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Wednesday, 01 August 2018 06:31

The Hajj is coming up in August. Would love to get Christians around the world praying during this Islamic pilgrimage. We have updated the prayer video and guide again:

For the key 3 days 19-21 August 2018, we are asking for 100,000 people from around the world to join us in Prayer and Fasting for the two million Muslims doing the Hajj to Mecca.

The Hajj is one of the five required acts of service for all Muslims. The city of Mecca is in many ways the center of the entire Muslim world, not only for the Hajj but also as the historical center of Islam and the place to where a Muslim directs his daily prayers. Both in the natural world and supernatural world, there are lots of barriers that prevent the gospel from spreading to these people at this time.

However, our God knows no barriers, and so we desire to gather together to fast and pray for this monumental event - for God to do something truly miraculous, something only he can do.

We want you to join us in this effort as well as spread the word about this prayer and fasting event. We leave the details to you of how to fast and with whom to pray and fast with in your local context. Even it it’s just you, individually, we are so excited for you to join the global church in fasting and praying for God to work in a huge way in the lives of these Muslims.

Our website has more details about the Hajj itself as well as helpful prayer guides to further guide you as we bring these wonderful people before the throne of God.

Wednesday, 01 August 2018 06:30

“The advance of the jihad in the West today is thanks to numerous non-Muslims who, for a complex of reasons, have opted to hasten the demise of their own free societies. There are numerous non-Muslim organizations today that are enabling and abetting jihad terror and Sharia oppression by smearing and demonizing those who are calling attention to these threats: the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Anti-Defamation League, Georgetown University’s Bridge Initiative, and more. There are individuals who do this as well: Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May, British Leftist activist Nick Lowles, “scholars” such as John Esposito and Karen Armstrong, and numerous “journalists” in the UK, such as Lizzie Dearden, and the US, such as Andrew Kaczynski.

The phenomenon of traitors, saboteurs, and opportunists is nothing new. In my forthcoming book The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS, which will be out soon and you can preorder here now, I discuss numerous non-Muslims going back to the beginning of jihad violence who have aided and abetted the advance of the jihad for their own short-sighted ends. In the book, you will meet many of the collaborators of the jihad throughout history, including:

  • The Christian count whose thirst for personal revenge led him to enable the Muslim conquest of Spain;
  • The Byzantine general who deserted to the Muslims and enabled the jihadis to take the Byzantine commander hostage;
  • The Hindu leader who paid tribute to the Muslims to avoid a jihadi invasion — and who converted to Islam when they invaded anyway;
  • The Byzantine emperor who married off his daughter to the Ottoman sultan to secure his support in a dynastic dispute — and even gave in to the sultan’s demand that Christian slaves be auctioned off naked in Constantinople;
  • The British financing of Saudi Wahhabism in their efforts to weaken the Ottoman Empire.

There are many more. It’s time to stop this appeasement and accommodation. But we can only do that if we’re aware of the devastation it has caused throughout history. Get the whole truth, told nowhere else, in The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISISPreorder here now.

Wednesday, 01 August 2018 06:30

An article written by Grant Berry on the Coming Awakening

There is no question that we are in a new day for the Church in the world; that the new wine is being released. For those of us who are connected to the Father’s Heart, we can sense it, we can feel it; and we know the final awakening is drawing near. The final acts of reformation are upon His Church and Messianic bodies:

  • The restoration of The One New Man between believing Jews (Remnant of Israel) and believing Gentiles (Gentile Church), through Israel and the Church in the love of God.
  • The restoration of our apostolic foundations expressed through the fivefold gifts of the body of Messiah/Christ through the Holy Spirit.
  • The reemergence of David’s Tent through 24/7 type worship and prayer, and strategic watchmen intercession; the natural outflow of which is missions and lifestyle witness and evangelism to reach the lost.
  • The preparation of the bride for the Lord’s return; that His body would be set apart for the glory of God away from self, and washed clean with the blood of Yeshua/Jesus. A victorious bride readied for His coming!

New days however, call for new strategies and the last great revival will not come upon us as it did during the time of the Gentiles. We can certainly apply many of the principles learned about revival from our past, but because we are in the time of Israel’s awakening this is a new day for His Church, and a renewed perspective is required of us to be able to fully enter into it. The last great harvest of souls and Israel’s spiritual re-birth are now at play. But before these can take place the Church must be realigned to her original identify in and with Israel and the unity between both groups needs to be fully restored.

This is for three reasons:

  1. To bring glory and honor to the Father who is a God who keeps His covenants and promises to all of His children (Ezekiel 36)
  2. To help bring life back to Israel through prayer and the mercy of God we have received through Jesus (Romans 11:30-31)
  3. To prepare the bride to represent a Messianic kingdom upon the earth, which will flow out of Israel to the nations (Rev. 5:9,10)

The Scripture reads, “We are heirs together with Israel” (Ephesians 3:7). To be a co-heir is to share identity and leadership together with Mashiach/Christ and with one another (Romans 8:17).

From the Father’s perspective He has been equitable with individual focuses to both parts of the family:

  • 2000 years from the time of Abraham to Yeshua - The time of the Jews. 
  • 2000 years from the time of Jesus to this modern day - The time of the Gentiles. 

But now in order to awaken both groups fully to Himself (the fullness of the Gentiles and Israel’s spiritual restoration), we must reconcile in The One New Man. This is foundational to these days and to John 17 unity. It will help to release the fullness of Joy and the Glory of God upon us that the Father is waiting for, as we move into this reconciliation and embrace His end-time plans to awaken Israel and the last great harvest. This will complete the family of God on the Earth and ready the bride for His coming. These happenings are intricately linked and may not have been seen as such up until this time.

We should also recognize that this mystery has been hidden from us during the time of the Gentiles, just like the mystery to establish the Gentiles was hidden from the Jews (Ephesians 3:5). But now, as we enter this time, the Holy Spirit is awakening us to this understanding and the great significance of family unity between the two groups, as there is once again a remnant of Israel to connect with.

We refer to this process as The Reconnection in The One New Man. And it is most probably the most significant spiritual transaction of our day. But it has been unseen up until this time and is also fraught with all kinds of resistances and obstacles in our humanity that need to get broken away from our hearts and minds.

This is why I have written Romans 911 - Time To Sound The Alarm! It is a comprehensive study book on this spiritual Reconnection in The One New Man between Jewish and Gentile believers to unpack many of these issues and help us to move into it. It will release God’s mercy to wash and cleanse us of all past influences on both sides of the family that the enemy has used to keep us apart, and to properly prepare us for this time.

The Reconnection will help to unlock the end-time power of God upon His Church and open the door to world revival. It is a power key to help ignite the fire of God upon us as we discover the full benefits of this reconciliation. “For if their rejection brought reconciliation to the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?” (Romans 11:15).

Prayer Points:

Pray for Romans 911 that God’s anointing on it would spread to reach the wider body of Messiah/Christ, throughout the nations.                  
Pray for the book to be fully read and studied.
Pray for greater humility in the body to be able to embrace correction, adjustment and change; for both Jewish and Gentile believers.
Pray against resistance to this new revelation and freshened perspective.                                                                                                  Pray for The Reconnection in The One New Man.
   Pray for Israel’s spiritual awakening, but also for the Church to be unveiled to this message and to fully embrace her role towards Israel.

For more info on Reconnecting Ministries please click here for our website and to watch one of our introductory videos (3 mins).

Wednesday, 01 August 2018 06:27

Last year the government of Nepal formally criminalized conversion to Christianity. They enacted an "anti-conversion" law that makes it illegal to attempt to convert someone from their faith in the former Hindu Kingdom. Christians make up a small minority of the population, and this move is being seen as one to institutionalize Hinduism and stop the spread of Christianity. According to Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, the Church in Nepal has been growing at a faster rate than nearly anywhere else in the world.

On August 15th, this new law will be enforced. It has been said that Christian leaders will be targeted for arrest and prosecution. Our people have been told that Hindu forces within the government have already drafted a list of Christian leaders to be immediately jailed, and our top leaders are on the list. In the last decade these men have overseen the planting of thousands of churches. It makes sense that they'd being targeted by forces trying to halt the growth of the Church.

We are calling on all believers to join us for a day of prayer and fasting for the people of Nepal on August 14th. By the time that we have finished our day of prayer and fasting, the sun will rise in Nepal, and we pray that the Lord will be with his people, no matter what trials they face.

Some specific prayer points:

  • Pray for courage and the boldness to continue sharing Christ (Acts 4:29-31).
  • Pray for provision for their families should these leaders be jailed.
  • Pray for favor within the government.
  • Pray for unity among Nepali believers; that the Church would be united in their response to persecution.
  • Pray for Christian lawyers to find loopholes to keep these folks protected from prosecution. (like Paul, is it lawful to beat a Roman citizen?)
  • Pray that the work of sharing the Gospel would continue and even accelerate.
  • Pray that this persecution would spark an unstoppable movement that would spill over the borders of Nepal into China, India, and Pakistan.
  • Pray for strength and that the Spirit of God would embolden believers in Nepal to continue sharing their faith while operating in wisdom.

Our hearts are heavy for our brothers and sisters in Nepal, concerned for their safety, families, and future; but we know the One who holds them. The One who spoke through the Apostle Paul, while in prison, "There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all." May the Lord strengthen his people and give them grace, one day at a time.

Thank you for joining us in prayer for all the believers in Nepal.

Until He Returns,


The Timothy Initiative -

Wednesday, 01 August 2018 06:24

24:14 Global Coalition: A network of organizations, networks and churches which are all committed to the 24:14 vision of praying and working together to start kingdom movement engagements in every unreached people group with urgency by 2025.

To this end, we, the 24:14 Prayer Task Force are seeking to develop a 24/7 canopy of prayer that will pray into this vision of seeing every U/UPG engaged with a  team focused on seeing a movement of multiplying churches and disciples. We would like to see at leasat 31 organizations, prayer networks from existing movements, networks and churches commit to cover in prayer one day per month every month.

What we’re asking:

  • That each partner org, network, etc will commit to cover in prayer one day per month every month. (eg Every 3rd or every 19th etc) (or less if 24 hour is not possible)
  • Each partner is free to divide their 24-hour day of prayer as they see fit (usually into 24 one-hour segments or 48 30-minute segments).
  • Since partners will vary in size and numbers each may choose to pray more or less hours depending on their ability.
  • Each partner is to identify a prayer coordinator.
  • The prayer coordinator will receive and pass along 24:14 prayer points for the month.
  • The prayer coordinator will develop and pass along prayer points regarding their own org, network, etc as it pertains to the 24:14 vision.
  • The prayer coordinator will follow up with these pray-ers to encourage, train/equip, connect and gather.
  • They will give guidance on various, creative ways for their groups to pray.
  • They will be in regular communication with a member of the 24:14 Prayer Task Force.
  • We ask these prayer teams to journal what they are sensing from the Lord as they pray, how they are led to pray and share back with the 24:14 Coalition.

What you can expect from us:

  • A monthly prayer guide of informed prayer points that are specific, measurable, and Bible-based.
  • Regular praise reports in order to encourage groups as they pray.
  • Monthly or bi-monthly communication with a member of the 24:14 Prayer Task Force. This will be for the purpose of encouraging, informing, identifying gaps and challenges, etc.


To join the 24:14  Prayer Canopy  please sign up here:

  • Let us know the day of the month that you can commit to as an organization and how many hours in that day you are committing to pray and fast.
  • Please let us know the name and email of the prayer coordinator. 

Our thanks on behalf of the 24:14 Prayer Task Force.


Friday, 06 July 2018 04:50

Hostility, injustice and violence are a daily reality for millions of Christians across the Horn of Africa. In Somalia the militant Al-Shabaab group frequently kills suspected Christians on the spot, and believers keep their faith completely secret. In Eritrea the government views Christians as agents of the West and will arrest, harass and kill them with impunity. Hundreds are imprisoned in horrific conditions. Ethiopia is a Christian-majority country, but converts from Islam are rejected by their families and communities. In Kenya Al-Shabaab militants cross the border from Somalia. They killed dozens of Kenyan Christians last year. In Djibouti rumours of conversion are often enough for believers to lose their inheritance rights or custody of their children. Imagine living where, because you’re a Christian, you fail your studies, your neighbours beat you up, your home is destroyed, your family is put in prison, your father is killed. Would you lose heart, give up, change your faith? Please pray for those experiencing this daily.

Friday, 06 July 2018 04:49

Efforts continue to extract a Thai youth football team (aged 11-16) and their 25-year-old coach from a flooded cave in Thailand.  Water is being pumped out and officials hope the lowered water levels  will mean the boys could keep their heads above water and not rely on scuba apparatus to escape the cave in which they have been trapped for 12 days. Rescuers are battling against the clock to beat monsoon rains expected on 7 July. At the time of writing (5 July) the water levels have reduced by around 40% but parts of the passageway leading to where the boys and coach were found are still flooded all the way to the ceiling - leaving diving out of the cave the only option for survival if the water levels are not reduced quickly. They want to reduce the water enough for them to scramble out, walk and perhaps do a little diving.

Friday, 06 July 2018 04:49

88 million Mexicans voted on 1 July for a new president and over 3,400 government positions across all levels. The electorate decided that neither major party had a solution to curb spiraling violence and a plundered economy. Andrés Manuel López Obrador – or Amlo to his fans -  intends to deliver an unyielding assault on the scoundrels he claims have plundered Latin America’s second largest economy and plunged it into becoming a cauldron of thievery, bloodshed and want. The left-wing firebrand, who some journalists compare to Jeremy Corbyn, intends to increase minimum wages without raising taxes. He said it will be funded by stamping out corruption. He also promised to turn the opulent presidential palace into a public park, to sell the president's $300 million 787 Dreamliner jet and to cut his own salary to half of his predecessor's. Pray for his success in turning around environmental degradation, insecurity, extortion and kidnapping.

Friday, 06 July 2018 04:48

Few politicians have established such a connection with the millions of underprivileged families in Mexico as Lopez Obrador. He regularly campaigned draped with garlands and gaudy sombreros. Like Trump, the headstrong ‘Amlo’ is the heart and soul of his movement and his presidency could heighten tensions between Mexico and the United States over trade and migration if the two men clash. The prospect of a showdown between the two blunt men over the US-Mexico border and renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement has worried many. ‘There’s going to be a clash of vanities and a clash of egos. Who knows where it will end.’ said Juan Jose Rodriguez Prats, a former party colleague of Amlo who has known him for 40 years. President Trump tweeted, ‘I look very much forward (sic) to working with him. There is much to be done that will benefit both the United States and Mexico!’

Friday, 06 July 2018 04:46

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s plan to provide healthcare and insurance to half a billion Indians, a people-mass larger than the entire population of South America, is facing serious hurdles.  Almost five months after announcing the programme they are still working to lock in hospitals and insurance companies in time for the planned 15 August launch (India’s Independence Day). The healthcare scheme aims to cover the poorest 40% in a country where a 2017 World Health Organisation report found personal spending on health pushed over 52 million people below the poverty line. Although beneficiaries are identified and IT infrastructure is in place, the involvement of hospitals still needs to be finalised. It is the government's second major welfare push this year. It recently presented a draft bill on a social security programme designed to cover the country’s 500 million poorest workers, including those in informal employment.