Displaying items by tag: War

Friday, 17 August 2018 09:46

Yemen: mass funeral for boys

On 12 August, a Saudi-led airstrike on Yemen killed 51 people (including 40 children) and wounded 79. The next day hundreds of mourners gathered for a mass funeral for the schoolboys. By the caskets stood signs saying, ‘America killed the children of Yemen’. The procession, organised by Houthi rebels, was one of several taking place across Yemen. The US defence secretary is sending a three-star general to help the Saudi-led coalition to investigate the strike and see if there is anything that can be done to prevent this in the future. UNICEF said the strike was the worst attack on children since the war escalated in 2015. It is now the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, with 22 million people in desperate need of aid and protection.

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Thursday, 14 June 2018 22:58

Yemen: UN warnings ignored

The UN has said that, in a worst-case scenario, as many as 250,000 people could be killed in a new offensive against Hodeidah, currently under the control of Iran-backed Houthi rebels. The city is a lifeline for the country's war-ravaged population. 90% of food, fuel and medicines in Yemen are imported, with 70% coming through Hodeidah. On 12 June an offensive against the city started at dawn. Yemen's information minister hailed it as ‘the beginning of a complete victory to liberate Yemen's territory all the way to the capital of Sanaa.’ The Saudi-led coalition, including the UAE, has been in a virtual stalemate with the Houthis since March 2015. The Houthis use the port to raise revenues through looting, extortion, and illegal taxation imposed on commercial ships to finance and sustain their military aggression against Yemen and neighbouring countries. Observers say that if the Houthis dig in this could be a bloody street battle, comparable to Aleppo.

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Cardinal Dieudonné Nzapalainga, Imam Oumar Kobine Layama and Rev Nicolas Guérékoyamé-Gbangou have international recognition for their peacekeeping efforts, and have blamed foreign mercenaries for an upsurge in violence. The so-called 'Christian rebels', the Anti-balaka, wear occult charms around their necks and fight with knives, clubs, rifles and machetes to rid the south of Muslims. The Bambari cathedral was looted, as were the bases of nine NGOs including the National Commission for Refugees. The clerics called all armed groups to lay down weapons, stop illegal exploitation of natural resources, and have ‘frank and inclusive dialogue’. The UN reported that 37,000 people, displaced by recent violence, are living in nine camps. The Red Cross said Muslim and Christian communities in Bambari want to live peaceably but are driven apart by violence and revenge attacks that trigger more assaults, making it harder to persuade people to live side-by-side again. See

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Friday, 11 May 2018 10:05

Syria: Christian fears after takeover

The city of Afrin welcomed refugees fleeing Syria’s war, but in January Turkey, backed by Syrian rebels, took control there. Hanan, a Syrian Kurdish Christian, fears for those who converted from Islam to Christianity. Six years ago he started a church there, which now has 230 members. Many are from a Muslim background, becoming Christians when the grinding civil war drove them to the church searching for peace. Syrian rebels are now threatening to kill Kurds unless they convert to Islam. ‘By Allah, if you repent and come back to Allah, then know that you are our brothers,’ a soldier said in an online video. ‘But if you refuse, then we see that your heads are ripe, and that it is time for us to pluck them.’ There are serious fears of ethnic cleansing in the region.

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Thursday, 19 April 2018 20:48

Syria: praying for the future

There are signs that things can improve from now on, as chief participants in Syria’s war are keen to stabilise the conflict. The latest chemical attack and international accusations come in the midst of questions that we can pray into: How long will the US remain in Syria? -Will Turkey keep advancing its own territorial control? What happens in all the territory IS has lost, now a genuine ceasefire is in place? We can pray for a diplomatic and further ceasefire process by Russia, Iran and Turkey to achieve security in the region. In north-west Syria, Turkish forces and allies overran Afrin in March after Kurdish YPG unexpectedly withdrew and joined an exodus of 150,000 civilians. Please pray for the precarious situation of the 137,000 civilians who fled and are now in villages abandoned by IS. They face hunger, sickness, and mines left by the terrorists.

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Friday, 12 January 2018 11:22

Worsening violence in CAR

Violent flare-ups in Central African Republic (CAR) have sent thousands fleeing for their lives. The UN said that over 5,000 refugees have arrived in southern Chad since 27 December, fleeing from north-western CAR. Over 75,000 people were already in camps before the recent influx; many walked long distances to escape violence. Although the border is officially closed, as a humanitarian gesture authorities are allowing refugees to cross. Widespread human rights abuses are being reported, and UNHCR said that over 1.1 million people have been displaced, both within the country and as refugees. Because of the fighting, Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) has had to suspend its work in the seven health centres in outlying districts of Paoua. An estimated 30,000 who fled dangerous outlying areas are now taking refuge in Paoua. See

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Friday, 05 January 2018 11:30

Israel: prediction of war with Iranian proxies

An Israeli thinktank has warned of several security threats this year. These could include war with Hezbollah or with Syria, supported by other Iranian proxies, or a war with both, with full-blown Iranian involvement. Iran continues to arm and finance proxies near Israel’s borders, and Tehran’s steps to build a military force in Syria may lead to an escalation on the northern front, given the Israeli government’s resolute stance. Noting the presence of Russian forces in Syria, the report said Moscow could be expected to maintain neutrality, but could impose limitations on Israel’s freedom of action. Another potential for a flare-up is in Gaza, where Hamas continues to build its strength. IS presence on Israel’s borders was the third challenge noted.

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Friday, 05 January 2018 11:25

Global: a lost childhood in conflict zones

UNICEF has stated, ‘Children are under attack on a shocking scale in conflicts around the world. No safe places are left for children as they are targeted in their homes, schools and playgrounds.’ Last year many children came under attack in conflict zones, with blatant disregard of international laws designed to protect the most vulnerable. They were frontline targets, used as human shields, killed, maimed, and recruited to fight. Rape, forced marriage, abduction, and enslavement were standard tactics. Sometimes children abducted by extremist groups experience abuse yet again upon release when they are detained by security forces. Millions more children are suffering malnutrition, disease and trauma as access to food, water, sanitation and health are denied, damaged or destroyed in the fighting.

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Friday, 20 October 2017 11:20

Syria: IS cleared from Raqqa

US-backed militias have completely taken Syria's Raqqa from IS, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The fall of Raqqa city, where IS staged euphoric parades after its string of lightning victories in 2014, is a potent symbol of the jihadist movement's collapsing fortunes. From the city, the group planned attacks abroad. The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), an alliance of Kurdish and Arab militias backed by a US-led international alliance, have been fighting IS inside Raqqa since June 2017. See also World article ‘Mission opportunities as country rebuilds’.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 07 July 2017 14:40

Iraq: 100,000 trapped in Raqqa

Thousands of people continue to flee the fighting in Raqqa between Syrian forces and IS which is intensifying. According to humanitarian agencies on the ground, 108,000 people have been displaced from Raqqa province - the majority from the city itself - while a further 100,000 people are still believed to be under IS control. Due to a lack of diesel to operate generators and a damaged pumping station, the water supply inside the city is limited. Civilians have reportedly resorted to drinking water taken from the Euphrates, exposing residents to the risk of waterborne diseases as the water is unfit for consumption. Only nine doctors remain in the city, and medicine and medical services are severely lacking. Many IDPs speak of a lack of basic necessities including food and water.

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