultimatum that the issue be resolved and the result was that much of the power of the country was given over to 19 “pirs” (holy men/witchdoctors).  Now again the fanatics’ demands of bringing in sharia law have not been met. (Most in Pakistan are terrified of sharia law knowing that their lives are at stake).  A few days ago these same fanatics began to fill the streets again.

More embarrassing is to learn that an American known as “the most evil man in the world “,George Soros, was the one behind much of this with his support (especiallyfinancial) for these fanatics.   Early this year the government told hisorganization to leave the country, but this weak government now in charge hasnot been able to carry this out. (Pray that he and his influence will be broken over Pakistan.)

What is at stake?   Pakistan is one of the largest Muslim nations in the world-soon to surpass Indonesia in its population. The Muslim world looks to it forits religious education. It is also looked up to because it is the only Muslimnation that has nuclear bombs (probably over 200) and delivery systems.  If thefanatics and militants could take over the country, Iran and its threat would bedwarfed.   There is already a fanatical teaching structure in Pakistan to whichpeople from probably every nation in the world come for training.  This wouldgreatly increase in structure and influence very quickly. 

What is the answer? God must intervene. That happens THROUGH PRAYER.In the 1970s a communist country was about to take over Pakistan. Three daysbefore that, a military coup took place, saving the nation.  This could be oneway God could work. 

PRAY for Pakistan for the following:

  1. Not fall into hands of fanatics and sharia law
  2. Not fall into hands of communism
  3. Restored relations between Pakistan and U.S. 
  4. Honest leaders
  5. Protection of nuclear weapons
Thursday, 31 May 2018 07:12

New York City is one of the most influential in the world. Saturate New York involves prayer walking every street and zip code and now will include passing out Jesus Film DVDs and asking families if the prayer walker/evangelizers can pray for them.

Pray: June 2 is the day to pray for this effort which will involve many churches working together!

Pray:also for local believers who are trying to get a weekly prayer gathering going in the City Council and for the establishment of a weekly word and worship service at the United Nations.

Pray: for His favor to cover local brothers and sisters in the prayer movement and churches for these efforts and for spiritual breakthrough, with many coming to Christ throughout the city and in these important institutions.

New York City Intercessors

Thursday, 31 May 2018 07:10

As we all know the Gold Coast was the host of the recent Commonwealth Games. What many may not know is what went on behind the scene as the Churches of the Gold Coast, together with the help of Christians from other parts of the nation, undergirded the Games with prayer and evangelism. 

This week and next we will report on what happened as the Church took the initiative providing opportunity for the Holy Spirit to work His miracles amongst those who attended the Games, and also within the community of the Gold Coast. Be encouraged and give God the Glory. This report was compiled by one of the team for Beyond Gold, the combined Churches initiative that co-ordinated all the aspects of the Christian witness provided to the Games and was supplied to us by Pastor Len Rossow, the Australian Prayer Network Coordinator in that area. 

43 churches engaged in the 24/7 prayer canopy for the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games. Some of the hidden gems that we can now reveal were:

*  Since September 2017 prayers were prayed that the hidden gems would emerge in the City. (Specifically Artists and Musicians) We were praying for Artists that carry the Lord's heart of love and unity and whose work speaks to the heart.  We were Praying also that hearts would be open in the City to respond to the Lord's message in their works.

* We were praying that in the planning God would go ahead of our organizing team, opening the doors for live art, flash-mobs and music in the public square.

* We have been rejoicing in the way Christian Artists and Musicians have been linking together.

Teams from 16 churches were prayer-walking strategic games related locations across the city through Feb - March 2018.

Then in early March a strategic 40-hour Prayer Weekend took place with 45 intercessors from across Australia joining with 35 from the Gold Coast to form 8 teams of 10. This prayer offensive was organised by the Australian Prayer Network and covered 32 key assignments across the Gold Coast. It was a powerful weekend that brought a shift in the spiritual atmosphere in the City that prepared the way for productive outreach and operation of the games. 

