Washington, D.C. area (Pentagon City, Arlington, Virginia)

Approximately 85-90 ministry leaders, issue experts and intercessors from throughout America gathered for two days of all-out prayer for the USA one week before its mid-term elections (November 4). We were determined to avoid the syndrome of most American conferences- lots of talking and very little praying- so the many excellent presentations were limited to 10 minutes and we tried to spend twice as much time praying in response. The Lord was with us to lead and anoint this approach as we heard from many well-informed people, who each presented a brief overview and strategic prayer concerns for a particular issue facing the USA at this time.

We identified and repented for the sins of the nation, most of which we had to acknowledge were the result of the Church not providing sufficient "salt and light" to the surrounding culture and nation and because of its general prayerlessness. We also prayed for reconciliation and the healing of division between leaders, churches and para-church organizations, including the racial divide that has torn us apart and continues to sow bitterness, especially among African Americans and the growing number of Hispanics. We asked the Lord to grant us spiritual revival and moral restoration.

Other issues that we focused prayer on were the following:
Government and the mid-term elections
Business and the marketplace
Education and the government's plan to introduce Common Core
The Family, an institution under assault
The battle for life and protection of the unborn
Reaching the lost
The unity and strengthening of the prayer movement
Youth, children and for emerging leaders of the next generation
Religious freedom endangered by recent decisions of the courts in favor of same-sex marriage
The media
False religion and the occult invasion
National security issues, including our military forces and the threat of radical Islam and ISIS.

We concluded by focusing on the supremacy of Jesus Christ our Lord and with a few minutes of complete silence on our knees together.

We heard encouraging prophetic words from one prophetic leader who told us that he saw a vision of a coming storm that would break the power of the dark forces with which America is struggling and bring in a new era of spiritual revival and restoration. Another prophetic message from an Arab American participant is attached below. What welcome messages these are!

We believe that history does belong to the intercessors and that the Lord will do "far more abundantly" than all we have asked or imagined during the NPA. He will bring about true "hope and change" for the USA as we continue to pray and trust Him along with hundreds of thousands of others across the nation.

Prophetic dream
I saw a physical map of the United States. Then the map transformed into a giant bride that stood up slowly. She was dirty and her dress was dirty. However, she started shaking her self from her head to her feet till all the dirt and soot fell off. I saw all kinds of evil and creatures fall off of her. She looked at her dress and was happy with what she saw. Next, the US bride turned around, extended her arms , embraced and hugged the world real tight. End of vision

Please pray with us for the USA to stand up and shake off the numerous bad moral, political and spiritual influences that have weakened and besmirched her. Pray that strong, good leaders will be put into power and that spiritual revival and moral restoration will soon grace our nation to the glory of the Lord.

WASHINGTON - The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan - the Taliban group that seeks the overthrow of the Pakistani government - has sworn allegiance to the Islamic State, or ISIS, and has directed jihadists across the region to help ISIS set up its caliphate.

ISIS declared its caliphate from territory seized last June from northeastern Syria to western and central Iraq, and threatens to take over all of the Levant that includes Jordan, the rest of Syria, Lebanon and Israel. ISIS and its caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, already have received backing from Abdul Maulana Aziz, a follower of the Afghan Taliban supreme leader Mulla Mohammad Omar who led the infamous Red Mosque rebellion in Pakistan. Aziz also is close to the Tehnik-i-Taliban Pakistan, or TTP, as WND recently revealed. The TTP seeks to overthrow by violent means the Pakistani government, which possesses nuclear weapons.

Aziz's support for Baghdadi and ISIS comes as Pakistan, a predominantly Sunni country, faces yet another political crisis that threatens the existence of its democratic secular government. Political opponents of Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif have demanded his resignation, which he has refused. His opponents want sweeping constitutional reform to replace parliamentary democracy and to confront alleged corruption that has crept into the electoral process. However, jihadist groups see an opportunity now to assert their influence as Pakistan's political crisis grows worse.

Until now, the Afghan Taliban had been aligned with al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri. As further evidence of the TTP's allegiance to ISIS, the jihadist group's supporters have been seen in the Pakistani city of Peshawar distributing pamphlets praising ISIS. In addition, ISIS flags have been seen in street rallies in Indian-administered Kashmir.

The TTP announced its support for ISIS in a message celebrating the Muslim holy festival of Eid al-Adha."Oh our brothers, we are proud of you in your victories," the message said. "We are with you in your happiness and your sorrow.

"In these troubled days, we call for your patience and stability, especially now that all your enemies are united against you. Please put all your rivalries behind you. ... All Muslims in the world have great expectations of you," the message added. "We are with you, we will provide you with mujahideen (fighters) and with every possible support."

