Displaying items by tag: devastation

Friday, 21 September 2018 09:22

Typhoon Mangkhut devastation

In the Philippines, officials are taking stock of the immense damage caused by Typhoon Mangkhut. On Luzon landslides buried a church where people were sheltering, and engulfed a miners’ bunkhouse with up to fifty inside. The casualties are expected to be 100+. Pray for God to comfort the bereaved and bring healing to the sick. An estimated 5.7 million people have been affected by Mangkhut, and delivering aid supplies is a major challenge. Pray for many workers to come and help repair the infrastructure. In the town of Baggao, where YWAM have a base, houses were demolished, power lines were downed, roads were cut off by landslides, and many remain submerged. Pray for God to give strength and wisdom to those offering counsel and shelter. Rice and corn crops waiting for harvest are under floodwater. Pray for the fishermen and farmers who have lost everything. Mangkhut moved on to Hong Kong and China, tearing off roofs, blowing in doors and shattering glass windows. Pray for the evacuees now returning to devastation.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 06 October 2017 08:40

Dominica: a nation in ruins

Despite being susceptible to devastating weather, the island of Dominica has a thriving banana industry that drives much of the economy, but not one tree, village, street, or person was spared the terrifying effects of Hurricane Maria. One of several devastating hurricanes in the Caribbean in September, Maria blasted the tiny island as a Category 5 storm. Communications are down. Drinking water is scarce. Over fifteen were killed and many more injured. Many say the devastation on this island is worse than a war zone. Dominica does not possess the means or infrastructure to rebuild after such a catastrophe. Though the majority claim Christianity (primarily Catholicism), nominalism is rampant, yet we praise God that evangelicals have experienced great growth, from 2% of the population in 1970 to 17% in 2010!

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 22 September 2017 10:16

Caribbean: Hurricane Maria

Dominica’s prime minister said, ‘We have lost all that money can buy’ after Hurricane Maria made landfall there on 19 September. Two days later rescue teams were struggling to reach the first victims stranded without power, running water or communications. Sadly, Maria moved along a similar track to Irma, the hurricane that devastated areas two weeks earlier. The military and police on the British Virgin Islands switched from focusing on recovery and cleanup after Irma to preparation for Maria, and started securing safe shelters for residents. Fortunately they were spared the full force. On 21 September, on its way to the Dominican Republic, Maria made landfall on Puerto Rico - the strongest hurricane there since 1928, when 300 people died. Over the coming weeks we can pray for the major relief efforts that will get under way to re-establish communication, restore electricity, and deliver medical aid, food, water, mattresses, clothes and other basic necessities.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 15 September 2017 09:39

Caribbean: recovery after Irma

Hurricane Irma only grazed Havana, but it remains largely still in the dark. It could take weeks for the power to be fully returned. The damage and loss across the Caribbean is immense. Pray for those who are now trying to return to some semblance of normality, as they pick up the pieces after the hurricane ripped through their homes and communities. Pray for well-thought-out networking between those who are working to deliver practical aid and counselling to survivors of this disaster. Pray for the availability and delivery of materials needed to reconstruct buildings. Pray for medical aid, to deal with the health issues arising from stagnant fetid water. Pray for the policing of areas where looting has been taking place. Pray for those who lived in the now non-existent fishing villages to have the help needed to restore their livelihood.

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