The Baptism, in the lake, of our Mayor, Tom Tate, on Easter Sunday together with positive media publicity set the tone for a great witness in our city as we sought the Lord for a spiritual awakening to the Gospel across the Gold Coast.  85 local churches (3,500 people) were represented at the Easter United Celebration at the new HOTA Amphitheatre. There was a great sense of family and unity as together we lifted Jesus Christ up as Saviour and Lord over the Gold Coast and as a banner over the Commonwealth Games. Quite a number responded to the call to open their hearts to Christ as Saviour and Lord. 

The unity of the Churches was outworked in the way in which the ministry provided by the Street Chaplains, Red Frogs, Gideons, YWAM and many church groups worked in tandem to see the gospel lived out in word and deed during the Games. Some of the answers to prayer that happened during the games were:

* 380 Bibles and 400 testaments were distributed through the Multi-Faith Centre at the Athletes Village.

* Chaplains reported never having seen such hunger or such engagement during a Games previously.

* Reports of friendly, peaceful atmosphere in the village itself.

* 57,070 individual wrist band prayers were given out amounting to 5.14 kilometres of prayer chain

* 30 different groups and 5000 people directly involved in the effort from around the globe.

Traffic and Transport

* Traffic Flow was brilliant. (Seemingly many coast residents heeded the warning extensively publicised through the media to stay at home or use public transport. Many left the coast for the duration of the Games.)
* Public Transport Networks operated efficiently …no breakdowns 

* Gideons- 10,180 scriptures were given away
* Several hundred given away also in Townsville and Cairns where some of the events for the Games were also held.
* 98 Gideon members from every mainland State participated.
* There were 8 known salvations on the streets.
* Distribution covered people from all walks of life
* 20,000 Gospels of Luke were supplied to churches and organisations for distribution by the Bible Society. 

YWAM street teams & Outreach Tent: 

* 368 YWAMmers releasing 16 ministry teams on the ground through community events, games and sport, street evangelism, street chaplaincy, FLASH Mobs, worship and performance.
* 7000 Gospels of Luke and 6,500 flyers handed out
* 10,000 estimated meaningful conversations and 1 baptism
* 4 churches &organisations partnered with them throughout the Games.

Street Chaplains: 

* 100 trained for street chaplaincy by Sports Chaplaincy Aust and Chaplain Watch QLD.

* 43 street chaplains from GC churches, Chaplain Watch Qld, Canberra, Sunshine Coast and Qld regional areas,


* Southport, Broadbeach and Surfers covered throughout the Games with Street Chaplains.


* While there were indigenous protests at the Games which attempted to disrupt venues and transport, they were quickly dispersed.
* The Indigenous art and festival at the Ganggalah Ministry Training centre went well and with positive impact.


Praise God for the ways in which the hubs sponsored during the Games where the homeless of the Gold Coast were encouraged to find shelter during the Games operated virtually incident free and for the new possibilities opened up through their success. 

Give thanks to the Lord for the way He answered prayer for our Aussie brothers and sisters in Christ and pray for His continuing transformation of their nation!

Source: Beyond Gold 

Thursday, 31 May 2018 07:07


by S DOUGLAS WOODWARD on May 8, 2018

Today, May 8, 2018, might become an infamous day in American foreign policy and in fulfillment of Bible prophecy.  Or it may not.  But it is likely to be seen as a very significant move toward the next great war in the Middle East.  It is unlikely to send the entire region into a state of war.  

However, it will increase tensions in the longer-term, even while it reduces tensions in the immediate future.

The JCPOA is Now History

There is no doubt that terminating America’s participation in the JCPOA (Joint cooperative plan of action) alienates the U.S. from Russia, China, and even our European allies.  At the same time, our most important ally in the Middle East, Israel, is praising Trump’s decision.  

And yet, the final word on the ‘pull out’ of the treaty is still subject to further discussion over the next two weeks according to some sources.  America could terminate its involvement but not reinstate sanctions against Iran.  Additionally, by supporting the Iranian agreement, the U.S. could elect to bring sanctions against those nations that continue to support the agreement. This could lead to strained relations in all directions between the U.S. and everyone else except Israel.