The message was released following posting of a video on Friday of the beheading of ISIS' latest victim, British aid worker Alan Henning. Like ISIS, the TTP is funded by supporters in Gulf Arab countries to include Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. TTP's swearing of allegiance to ISIS potentially extends the jihadist groups influence and potential for a caliphate from the Middle east into South Asia.

Although the TTP and the Afghan Taliban are separate entities with differing goals, they have been known to collaborate on occasion. The Afghan Taliban seeks to take over Afghanistan itself. With the Afghan Taliban biding its time until U.S. forces completely leave Afghanistan by 2017, ISIS has the opportunity to extend its influence in that country as well.

The TTP's support for ISIS is just the latest indication that a number of jihadist groups, previously affiliated with al-Qaida, are calling for a truce between the two groups to unite against the western "Crusader attacks." The call comes in the form of a proposal titled "An Initiative and Call for a Ceasefire Between Factions in Syria."

"Due to the Crusader attacks on our Muslim brothers in Syria and Iraq," the proposal called on all jihadist groups to put aside their disagreements, many of which have resulted in fighting among the various factions.

"We call on all factions in Syria and Iraq to cease fighting among themselves no later than the evening of (Oct. 3, 2014), for perhaps Allah most high will descend his mercies upon Syria and its people in the prayer of Muslim crowds on that great day.

"And we request from all the factions that they announce their position regarding this initiative in their manner in three days from the date of the publication of this statement, so that it can be made known and clear who rejects this blessed initiative."

The jihadist proposal pointed out that 40 countries had united "and gathered together to wage war against" Islam itself. "So, does our loyalty to Islam and its people not require of us to stop the infighting under the bombardment of this Crusader campaign at the very least if a permanent end to it is not possible?" the proposal asked.

Since last year, ISIS has been in a pitched battle with al-Qaida-affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra, although there have been increasing indications that many fighters from al-Nusra are joining ISIS due to its declaration of a caliphate over territory it has captured and occupied. Al-Qaida similarly seeks a caliphate but hasn't taken over territory as ISIS has.

F. Michael Maloof, senior staff writer for WND/ G2Bulletin, is a former security policy analyst in the Office of the Secretary of Defense. He can be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/10/pakistani-terror-group-swears-allegiance-to-isis/#4rmTQyql5evCMDBJ.99

Please pray for the overthrow of any intended cooperation between these terrorist movements and that both of them will be defeated by the governments and military forces trying to stop them.

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 1 Tim 2:1-2

Pray for the new government in Afghanistan
Afghanistan's new President, Ashraf Ghani, is casting a vision for The New Afghanistan.  He is speaking about tackling the major issues confronting this troubled country.  

In his first few days in office he is calling for unity among all Afghans and demonstrating his commitment by forming a unity government.  He has pledged to take on corruption at all levels and asked the Afghan people to hold him accountable.  He has stipulated that all new government hires be based on merit, not nepotism and cronyism.  He is honoring the former President by giving him an office and asking him to be his advisor.  He has announced plans to reform the judiciary and get his country operating under the rule of law. And he has signed the bilateral security agreement with NATO and told the insurgents to come to the negotiating table or suffer the consequences.

Ashraf Ghani's wife of 38 years, Rula, is a non-Muslim, some say a Christian, originally from Lebanon. She will play a significant role in the new government and is already a beacon of hope for women and minorities throughout Afghanistan. All of these bold initiatives reflect kingdom values.  The Afghan people are hopeful that this is indeed a "new day for Afghanistan."  After all, why do we elect leaders?  Don't we look to them to bring order out of chaos?  Let's join together and pray for his success!

Pray against the work of the enemy.
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 2Cor 10:4

We know the enemy is working actively against the success of this new administration.  Let's join together to bind the work of the enemy, to cause disruption and confusion and dissent among their ranks and to foil all their evil plans and to cause despair and hopelessness for their cause.

Anonymous contributor

We have begun the G20 countdown!  Amanda Jackson is already in Australia and the worship, citizen action and business events are all shaping up really well.  Please see below for how you can follow her and the Australia team for the big finale of the EXPOSED campaign (after 2 long years!).

1.Follow Amanda's specific G20 blog at exposedcampaign.com/brisbane
(there's a great pic of her buried in trillion dollars!)

1.Follow Amanda's specific G20 blog at exposedcampaign.com/brisbane
(there's a great pic of her buried in trillion dollars!)

2.Use the G20 '10 Days of Prayer to Change the World' prayer guide at exposedcampaign.com/resources (live, but officially starts next Thurs 7 Nov)

3.Watch out for daily @exposedcampaign and #shinethelight tweets especially from next Thurs as we tweet the prayer and blogs from around the world

Many thanks for being a part of this.  We are no way near our original target, but are taking over 83,000 voices with us - and still have a few days for more!

