Watchmen on the Walls

16 Jun 2015

Being A Watchman

One of the very clear aspects of World Prayer Centre’s ministry is that of being a watchman.

At our “Standing in the Gap” conference in 2014, Malcolm Duncan spoke powerfully about God’s desire for a Watchman Generation and how we need a fresh understanding of God’s watchman strategy. Some of the guidelines that Malcolm laid out are:

> Watchmen serve out of love for their community and church. The role of watchmen has been undermined by those who have served from an agenda and a sense of superiority – this is not the servant attitude God looks for

> The watchmen listen to God’s heart – they are attuned to His love, grace, and forgiveness

> Watchmen are humble, alert, available – they watch what is going on.

Watchmen warn – they must have credibility and good relationships with others if those warnings are to be heard and responded to

> They warn those who sin – Ezekiel 3:17 – calling the wicked to turn –they must be clear, they are accountable to God for a message that is difficult to deliver – but comes from love.

> In Isaiah 21 the watchman announces what he sees – he does not add to it, or interpret it

In these fast changing times God has a heart for our towns, cities and communities – often we are naïve about the dangers, therefore we cannot give the warnings. The key area of growth within the church is young people – it is also the key battleground – with horrendous tales of bullying, kidnapping, assaults, sexual predators, poor parenting, domestic violence. We need watchmen – who see, understand, and stir us to pray in this and other areas. We believe God is calling forth compassionate, alert and aware watchmen.

Warning……. Watchmen at Work

Birmingham UK skyline

Ezekiel 33 gives a clear warning to the watchmen – if the trumpet is not blown to warn people the watchman will be held accountable for any deaths.

The watchman’s task is to watch – and then encourage and challenge people to act. Some watchmen have a call to protect their local community – others a wider calling. Rees Howells, the famous intercessor and his college students prayed daily throughout World War Two but his call went much further in the war’s critical stages.

In May 1940 the British Army faced annihilation on the beaches of Dunkirk. The King issued a national call to prayer and as many know the German tanks halted, the Channel became a millpond and 480,000 were rescued in small boats and returned to England. The warning was heard and the nation saved.

In the 1970’s I had a mentor from the Potteries called Bill – he loved the people of Northern Ireland and acted as a watchmen in the troubles. He gained credibility with the Police who gave him a special call sign – and when he called with a God given warning they evacuated places before the bombs went off or the shootings could happen.
Watchmen have a burden to pray protection on the place they are stewarding (it could be their local community, or their nation). As they pray, God will lay scriptures on their hearts. They also read widely – credible newspapers, the internet, commentators and books. They may go on prayer walks. They broaden their understanding (e.g. many are currently reading widely about Muslims and their beliefs; others will be monitoring the political situation in the UK, others watching the changing economic climate globally).

Blowing the trumpet is a risky business – what happens if it is wrong – if we have misread the situation? What happens if no one listens? Ezekiel 33 makes it clear – how people respond is up to them, our job is to blow the trumpet.

Sound the AlarmThis is a time of many warnings – of danger from terrorists, of severe economic collapse, of God’s judgement on nations and situations. We can become very concerned, but all watchmen are subject to God – He is the ultimate watchman. Psalm 121 tell us “He who watches over will not slumber; indeed he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep”. God has called forth watchmen at this time – but ultimately it is up to all of us to weigh up the warnings and ask – is this God’s voice to us at this time. He warns us for a serious purpose – to lead to repentance, prayer, practical action. Our conference in March focuses on being in the presence – in these dangerous times we need to be listening, and responding – and for some of us the call will be to blow the trumpet of warning.

Steve Botham….. Trustee