Is Military Action Imminent?

At this moment, Israel and Iran are repositioning troops.  Hezbollah on Israel’s northern border will probably draw fire from Israel at the drop of a hat.  Hezbollah boasts over 150,000 troops supported by Iran and they are prepared for war.  But, given Iran is over 500 miles away from Israel, most experts believe that Iran and Israel can’t go into “hand-to-hand” combat, but can only exchange airstrikes and conduct a proxy war in southwest Syria along the Golan Heights. Still, the possibility of a nuclear exchange looms if one believes the rhetoric of the respective sides.  

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent presentation on “Iran’s Big Lie” concerning its actual nuclear bomb project (conducted over a decade ago despite denials to the contrary), was timed to demonstrate to world leaders that Iran can’t be trusted and Trump is justified in pulling out of the JCPOA. His PowerPoint may not have convinced European leaders, but it no doubt wasn’t meant for them. It was targeted to Donald Trump’s base in the U.S.  

From the standpoint of keeping his promise, Trump benefitted from Mr. Netayahu’s timely polemics.  A “casus belli” was well articulated and a majority of Americans buy it.  So we must wait to see what the next action will be – but we won’t be waiting very long.

May 8, Iran and Israel Prepare for War, Geopolitical Futures

The U.S. has an aircraft carrier group present in the eastern Mediterranean and stands ready to protect American interests in the Levant (which generally means the U.S. will defend Israel in the event of its being attacked).

This event, coupled with the move of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem in the next week, provides a double dose of pro-Israel medicine that Islamic leaders (and the Palestinians) opposing the Israel/U.S. alliance must accept.  Will they just swallow hard and move on?  This seems improbable.  These two actions by Trump and the recent Israeli bombing of a missile cache in Syria seem sure to precipitate a major reaction to the conflict.

But what might Iran do in response?  It is predictable that Hezbollah will soon fire Iranian-made missiles at Israel – those not destroyed in the aforementioned attack.  This will likely lead to a significant military response on the part of Israel. And even if Hezbollah doesn’t initiate a war, Israel will.  Israel has a consistent pattern of preemptive strikes. There is no reason it will hold back now. However, as long as Iran, Russia, Turkey and other states in the northern Islamic confederacy don’t strike Israel directly, it is unlikely the U.S. will get directly involved at this time. Just being in the neighborhood with our allegiances clear is enough. Our military strength and presence create a dampening effect on major military action, but it has little effect on the conflict between Israel, Hezbollah (and indirectly Iran). This means that it is doubtful that Russia or China will engage in a regional war at this time. And if Israel decides to go all out in its military efforts against Hezbollah (which is likely in my opinion), expect Israel not only to aggressively strike Hezbollah with massive bombing runs but to also direct the IDF to cross the provisional border between Israel and Syria. That is, the IDF will engage Hezbollah on the battlefield, attempt to destroy its missile cache, and likely weaken Hezbollah’s position in a meaningful way. I expect a ground war in southern Syria this summer.

What Does Trump Want?

Trump’s gambit appears to be seeking regime change in Iran. The Iranian leader, Rouhani, is not in a strong position after years of sanctions.  According to Jacob Shapiro of Geopolitical Futures (May 8, 2018):

… the biggest impact of ending the deal will be felt within Iran itself. The Rouhani administration, which represents a political faction that wants to reduce state control of the economy and curtail the wide-ranging power of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, banked its future on the JCPOA. Rouhani believed the influx of foreign capital and the attendant economic benefits would legitimize his ambitious political reforms. Rouhani’s administration even moved to arrest key IRGC figures last September. Now, Rouhani’s grip appears to be loosening. Rouhani took to the airwaves over the weekend to criticize an Iranian ban on the messaging app Telegram, alluding to decisions made at the “highest level of the system” to which he had no recourse. Hard-liners in Iran suspected the U.S. would pull out of the deal as soon as it was no longer consistent with U.S. interests and will be vindicated at home if the deal fails.