Vikki McLachlan
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Click to Join 1 million in shining a light on corruption

Here are the videos that I think are the best related to 4/14 Window and Children in Prayer.  Most are brief. These are all the English versions.

4 to 14 Window Videos

1.  Overview of 4 to 14 Window - done for North American Region - Animated - (Great Reviews) 2:58 minutes -
Link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCx0KFujeqY

2.  It's Time To Wake Up - Animated on Vimeo - 6:10 minutes -
Link: http://vimeopro.com/clarioncreative/english/video/68355122

3. A Biblical Testimony - Animated on Vimeo - 2:40 minutes -
Link: http://vimeopro.com/clarioncreative/english/video/79768175

4.  Turning A Curse Into A Blessing (Dr. Dan Brewster) - Animated on Vimeo - 2:10 minutes -
Link:   http://vimeopro.com/clarioncreative/english/video/76690622

5.  Globalized Youth (Dr. Bambang Budijanto) - Animated on Vimeo - 2:27 minutes -
Link:   http://vimeopro.com/clarioncreative/english/video/74767122

6.  The Challenges in Equipping Children - Rick and Becky Olmstead on Vimeo - 3:16 minutes -
Link:   http://vimeo.com/72330232

7.  Including The Next Generation - Rick Olmstead, Vineyard Church of the Rockies on Vimeo - 3:48 minutes
Link: http://vimeopro.com/clarioncreative/414-global-summit-iv-video-interviews/video/83832126

7a.  Including The Next Generation - Rick Olmstead, Vineyard Church of the Rockie - Amimated on Vimeo - 3:05 minutes - Link:

8.  A Transformed Life - Jimmy Seibert, Antioch Community Church, Waco, TX - on Vimeo - 3:03 minutes - Link:

8a.  A Transformed Life - Jimmy Seibert, Antioch Community Church, Waco, TX - (Same as above but Animated and called Ian's Story) - on Vimeo - 2:13 minutes -
Link: http://vimeopro.com/clarioncreative/english/video/89573976

9.  4 to 14 Window Explained - Dr. Luis Bush - Animated - on Vimeo - 1:59 minutes -
Link:   http://vimeopro.com/clarioncreative/english/video/74462043

Plenary Sessions from the 4 to 14 Window Global Summit in Bangkok in Oct 2014

These are probably too long but maybe would work in a Plenary setting.

10.  God's Love for a Billion Children - Dr. Susan Hillis, Senior Scientist with the Center for Disease Control - on Vimeo - 27:43 minutes (One of the most powerful presentations at the Summit.)  Link:

11.  The Role of Children in Kingdom Building - Anton Cruz, Royal Kids - Chennai, India - on Vimeo - 19:30 minutes - Link:

Children in Prayer:

Indonesia is leading the way in may aspects. This video is an example.

12.  Daisy Testimony from Indonesia for World Prayer Assembly - Children in Prayer in Surabaya, Indonesia - 5:19 minutes -
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmwUMjbRGUw

And from India.

13.  Royal Kids in Chennai Overview - (Shares the ministry of Royal Kids with support response at the end - so you may need to end before the credits. Very powerful example of children at prayer) - 16:13 minutes -
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEKEz1TUL10

Global Children in Prayer.

14.  Children in Prayer Video - from the International Prayer Council. This documentary video was done by Media Village and captures examples of the Children in Prayer movement around the world. (We have plans to do a new version in the near future - but this one is still very powerful.) - 10:4 minutes - Link:

Our 4 to 14 Window site has just been updated so you can find a lot of additional resources on it - in multiple languages. If you click on the languages tab you'll find several languages under South Asia, including Tamil and Sinhalese as well as Malayalam and Hindi. Here's the link for the website: www.4to14window.com

Tom Victor
The Great Commission Coalition
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Only two weeks to go! The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) is on 16 November this year. Find out more about IDOP 2014 and your free resource pack here.
Whether you can get a slot in your church service, lead the whole service, or whether you're praying with your small group or children's group - we've got what you need

Your IDOP pack contains:
*    Sermon ideas
*    Small group Bible study
*    Children's activities
*    Creative prayer ideas
...and more!

Have you ordered postcards or posters? We'll be sending them to you next week, so keep an eye out for them.

Please join us, and thousands of Christians around the world, in marking the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Click here to download your pack.

If you've got any questions, do get in touch on 0845 456 5464 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


P.S. Go to www.csw.org.uk/idop to watch Kenia from Cuba explain the transforming power of prayer in her life. You could show the video in your church too, as a lead in to prayer for persecuted Christians like Kenia and her husband Omar.

