Sunday 13th through to Monday 14th April 2014 - IPC Member Organisations and friends will be joining with the 4-14 Day of Global Prayer and Praise.


The live broadcast can be followed here:

Sunday 13th through to Monday 14th April 2014 - IPC Member Organisations and friends will be joining with the 4-14 Day of Global Prayer and Praise.


The live broadcast can be followed here:

April 19, 2014
Haroon, 22, a christian youth has  been shot and killed  by a Muslim co-worker, Farooq, in Pakistan. Farooq mocked Haroon's Christian faith on a daily basis and tried to convert him to Islam so he can 
get married to a wealthy, beautiful Moslem girl. On Haroon's refusal he shot him in the head. Haroon died on the spot.
Please pray for the protection of God's people in the nation and for the overthrow of the spirit of violence and persecution there.
Altaf and Eileen Naseem
"When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together In one place" - Acts 2:1 
United by a Prayer for the World, Christians from all over the world, from different cultures and denominations, from many diverse streams will gather in their homes, or where appropriate, assemble in stadiums, public auditoriums and open squares and many will devote portions of their Sunday morning Service to united prayer.
Some meetings will be small. Others will be large, but each one will be praying with the same vision of repentance and hope. As at the first Pentecost, we'll worship God openly in Christ's name and pray for the healing and blessing of the nations. As much as possible, we are seeking to gather in places beyond the walls of our church buildings.On this day we are all praying WITH the world as we pray FOR the world. 
A New Season Global Day of Prayer  - Promotional Video  
A Prayer for the World 
- To unite in Prayer with Christians from across the globe, we request every observance to use "A Prayer For The World" during their gathering. 
- Prayer For The World" during their gathering. 
Over the past two months we have been reporting on the outbreak of foot and mouth disease among North Korean livestock.  This is a very serious disease that can devastate the nations supply of pigs, cattle, goats and other cloven-hoofed animals.  The latest reports are that it continues in the North but there is no clear knowledge of the extent. Soon after the first cases occurred, South Korea offered help in eradication and prevention but the North has not responded. South Korea sustained a devastating outbreak several years ago and works very hard to prevent more.
In addition to the threat to the meat supply there is growing concern over the food supply in general.  
Except for those who have the special privilege of living in Pyongyang, people throughout the country are struggling.  The provision of rice and other staples through the Public Distribution System has ceased.  Last year, many people received rations from the special stores set aside for the military--which were often moldy and full of bugs--but even that is not being provided this year resulting in a great deal of dissatisfaction.  At the same time, Choco-pies and Ramen noodles provided through South Korean companies at the Kaesong Industrial Park are the basis for a whole separate economy.  Meanwhile, the government's efforts to assure agricultural bounty through the use of the military continues to backfire breeding corruption and hardship and the rise of a new class conflict. Additionally, soldiers being detailed to important construction projects are taking the food they need from the general populace.
Of course, food is not the only problem the people face as efforts to stem defection increase.  More families face internal exile because of family members who have crossed illegally into China while those who do so legally are under pressure to report on any defectors that they hear about. North Korea is also sending teams of security agents into China to search out and arrest North Koreans who have escaped into the country.
An interesting development on the political front is the apparent removal from power of Kim Jong Un's aunt, Kim Kyung-Hui, wife of executed former number-two-man, Jang Son Thaek by eliminating her from all records.  A video that had included her has just been re-released with her edited out of it.
Kim Jong Un has been quite active lately in carrying out inspections around the country. May 5th is Children's Day in South Korea and May 8th is Parents' Day.  As we think about these holidays, it is good to think about the children and families of North Korea as well as the idolization of the leader as a father for all the people.
And, we continue to pray for Ken Bae's release.
Ben Torrey,
The Fourth River Project, Inc.
One of our IPC Leader writes: "Thanks for praying. Our whole team just came back safely from mainland China. We have an extraordinary powerful time there, 500 key leaders, from 24 provinces, all doing children's ministries have been with us. Breakthroughs after breakthroughs these few days, with quite a lot of both tears and laughter, fall exactly during  this strategic kairos timing of the 4/14, Palm Sunday, Passover week entering into this time of the unleavened bread. Heaven on earth!
What the Father has been doing right now in China is really so far and deep beyond our expectations. Now the China Children in Prayer Wall has amazingly launched out and nine regional Cip networks, representing the nine big regions of our whole nation has been established at the same time together last night! All glory to Father God the Almighty."
Praise the Lord and please pray for the 500 ministry leaders that took part and for the nine regional networks to grow strongly and continue in unity to raise up a whole generation of children and youth in this strategic nation.
Thank you so much for your prayer that God did a miracle in Nepal- more than 2200 children, youth and parents were gathered and worshiped Lord together. Almost all valley leaders joined and leaders prayed for formal opening for Children and youth prayer day by candlelight.  This became historical for Nepal.
Thank you so much for your prayer and support, people gathered unexpectedly.
All the glory to God!
Govinda Budhathoki
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The Billion Souls Revival Prayer Call 2015 is a period of 40 days o  f prayer, fasting and repentance beginning on International Day of Repentance (Yom Kippur) Tuesday sundown 22 September, 2015 and continues to sundown Sunday 1 November, 2015.
Five Point Prayer Plan
1.   Pray for a worldwide outpouring of the Holy Spirit for renewal for the church and revival and transformation for the nations of the world. Acts 2:1-47
2.   Pray for a revival of a new evangelisation so that a billion people from outside the church will find faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. John 3:16
3.   Pray for a revival of Sexual Purity and renewal of marriage and family  to help the children of the world. 1 Thessalonians 4: 3-7
4.   Pray for a revival of the sanctity of life and a turning of the tide of abortion in the nations of the world. Proverbs 24:11-12
5.   Pray for a multiplication of prayer, praise and worship to God across the world as never before, to bring great glory to God. Psalm 107:21-22
Initially we want to canvass the idea with international prayer leaders and key church leaders and finalise a five point prayer plan that will be acceptable to a broad range of believers within the various denominations, church communities, prayer ministries and nations...The previous Billion Souls Revival Prayer Call in 2013 received wide support from international and national prayer leaders. We are confident, based on past experience, that this level of support would be multiplied greatly.
The real challenge lies in gaining support from world leaders in the Catholic, Protestant, Pentecostal, Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox traditions...It is important to embrace as many cultures and denominations as possible for this call to prayer. For the Billion Souls Revival Prayer Call 2015 to work we must look for what will unite us, as opposed to what will divide us, as the key to the success of this prayer project is unity. Our call to prayer needs to be short and simple and to the point as well as being Biblical.
We are not expecting everyone who participates in the Billion Souls Revival Prayer Call to conduct a full fast for 40 days but people may miss one meal per day, or fast one day per week or a Daniel Fast (Vegan) for the 40 day period. What we are expecting is that everyone who participates will pray through the 5 Point Prayer Plan each day and engage in some level of fasting as decided by that individual. It is our goal also that individual churches could either have daily or weekly prayer meetings to take part in this 40 day period of prayer and fasting. We greatly value your input, thoughts and prayers at this time.
For more information or to give suggestions, please contact Warwick Marsh at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.