Displaying items by tag: israel

Friday, 04 August 2017 10:50

Israel: Lasting peace

Metal detectors placed outside a holy site in East Jerusalem brought long-existing tensions to a boiling point. Viewed as an Israeli attempt to assert control over the site, Palestinians responded with protests, boycotts, and even deadly clashes. This all came after the killing of two Israeli policeman by Israeli-Arab gunmen. Israel's compliance in removing the detectors will not bring lasting peace. There is no end in sight to the conflict. Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda, and Iran continue to threaten their existence. Every human attempt at reconciliation in the region has failed. Yet God is moving on both sides of this conflict. He loves Israeli Jews and Arabs and is actively drawing them to Himself. The number of Messianic Jews is rising dramatically, and the Christian Church in Israel is largely Arab. The peace and reconciliation Jesus offers transcends any man-made division. Peace in Israel rests in Him alone.

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Friday, 14 July 2017 10:54

It's time to back Israel

The UK Government is being tested on the issue of whether or not to stand with Israel. With terror threats on every side, the Jewish state is potentially in as great a peril now as its people were under the Nazis. An estimated 120,000 missiles are aimed at Israeli cities by Iran-sponsored, Lebanese-based terror group Hezbollah, while their supporters have been allowed to march through London streets waving flags featuring an assault rifle and calling for Israel’s destruction. To date 11,177 people have signed a petition calling on the UK Government to ban Hezbollah. On 22 June, in the House of Commons, Amber Rudd said she would look into banning the annual demonstration and proscribing Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation. Conservative MP John Howell believes that no lasting peace is possible if Palestinians continue to be indoctrinated to hate Jews, while Scottish MP Ross Thomson called for a full ban on Hezbollah, adding Israel was a beacon of democracy in a troubled region. See also

Published in British Isles
Friday, 16 June 2017 11:18

Israel: Palestinian children taught hatred

Dr Daphne Burdman, a psychiatrist, pathologist and lieutenant colonel in the US army, says that in both the Palestinian Authority and Hamas-ruled Gaza, there are carefully planned and widespread campaigns to incite children to hatred. This process of incitement has had totally inadequate coverage in the international media, and these deeply ‘successful’ programmes - based on both old and new techniques of persuasion and indoctrination - are being ignored by the west. There is mounting evidence that some techniques are similar to, and been inspired by, those used by totalitarian regimes such as the Soviet KGB and Chinese intelligence services. This incitement of Palestinian children has led to widespread hatred and a propensity for violence among them. Palestinian leaders urge them to carry out violent acts against Israelis, even though they are likely to be wounded or killed. They are promised that they will become martyrs.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 09 June 2017 12:22

Israel: Friday prayer points

Ramadan is a time of increased security tensions, particularly on Fridays when hundreds of thousands of people gather on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem for prayer. Lord, give wisdom to Israel’s security forces during this month to know how to handle the emotions of multitudes of Muslims, often stirred up against Israel by the preaching of their leaders. Give alertness to those who are guarding against people intent on doing evil acts of terror, especially after many days of high alert during President Trump’s visit. Protect security personnel from murderous attacks against them. Guard them against ‘alertness-fatigue’, tiredness, hot weather, and mobile phone distractions. Give police, government and security guards discernment of danger and decisiveness to act when needed. Pray that Jerusalem, ‘the city of the Great King’ (Psalm 48:2), will be kept safe. ‘Like birds flying about, so will the Lord of hosts defend Jerusalem’ (Isaiah 31:5).

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 09 June 2017 12:10

Israel: plight of Eritrean refugees

A Christian agency in Israel said, ‘We see a great deal of fear among vulnerable members of our Eritrean community,’ after a new law, known as the Deposit Law, was implemented by the government. It deducts 20% from the earnings of African asylum-seekers, and their employers must also make monthly payments equivalent to 16% of the person’s salary. This law impacts the 40,000 Eritreans (mainly Christians) who fled to Israel hoping to find freedom and security in a country where they could worship without fear. The funds - from employee and employer - will be set aside by the Israeli government and released to the individual asylum-seeker when they agree to leave the country permanently. No Eritreans wish to return to the brutal communist regime which hounds Christians, imprisoning them for years in atrocious conditions just for meeting together to pray. Eritreans trying to go to Uganda or Rwanda have sometimes ended in the hands of human traffickers or been killed by IS.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 01 June 2017 23:51

Israel: ‘third intifada’

A recent wave of terror has brought fear to people in Jerusalem and the surrounding areas. Many are fearful of exposing their families to danger. Tourism is in decline as many people cancel holidays, causing negative effects on the Israeli economy. This damages small businesses and the families they support. The attacks, which many have called the ‘third intifada,’ have worsened a major ongoing problem. Recent reports show that almost one third of Israeli families live below the poverty line. Thousands of babies frequently miss meals or have their feed portions diluted, causing an increased likelihood of experiencing significant problems in their physical and mental growth. If this continues, one-third of Israel’s population will enter adulthood under these circumstances. Pray for underprivileged families to receive enough support from government programmes and NGOs to enable them to manage their basic living expenses. May the children and babies receive the food, clothing and education they need.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 26 May 2017 11:12

Israel: Netanyahu sees hope for peace

This week, prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed hope for the possibility of a diplomatic resolution with the Palestinians, and with the Arab world in general, under Donald Trump’s tutelage. Speaking at a festive dinner at his residence in Jerusalem, Mr Netanyahu told Mr Trump that he looked forward to working closely with him to advance peace in the region - ‘because you have noted so succinctly that common dangers are turning former enemies into partners’. Mr Netanyahu was referring to the reported change in the stance of Sunni Arab states in the region, who are shifting away from animosity towards Israel towards a possible working relationship.

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Arabs are blocking a main road leading to Israeli communities and stoning cars as they pass through. Cars are sustaining heavy damage. One motorist, fearing for his life when attacked with cinder blocks, opened fire at the rioters through his broken windscreen and killed a rioter. The head of Samaria Regional Council said he fully supported the resident who shot back while protecting himself and those around him, adding, ‘We must act with zero tolerance towards terrorists who want to stop our daily routines and to literally harm our residents.’ He said they mustn’t handle terrorists with kid gloves, saying it is unacceptable that a mother taking her son to the doctor should be attacked in broad daylight. Stoning incidents have happened three times this week, but the IDF has not confronted the perpetrators.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 12 May 2017 10:59

Archbishop’s tour of Israel

Justin Welby had a 'profound sense of grief and sorrow' after listening to Palestinian Christians’ testimonies of living with a concrete separation wall near Bethlehem. He said, 'You cannot come and hear the testimonies I heard, you cannot hear from the people who live here, without your heart becoming heavier and heavier, more and more burdened, with that sense of people whose history has led them to a place where all they have known is disintegrating.' He also commented on Donald Trump’s possible role when it comes to bringing peace between Israel and the Palestinians. He said, 'We know from history in this region that determined leadership by the president of the USA, together with patient working by lots of other people in the background, often unknown, can tip things very, very decisively - it has done so in the past.' See also:

Published in British Isles
Friday, 12 May 2017 10:28

Hamas' new leader

It was announced last Saturday that Ismail Haniyeh had won the movement’s internal elections, and that he is the new head of its political bureau. Haniyeh, who lives in Gaza, is widely popular among the Palestinians. A political science professor in Nablus said that Haniyeh has an ability to address the Palestinians; most importantly, he will bring the movement closer to Iran through efforts by senior Hamas leaders. He will revive reconciliation with Hezbollah and Syria, working on resolving the negativity that harmed Hamas’ relationship with these parties in the past. Difficult challenges await Haniyeh, such as achieving reconciliation with Fatah, restoring Hamas' relations with countries such as Egypt and Iran, easing the Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip, and keeping the spectre of war out of Gaza.

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