Thank you so much for your prayers for 14-15th Oct. 2014 Prayer Seminar! Yes God did miracles through this Seminar. We couldn't do more good, but God has done more through the Indonesian prayer leaders.

In the first day of program, there was heavy raining in whole day and I was thinking people will not come, but God sent more than our expectation. Almost 300+ Pastors and Leaders joined in this historical Prayer Seminar. Daniel and other pastors talked through His power and God spoke through Daniel. He prophesied "Nepal Prayer Assembly" in 2017 in Nepal. Praise the Lord!

Yes God was glorified through this program. We had Nepal top leaders dinner meeting on 15th October. All the pastors and leaders were blessed by God. The Holy Spirit moved all for His Kingdom.

On 16th October Ps. Daniel, Ely, Ps. David, for people went to Lumbini and did ministry there with our Ps Sunil. And other 6 people and me went to do prayer meeting at Thankot and 10 Church people gathered and had Prayer meeting among 110 people. On 18th Ely has taught about House of Prayer to our prayer warriors among 90+ people, it was really effective.

Many blessings for all of us. May the Lord bless them abundantly!

Thank you so much for your love and prayer. All the glory to God.
Here I am sharing some pictures of Seminar, I am sure you will enjoy with these His works in Nepal.

With much love and prayer,
Govinda and Sujita
Kathmandu, Nepal

Ruth Kram, October 13, 2014
Iraq (CAM) - Editor's Note: We share this news story released by Christian Aid Mission.

Working in northern Iraq's Kurdish region day and night to help meet the needs of people displaced by the threats and violence of the terror group Islamic State (ISIS) in Mosul and other areas, members of an Iraqi ministry team recently came into contact with a colonel from the Kurdish forces battling ISIS.

The colonel was serving as a division commander of the Peshmerga, the Kurdistan Regional Government's armed forces, which have helped to slow the incursion of ISIS in its brutal push to establish a caliphate imposing a strict version of Sunni Islam. With the aid of U.S. airstrikes, the Peshmerga have also slowly retaken some territory. They are helping to secure the Kurdish capital of Erbil, where the ministry team assisted by Christian Aid Mission is supplying displaced people with food, clothing, beds, and medicine.

The colonel had a few questions for the team members: What was the reason for offering all this aid? What was the motivation, what was the source of it? "We spoke with him explicitly, explaining everything to him, saying that Christ taught us to love and express our love to the people in a practical way," said the team director, who informed the officer that all relief items had been donated or purchased locally.

The Peshmerga colonel, whose name is withheld for security reasons, was quick to respond. "You see the Arabs around you in the Gulf states, which claim to be religious Muslims, have not sent us anything but terrorists," he told the ministry team members. "But you who follow Christ send love and peace and goodness to people every day."

The conversation continued at length, the ministry team director said.
"After we had a long talk with him about Christ, he bowed and prayed, asking Christ into his life," the director said. "And he said, 'Today I am the happiest person! I've had the privilege of making this decision,' and he received a copy of the Bible."

The colonel's experience was just one of many taking place in Iraq. In cities of refuge like Erbil for people displaced from their homes in other parts of Iraq, people are turning to Christ at a stunning pace. Tent churches are springing up in the makeshift camps. Under normal circumstances, mission strategies focus on how to proclaim Christ effectively, but the challenge now is keeping pace with the number who would receive Him, the director said.

"The greatest challenge in the ministry right now is not whether these people will accept Christ or not," he said. "In all our travel to deliver the aid and preach God's Word, we did not find anyone opposed to or rejecting our message. The challenge is how and when we will reach all those people with the message of salvation in the squares, sidewalks, roads, inside the tents and out, and everywhere."

Christian Aid Mission's Middle East director said that as a result of this trend, some church leaders and workers for ministry organizations are remaining in Iraq even as the cruel practices of ISIS-beheading Iraqi children who refuse to deny Christ in Qaroqosh and Western journalists elsewhere-gain greater notoriety.

"I think of workers who stayed behind in Mosul and the surrounding areas because there are so many who are receptive to the gospel," he said. "They are willing to risk being in an area under the rule of ISIS for the privilege of more and more fruit for Christ."

Forced to trust God more than they ever have before, these Christians are growing in their relationship with God in ways they had never imagined, he said.
"I respected them before the Arab Spring because they were serving in Islamic areas, but now they are serving more and maturing even more," he said. "We need to intercede for these workers. They are all always in danger. They need God's power to show His love to the thousands of helpless people."
"God has put within the hearts of thousands of Muslims a desire to read His Word."

Let's keep praying for Syria and Iraq and that the current conflicts and suffering will bring large numbers of Muslims to Jesus Christ. Pray for the overthrow of the ISIS terrorists and that His peace to come to these troubled nations.