David Sanger (New York Times, May 8, 2018) summarizes the situation this way:

For President Trump and two of the allies he values most — Israel and Saudi Arabia — the problem of the Iranian nuclear accord was not, primarily, about nuclear weapons. It was that the deal legitimized and normalized the clerical Iranian government, reopening it to the world economy with oil revenue that financed its adventures in Syria and Iraq and its support of terror groups.

Now, with his announcement Tuesday that he is exiting the Iran deal and will reimpose economic sanctions on the country and firms around the world that do business with it, Mr. Trump is engaged in a grand, highly risky experiment.

Trump also wants to demonstrate toughness to Kim Jong-un (North Korea’s dictator) to make doubly sure that the negotiations on the future of the Korean peninsula move forward in a favorable way.  And, if Trump can force Iran back to the table (which seems unlikely for a number of months), it is certainly conceivable that Trump will win big in dealing with the other half of the modern day “axis of evil” (Iran, North Korea being its ally).  This may well result.  Trump could conceivably accomplish his goals for peace between North and South Korea while at the same time, fail miserably in the Middle East.

However, I assert that this course of action ultimately will only harden the resolve of the Islamic nations to conspire against Israel to find a “final solution.”  If so, then what happens during the month of May 2018, promises to be a primary driver pushing the region toward its next great war involving Russia, Iran, Turkey, and also Islamic nations to the south, all confederating against Israel.  Note:  this doesn’t confirm the Psalm 83 war looked for by so many.  Instead, it points to the war at the outset of the so-called Tribulation period.  It has been my view (as outlined in my book, The Next Great War in the Middle East) that the Psalm 83 war is not what comes next.  Rather, the “big one” is what we should expect. It is what the ancient prophets of Israel saw as the Messianic War concluding the age.

In conclusion, this sparring between Israel and Iran may trigger World War III. So it is that what happens in 2018 could lead us to the war of Ezekiel 38-39.  In other words, what prophecy scholars call the war of Gog and Magog now becomes even more likely as a result of Trump’s gamble.

Please pray that God’s peace to reign in this potentially very dangerous situation between Iran, the USA and other nations of the Middle East like Israel and Saudi Arabia. Pray that Iran will be set free from the control of Islamic radicals and will agree to end their nuclear and missile programs.

Thursday, 31 May 2018 07:07

In Malaysia's national election, a stunning victory for the opposition led by former PM Mahathir Mohamad was achieved May 9th. At age 93, Mahathir came out of a long retirement to take on the current PM NajibRazak and the Barisan National party, who are widely considered to have become terribly corrupted and self-serving.

After some Christian leaders were kidnapped and still are missing, and laws threatening their religious freedom increasingly being enacted, the churches decided to join together in an all-out initiative of desperate prayer called “Light up Malaysia”. It looks as if their prayers are now being answered, thanks be to the Lord! 

Let us continue to pray with them that the results of the election will be effectively implemented and widely accepted and for the new government as it consolidates its power. Pray for God's peace to rule and for a new, reformed government that serves the nation's people justly and honestly, upholding human rights and religious freedom for all. Pray also that the Gospel can freely be shared with all of the nation’s people groups.

Thursday, 31 May 2018 07:05

Written by Dr Peter Carruthers, from the UK

Europe is a mission field that is “white for harvest”
(John 4: 35). I believe that the Lord is calling
believers from across the world to play a part in praying and working to bring in this harvest. Many have already responded to this call, but ‘the harvest is plentiful and the labourers are still few’.

Friday 1stJune 2018, marks the beginning of a 24-7 Prayer for France initiative. Please read on to find out why and how to share in this.

Taking responsibility

Two years ago, in an article in Prophecy Today, written in the aftermath of the Paris and Brussels terrorist attacks, I urged believers to recognise Europe’s deep and urgent spiritual needs and prioritise intercession and mission for the nations of Europe. This imperative remains and is even more urgent now.

Streams across the Channel

My particular concern here is for France. Many are expecting a significant move of the Holy Spirit in France - perhaps that foreseen in Jean Darnall’s 1967 vision of ‘streams across the Channel’. Some from other European nations and beyond have even relocated to France as missionaries.

