Sound a Trumpet in Europe
August 31 - September 4 2015  -  Timisoara, Romania

Join our brothers and sisters in Romania and other parts of Europe as a Trumpet is sounded in Europe. It is time to gather, time to move forward and time to lift up our voices and rejoice together in prayer.

For more details click HERE

Saturday 18 April - Birmingham Christian Centre - 10:30am-3:00pm
These are exciting, encouraging and empowering days of prayer. Come and join us at BCC as we worship, pray and stand on behalf of our family of nations and many other nations, as God leads us.

Click HERE for more information.

We will also be holding a DAY OF PRAYER in The Prayer Room at Cornerstone House on Monday 27 April from 10:30am-3:00pm. We would love to see you there. Click HERE for more information.

We are so pleased to announce that the WPC team is growing!  We welcome Natasha Ruddock back to WPC as our new Communications Manager. She will be heading up our internal and external communications which will involve marketing WPC, PR, website, social media, and developing partnerships.  Please pray for her as she starts her new role.

Come and join the WPC Team

The WPC workload is increasing – and this gives us the opportunity to bring some volunteers on board. We will be needing help in the lead up to and preparation for Trumpet Call. We also want prayer researchers to help us find credible and accessible prayer material, primarily form the UK and Europe. This is a great opportunity to work with us for 1 – 3 days a week as we see the increased demand and a growing momentum for prayer resources. Please contact Laurence by replying to this e-News for more information.

The Mill Statement

A number of leaders from different churches, ministries and networks  from England came together in late January to pray and seek God – asking – “what are you saying at this time?” We agreed that God is calling us to prepare for a time of awakening in the land – it will be a time of great opportunity but also a time of significant challenge.

We identified five key areas of prayer focus – To pray for God’s mercy to triumph over His judgment; for the whole church to awaken ;  for the unity of all God’s people;  for the release of God’s word and spirit and to pray for a revival generation.  For more information take the full statement from our website  The Mill Statement– and use it to shape your prayer and share it with others you know. We are now in the process of inviting other ministries to link into this new journey of unity and agreement in prayer.

We want to encourage you to stand with us and pray – on your own, in groups, in churches - for your families, neighbours, road, neighbourhood, town, city and the nation. We are very conscious of God’s great prayer challenge – “you do not have because you do not ask. “ Now is the time to pray with determination and commitment.

One of our key prayer themes in The Mill Statement is a call to wake up. There is a well known painting by William Holman Hunt called The Light of the World – Jesus stands at an overgrown, under used door and knocks – waiting to be invited in. The wakeup call starts with us. Jesus is calling us into a deeper relationship with him and so we are more aware of and responsive to what is happening around us. He calls us to be ambassadors for his kingdom. A wake up call is disturbing. We may want to deny we were asleep, we feel shaken up. God wants his church to wake up.

Click HERE for the full article

7:14 Election Prayer UK.. calling Christians to gather where they are to pray outside on 6 May 2015 – 7.14-8.15pm. A gathering will be held in Parliament Square London No stage, no mics, no brands, no speaker. Just the people of God in one place at one time, with the healing of lands on our hearts. If you'd like to organise an event where you are, contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Spread the word, head to facebook; Tweet using #electionprayeruk

This is a joint venture between 'The National Day of Prayer and Worship' and '7:14 Prayer', with many other groups supporting it such as '24-7 Prayer' and 'YWAM'. This is a call to the church to come together in prayer for our nation. From the heart of Westminster, to the farthest reaches of the land, God is calling His church to rise. Many challenges face the UK, threats that could tear us apart, but God's word speaks of healing and hope if we'd only turn to Him!

Praying for London’s Estates 29 June – 5th July 2015
Every day will see the baton of prayer passed to a new part of London at midnight. Each area of      London will cover that 24 hours in prayer.  And why not join in if you aren’t in London!
Prayer & Mission re Rugby World Cup Sept/Oct 2015
This is the world’s third largest international sports event  and comes to the UK during September/October 2015. 20 national squads - including all the home nations, 48 games and 50 training centres, 400,000 visitors from over 100 nations, and massive media coverage. Games will take place in Newcastle, Manchester, Leeds, Twickenham, Cardiff, Birmingham, Leicester, Milton Keynes, Exeter, Brighton, Gloucester, London Wembley & Olympic Stadiums. The Engage 2015 prayer team are creating a strategy and resources to offer a variety of ways for you and your church/group to pray. Find out more:
Praying for the Near East 2015.
Cry Out At His Feet For The Near East 2015” we are searching for churches, ministries, and prayer groups around the world who will each take a day of the month for the whole year in 2015 to offer focused worship and prayer for what God is doing in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq.