Displaying items by tag: Praise

A 15-year-old high school student, Madison Atkinson, saved her 3-year-old cousin, Maxine, by performing CPR after the toddler drowned in a pool during a Thanksgiving family gathering in California. The incident unfolded when Maxine, unnoticed by adults, wandered outside and fell into the pool. Her uncle, Damien, found her floating and pulled her out, attempting the Heimlich manoeuvre. Madison, realising CPR was needed, took charge and successfully revived Maxine. The family was deeply grateful for her life-saving skills, which she had learned in school. This heroic act highlighted the critical importance and effectiveness of CPR, even in the hands of a teenager, in saving lives. Watch the video:

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 24 November 2023 10:12

Prayer can change a life: Ready, Set, Go!

READY: Your prayer has power! James 5:16 One simple prayer for someone in need can impact their eternity. SET: One encounter changes a life: 'Today, I asked the gas station cashier how her day was going so far. She responded with OK. I asked if I could pray for her. She looked a bit shocked but quickly responded, sincerely, “Yes, you can”. With tears in her eyes, she asked for prayer for her anxiety. After I prayed, she grabbed both my hands and thanked me. I asked her if she knew if she was going to heaven. She said: “Yes!” I asked how she knew and she responded, “I want to go there because my dad and Grandpa are there”. I explained how we can know if we are going to heaven, and I explained the Gospel to her. I asked, “Now that you know, is there any reason that you wouldn't want to ask Jesus for his free gift of salvation?” We prayed together, and she accepted Christ as her Saviour today.' GO: Pray for the opportunity to pray for someone today!

Published in Praise Reports

On 21 November David Pytches, co-founder of New Wine, died after a sustained period of illness. David and his wife Mary started New Wine in 1989, seeking to help churches experience renewal in the power of the Spirit. Their ministry has touched many lives over the years. John and Anne Coles, who led New Wine for many years after David and Mary, have said: 'David entitled his memoirs “Living on the Edge”, and we thank God for the way in which he lived like that and showed us and countless others how to do so also. He humbly, lovingly, and courageously pioneered aspects of church life and mission in the power of the Spirit, which not only changed his own church and parish but also became models for hundreds of church leaders and churches around the world. This included his pioneering of New Wine as both a summer gathering inspiring thousands of church members and a network of church leaders for mutual encouragement in ministry. His love for Jesus and the Bible, his commitment to personal holiness, his persistence in prayer, his personal prophecies, and his willingness to give away everything with which God blessed him were an inspiration to us personally, and we will miss his role in our lives as a true “Father in God”.’ Read the full article in the link below.

Published in Praise Reports

In Gaza, a significant number of Muslim men have recently converted to Christianity after reportedly seeing visions of Jesus in their dreams, an event described as miraculous by underground Christian communities in the area. This phenomenon was first reported online by Michael Licona, a Christian apologist and professor at Houston Christian University. The report by the underground Christian ministries detailed their efforts to aid hundreds of fathers who had lost their children in the war. These men were moved to safety, fed, clothed, and introduced to the Bible, which led to over 200 of them experiencing visions of Jesus in their dreams. Licona, while expressing his stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict, highlighted the importance of this event for Christians worldwide. He noted the small Christian population in Gaza, which is less than 1% and potentially as low as 1,000 individuals.

Published in Praise Reports

Michael J Fox, known for his roles in 'Back to the Future' and 'Family Ties’, has lived with Parkinson's disease since the age of 29. Now 62, he has emphasised his wife Tracy Pollan’s unwavering support through the challenges of his condition. Fox acknowledges her enduring commitment to their marriage vows of  'in sickness and in health’. In interviews, the couple highlighted the importance of communication and mutual support in their relationship. They have four children, and credit the strength of their family to Pollan's influence.

Published in Praise Reports

Marion Ritchie's life was altered for ever when her husband Dave was diagnosed with dementia at 65. A former Navy pilot, his unrelenting decline over nine years turned their lives into a nightmare. Marion and her daughters were left to cope with the emotional toll of Dave's transformation and grieving for lost futures. In Scotland, about 90,000 people live with dementia, experiencing similar challenges. Despite the need for emotional support, healthcare services offered little assistance. Recognising this gap, Healthcare Improvement Scotland has introduced new guidelines for healthcare professionals, focusing on 'pre-death grief' in dementia patients and their families. These guidelines, the first in nearly two decades, aim to address such emotional impacts, including better training for healthcare staff. Marion welcomes these guidelines, hoping they provide accessible support and information for caregivers facing similar struggles.

Published in Praise Reports

The vision for Shine Your Light is that the whole church across the family of nations stands united to share the Gospel with the whole of society this Christmas. Every local church and believer who signs up becomes a light that shines to brighten up the whole land like a Christmas tree. The nationwide campaign will run on 16 and 17 December. Shine Your Light events of all kinds will occur at town halls, in high streets and shopping centres, and in other public places. Encourage everyone you know to register and share their plans. Whether you are an individual joining with a group of friends and neighbours, a small church, or larger gathering, we’d love to hear what you are doing. Register as an individual or as a church - see the ‘more’ link.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 09 November 2023 22:19

Another Christian film stuns Hollywood

'Duck Dynasty' star Miss Kay Robertson is overwhelmed with emotion as she discusses the astounding success of 'The Blind’, a Christian feature film that tells the real-life story of her life with husband Phil Robertson. The film has become the most successful in Fathom Events history, earning over $16.8 million. Miss Kay tearfully expresses her joy in sharing the story of God changing her husband's heart. The film delves into the struggles the Robertsons faced before their fame, including Phil's past of addiction and disconnection. It portrays Phil's transformation as he embraces faith, and Kay's journey of forgiveness. Miss Kay shares stories of marriages being mended and individuals turning to Jesus after watching the film. She emphasises the importance of sharing one's truth and believes it can provide hope to others. The success of 'The Blind', which reflects God's transformative power, has led to numerous positive outcomes, including baptisms among recovering addicts. Miss Kay sees God's hand at work through the film, and she encourages fans to trust in God's timing. 'The Blind' was released digitally on 3 November and will be available on DVD/Blu-ray on 14 November, continuing to inspire and touch hearts.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 02 November 2023 22:52

Millions praying for the Hindu world around Diwali

The ‘18 Days of prayer for the Hindu world’ initiative has been launched, aiming to unite Jesus followers worldwide in prayer for Hindus from 29 October to 15 November. With an online daily prayer guide available in over thirty languages, the expectation is that millions of people will participate. It features real-life stories illustrating the Holy Spirit's work among Hindus, including healings and breakthroughs in unreached communities. Teams of Jesus followers will conduct prayer walks in cities leading up to the Diwali festival, and readers are invited to pray for these teams using the provided briefings and prayer points. A dedicated prayer guide for young people aged 6-12 is also available. On 12 November, a global day of 24-hour prayer for the Hindu world will bring together believers from various churches and Christian ministries worldwide for online prayer sessions covering key Hindu world cities and regions.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 02 November 2023 22:49

USA: from occult to Christ

Florida resident Yamisbel Garcia has shared her remarkable journey from involvement in the occult to finding faith in Christ. Raised in a nominally Catholic home, she ended up in a relationship with a warlock and even unknowingly ‘baptised’ her son in a satanic temple. It wasn't until she moved to Puerto Rico and began working at a Colombian bakery owned by a devout Christian that she encountered Jesus. Concerned for her son's well-being, who was not developing as expected, she turned to prayer. Her son's improvement after consistent prayer amazed her. However, Yamisbel's life took a dark turn as she faced an abusive relationship. Her prayer life weakened, and she contemplated suicide. Desperate for change, she turned to God, ordered a Bible, and began reading it. Her life was transformed, and after moving to Florida, she found a welcoming church and a female pastor who provided the discipleship she needed. God began working not only in her life but also in the lives of those around her, including her children and friends, who were drawn to her faith. Yamisbel's journey exemplifies the transformative power of faith and the hope found in Christ's redemption.

Published in Praise Reports