Evangelical growth

The evangelical church in France has, in fact, seen remarkable growth in the last decades, from very small beginnings. Between 1970 and 2017, the number of evangelical churches in France went from 840 to 2440, equivalent to one new church every ten days. According to Evangelical Focus, the number of evangelical Christians has increased by 1000% since 1970, and that there are now some 650,000 evangelical Christians in France, about 1% of the population.

David Brown, Chairman of the Evangelism Commission of the French ‘National Council of Evangelicals’, speaking to the Forum of Christian Leaders in 2017, sees this growth as an act of God’s sovereignty, aided by the work of AoG missionaries (1930 - 1960), the charismatic movement (1970 - 1990), immigration of Christians from Africa (1990 - 2010) and the work of French church planters (especially since the mid-90s).

At the same time, the Roman Catholic Church declined markedly. According to Brown, in 1980, 71% of babies born were baptised in the RC church; this declined to 32% in 2017. Over the same years, the number of priests fell from 38,000 to 13,000. Currently, the average age of a Roman Catholic priest in France is 72 years.

Nevertheless, as the New York Times reported, the RC Church has seen something of a resurgence in recent years, driven especially by issues of culture and identity (as is true for many other countries of Europe). There is also a thriving Roman Catholic Charismatic movement.

As well as a vacuum created by the decline in Roman Catholicism, Brown believes that a rising feeling of social despair, mistrust of political leaders and high unemployment (currently 10%) combined with a cultural disposition towards discussion and debate have created conditions conducive for evangelical church growth. Evangelicals are no longer seen as an obscure sect, but are better known and more accepted than previously.

Recent surveys suggest that French people are looking for authenticity and information and are especially open to evangelism centred around approaches that inform and explain (whether ‘lectures’ or one-to-one conversations over coffee) and least receptive to tracts and open-air rallies.

Sharing in the harvest

The above statistics are encouraging, but France still remains among the most secular countries of Europe. The fields may indeed be white for harvest, but much of the harvest is still to be brought in.

How can believers share in this work? Some will be called to ‘go’. But all can pray. As the Lord Jesus enjoins us, “the harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest” (Matthew 9: 37).


One immediate opportunity to join others in prayer for France is provided by Jesus2Europe’s 24-7 ‘Prayer for France’ initiative, starting this Friday 1 June 2018. Jesus2Europe, a new ministry based in Paris, invites intercessors from all over the world to pray for France from 1 to 7 June and, ideally, to sign up for a prayer slot (via contact form on the website or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - please mention IPC; if you are not able to book a slot, then please just let us know you are praying).  It would be wonderful if many of us from all around the world could show our concern for France’s spiritual well-being by taking part.

Seeds of prayer

The above, I hope, provides some seeds of prayer. Some more prayer pointers below.

Pray for French believers to be “kept from the evil one”, “sanctified in truth” and united as one (John 17: 15,17,21), to abound in love, knowledge and discernment (Philippians 1: 9) and to share their faith effectively (Philemon 1: 6). Remember, especially, believers within the Roman Catholic church.

Pray that President Macron and all in authority will create conditions for the advancement of the Gospel (1 Timothy 2: 1-4). Remember the police, who face many hard challenges; last year 87 police officers committed suicide.

Pray for Paris, that it will become truly a ‘city of love and light’, where the love of Jesus is known and His light shines. And pray for the many refugees in Paris and other French cities and for those working to share the love of Christ with them in deed and word.

Rural France also needs much prayer. I know of several working in rural areas, seeking to share the Gospel and to plant and nurture churches. As one concerned with rural mission, I am especially aware of the challenges they face (far greater than those we face in the UK).

Thy Kingdom come

Above all, it is our prayer that the Lord of the harvest will send out labourers into His harvest all across France (Matthew 9: 37) and that God’s Kingdom will come and His will be done in France as it is in heaven (Matthew 6: 10).

Dr Peter Carruthers.

May 2018