June 18-22, