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Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:23

Australia Calls the World to Pray

Sunrise Prayer Relay - New Year's Day 2019

Australia Christian prayer leaders invite their brothers and sisters in Christ, prayer groups, prayer networks and churches to join with them all over the world to pray at sunrise on New Year's Day 2018 at a public location such as a hill, lookout or landmark in your city or town. Already we have registrations from USA, South Africa, Namibia, Pakistan, Japan, United Kingdom, Fiji, Vanuatu, New Zealand, and Australia.   

See 2019 short promo video:

Warwick Marsh, coordinator for Australia’s National Day of Prayer & Fasting said, “David said in Psalm 108:2, “I will wake the dawn with my song.” During this time of prayer we want to focus on giving great praise to God. We also want to pray for revival and transformation, that God will bring healing to each of our nations: 2 Chronicles 7:14. Let us all pray for a great harvest of souls for the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Marsh continued, “In declaring Jesus Christ as Lord at this worldwide Sunrise Prayer Relay we are circling the globe with prayer, praise and worship and surrendering our lives to Jesus Christ for the glory of God. Psalms 113:3 says, “From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.” Use the prayer resources on the website and social media and register your location at:   Our prayer is that with your help, this worldwide Prayer and Praise Relay will go viral.”

Pat Steele, a prayer and worship leader in Wollongong Australia, said, “We encourage you to pray the Lord's Prayer together aloud as the sun rises and make a declaration that Jesus Christ is Lord of your life, your family, your region and your nation. At your location we encourage you to include praise and worship, prayers, and scripture readings. We suggest 30 minutes, but you can pray for longer. You could even take communion, shine a torch, or light a candle. What you do for your sunrise celebration is up to you.”

Share photos and videos from your location on social media.

Use the hashtag: #sunriseprayerrelay
Contact: Warwick Marsh +61 418 225212 or Pat Steele by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:21

The theme of this international assembly of on-fire Millennials and youth along with those from other generations will be- Receiving the Moravian Lampstand: Prayer + Missions.” The organizers are envisioning to bring together a projected estimate of 4,000 youth and young adult leaders for a 3-day destiny-engaging convergence which will be held at the ICC-MGK in North Jakarta, and an estimated 10,000 for the Solemn Assembly which will be held at the Stadium Area in Senayan.

Like the first global gathering in Korea, we believe that this will awaken the young “Davids” to fight against their generation’s “Goliaths,” and against the injustices in the nations. It will provoke them to wake up and do something. And we believe that the greatest injustice today remains to be this: that JESUS is not worshipped in the nations. We know that only Jesus can bring true justice. So, the UPRISING will not just be a call for the youth to gather in prayer, but it will be a call to battle from a place of extravagant worship and united prayer as we launch a global generation to a global harvest, all unto the hastening of the return of the Desired of nations: Jesus Christ!

We will also be locking arms with Indonesia as she is being released to her destiny at this hour. We will join her in contending for the ancient doors to open up, as we believe that it will be the key for the other ancient gates in the nations to open too, toward taking the gospel back to Jerusalem, and preparing the church to welcome the King of glory (Psalm 24:7-10)!

The Moravians once cried, “may the Lamb who was slain receive the due reward of His suffering.” In the spirit of the Moravians, we long to see the Church prepared for His coming again. It is our prayer that this gathering in Indonesia in January will be catalytic in awakening a generation in the nations to have a deep longing for Jesus’ return, and thus, align their lives unto that.  

God is releasing a new wave of the Jesus Movement, of the Azusa Street Revival, of the Wales Revival, of the Moravian Revival on steroids… another great awakening is being sparked! This is the Psalm 24 generation that God has been waiting for. We hope you can join us in catalyzing these waves of youth-led global prayer and mission movements at the UPRISING, and together, let us labor for the Lamb to receive His inheritance in the nations.

19bHere is the latest video about the Global UPR which we would appreciate your sharing with your various networks and constituencies, especially the younger generation, encouraging them to take part in this life-changing, world-impacting gathering; all are welcomed to take part. UPRising promo video --

Preview YouTube video World Generation Gathering: Global UPR 2019 Indonesia

More Info and Register HERE

Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:20

Expecting 500,000, Ages 15-35.  They want to keep the attendance down since the country itself is only 2 million.....But in the past they have far exceeded 1-2 million.  It was begun by Pope John II in 1984.  He imagined the youth encountering Christ, being introduced to Christ, and and learning from Christ how to be "bearers of the Gospel".  

The Jesus Film will be represented during the conference as a tool for sharing the Gospel.



An outside glance of an international World Youth Day would spark a bystander’s curiosity as massive crowds of young people flood the city streets. Some might cringe at the thought of those words, wondering what delinquency is in store, but to witness this gathering would end those fears. The happenstance observer would witness not angst and malice, but smiles and joy, singing and dancing young people, culture upon culture and nation upon nation, proudly holding their flags high (or wearing them), greeting one another in peace, trading their tokens, humbly realizing how small they are in a world of people, and strengthened to witness so many who share their convictions. How did it all begin?


In 1984 at the close of the Holy Year of Redemption, over 300,000 young people from around the world responded to the invitation of His Holiness John Paul II for an International Jubilee of youth on Palm Sunday in St. Peter’s square. Looking out to the crowds who answered his invitation he said, “What a fantastic spectacle is presented on this stage by your gathering here today! Who claimed that today’s youth has lost their sense of values? Is it really true that they cannot be counted on?” It was at this gathering that the Holy Father entrusted to the youth what is now known as the World Youth Day Cross, to be carried throughout the world as a symbol of the love of Christ for humanity.

First WYD:

The following Palm Sunday, coinciding with the United Nation’s International Year of the Youth, Our Holy Father took the opportunity to welcome the youth of the world to Rome again. Later, announcing the institution of World Youth Day on December 20, 1985, and the first official WYD was held in 1986.

International WYDs:

The following year brought about a new tradition when the second event and first international WYD took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Every Palm Sunday has since been designated as a World Youth Day, alternately celebrated at the diocesan and international levels. There have been 12 International World Youth Day celebrations, where the youth continue to answer the invitation of the Holy Father in staggering numbers and carry home the message received there to be Christ’s light to the world. While these events are organized by the clergy and laity of the Catholic Church, youth of all faiths are invited to attend and encounter Christ, making this gathering truly universal.


In Toronto, the last International WYD in which JPII was present he told the 800,000 gathered with him at the vigil, “When, back in 1985, I wanted to start the World Youth Days… I imagined a powerful moment in which the young people of the world could meet Christ, who is eternally young, and could learn from him how to be bearers of the Gospel to other young people. This evening, together with you, I praise God and give thanks to him for the gift bestowed on the Church through the World Youth Days. Millions of young people have taken part, and as a result have become better and more committed Christian witnesses.”

John Paul II left a legacy for the youth in his institution of World Youth Day, which Pope Benedict XVI has faithfully continued, carrying on the hope of His predecessor for the youth of the world, inviting them and commissioning them as Christ’s disciples to be faithful living witnesses.


Let’s pray for this huge gathering of young Catholics that they may encounter Jesus Christ Himself through what happens there and for the Jesus Film team that will be reaching out to them.


Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:20

UPRISING Global: Jakarta, Indonesia - January 23-26, 2019 (WYPA)

World Generation

Jakarta, Indonesia, January 23-26, 2019

Please pray for and consider taking part in this world youth prayer assembly in January. Here is a video and details to register. You will want to forward this to younger generation  believers but anyone is welcome. 

Saturday, 01 December 2018 03:17

GO 2020 is a global vision to activate the whole Body of Christ – millions of individual believers, churches and large global ministries - to pray and share the Gospel all over the world in a joint effort of evangelism during the month of May 2020.


“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” Mt 9:37

The Great Commission is not an “optional assignment” for the Church. Yet 93% of church members never share the Gospel with others. GO 2020 aims to turn those numbers upside down … to pursue the following:


To activate and train every Christian believer, everywhere to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through a unique partnership effort involving many different denominations and parachurch organizations, this massive moment is meant to train and inspire every believer to live a lifestyle of evangelism.


Mobilize 100 million Christians to share the Gospel during May 2020.
Reach 1 billion people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
1 million new churches, faith communities and small groups.
Disciple 20 million new believers and integrate them into existing and new churches.


Through a strategic partnership network built over nearly a decade, GO 2020:

Encourages ordinary believers to share the Gospel through personal conversation and to demonstrate God’s love through prayer, caring, and sharing in numerous different ways.
Equips Churches with training and materials in evangelism, discipleship and church planting (see Resources).
Promotes Kingdom partnership as churches, denominations and ministries from many different backgrounds work together to reach the world (see Partner).
Invites every church to be part of a church planting initiative during the year 2020. Every church is planting a church – together we can establish 1 million new faith communities.
Makes the Gospel visible through thousands of “Jesus Celebrations”, GO 2020 Events, March for Jesus and more.

GO 2020 is a special edition of Global Outreach Day, which has been taking place every last Saturday of May since 2012. On this day, every year, believers worldwide have stepped out together in faith to share the Good News.

25 million believers have already participated in Global Outreach Day. To see what God has done, view Global Outreach Day testimonies.

«Every believer is a witness and a disciple maker – Every church is planting new churches»

More at:

Prayer Points Suggested for GO-2020:

  1. Pray that as the call to GO-2020 goes out, every believer wakes up to fully seek first God’s Kingdom and His righteousness, realizing the time is short. (Rom. 13:11-14; Luke 19:13; Psalm 90:12)
  2. Pray that every follower of Jesus is BEING a disciple who fully follows Jesus in loving God, loving others and making disciples that make disciples. (Acts 1:8; Matt. 22:37; Prov. 11:30; Matt. 28:18-20)
  3. Pray that believers see the hearts of those the Holy Spirit has prepared to hear and that they share in a way that can be understood and responded to. (John 4:36; John 6:44; 2 Tim. 4:2)
  4. Pray for every people group with little gospel witness to be adopted for prayer and outreach then engaged with a Kingdom multiplication strategy, so that there will be no place left without gospel witness in every tongue, tribe and nation. Currently ¼ to 1/3 of the world has little to no gospel witness (Unreached people groups) and 401 people groups over 500,000 in population have less than .1% Christians among them (these represent 88% of the remaining task. (Matt. 9:37-38; 2 Cor. 10:16; 2 Peter 3:9; Rev. 7:9) 
  5. Pray for access to the entire Word of God in every language since at present only 7% of the world’s languages have a full Bible and only 1 in 5 Bible Translation Projects focus on translating the Old Testament. (Matt. 9:37-38; Heb. 4:12; Rom. 10:17-21)
  6. Pray for the Body of Christ to recognize our call to see His Kingdom coming and His will being done (not building our own kingdoms) and that we work together in the unity of the Spirit keeping the bond of peace for His glory among the nations. (Matt. 6:10; Eph. 4:3; Matt. 12:22-26)
Friday, 30 November 2018 06:53

“Kids on Mission” is an 18-page resource
handbook put together for the
Global Children in Prayer Consultation
held in India in 2008.It is written from
a Western (Australian) viewpoint, based
on our own experiences of traveling with
children and teenagers for many years
now in many nations.
Children’s Prayer Network

Friday, 30 November 2018 06:50

Children’s version

Global Day of Prayer

Friday, 30 November 2018 06:11

The Global Day of Prayer is a call to united prayer. The 10 Days preceding the Global Day of Prayer creates an excellent opportunity to unite in prayer with millions around the globe, based on Acts 1 + 2. The 10 Days helps us to gradually build a lifestyle of prayer in our communities, as well as to focus our prayers much wider than our personal and national needs as we pray with millions during this time.

10 Days provides an excellent opportunity to involve youth and children. Do include them in your planning and make sure that they have a prayer responsibility during the 10 Days, be it in a creative prayer room focussed on youth or children or in an integrated prayer room.

The 10 Day Prayer Guide is merely a guideline and may be adapted to your specific needs and prayer focus. The resources below will assist you in saturating your nation and the nations of the world in prayer as we cry out to God with millions for the His glory to fill the whole earth and for the fulfilment of His promises.

Friday, 30 November 2018 05:59

'Viva the organisation networking on behalf of children at risk globally have recently developed community pages on their web site and have started a community group called 'The Roar' - 'Prayer and action with and for children.'

It's not quite Facebook (we wish!) but if you can get past the registration process it's worthwhile joining to connect specifically with others who have similar interests around children at risk. . This will take you to the registration page.

Here's some more info on what the website is trying to achieve:

Thursday, 22 November 2018 04:32

Greetings and blessings from Bulgaria.

I’m writing this e-mail with a bit of a sadness since after many of our prayer efforts and political activities, we are heading straight back towards communistic regime regarding out religious freedom!

We expresses concerns over the current draft law put forward by Bulgaria’s parliament aiming at amending the Religious Denominations Act. If approved in its current form, it threatens to force evangelical churches and institutions to close or face unbearable and discriminatory administrative burdens.

The draft law which passed in first reading in parliament on October 11, 2018 has implications on the funding and financial management of religious communities as well as on the training and appointing of clergy. Should the law pass, existing theological seminaries are at risk of shutting down, evangelical church pastors may no longer be able to conduct worship services, and the acceptance and use of donations will be subject to government approval and limitations.

It puts unjustified and disproportionate restrictions on the right to freedom of religion or belief and is in direct violations of the democratic principles enshrined in Bulgaria’s constitution and in the legislation of the European Union, of which Bulgaria is a member since 2007.

Here is a summary of the main problems with the proposed legislation:

Only Bulgarian citizens will be able to carry out liturgical activity if they have had theological training in Bulgaria or their foreign school is approved.

Only Eastern Orthodox & Muslim believers will be able to train clergy and run schools.

A foreigner will only be able to preach if doing so with a Bulgarian ordained minister.

Foreign donations will only be allowed for building construction or social aid and will need government approval. No salaries of pastors for example could be paid from abroad.

No religious activities can take place outside of buildings designated for them.

Only religious groups with +300 people will have legal status.

We would like to ask you urgently to pray and encourage others to pray. There are other things that you can also do to help. All of this should be done in the next few days.

Contact the Bulgarian embassy in your nation and write to the politicians in Sofia. Write a short letter/email explaining the main problems in the proposed legislation as outlined above. Politely but firmly ask why Bulgaria would introduce legislation that is so excessive and also harmful to all faith communities. Demand that the legislative proposal be scrapped.

For those in EU Member States, write a short letter to the MEPs of your nation, explaining the main problems in the proposed legislation and asking them to speak urgently to their Bulgarian colleagues to ask why Bulgaria would introduce legislation that is so excessively controlling and would cause great difficulties for all faiths

External links with more information:

Please Pray:

Pray: for Bulgarian Christians to have a voice
Pray: for the legislation to be voted down
Pray: for better relations between Church and Government
Pray: for the Spirit of Antichrist to be bound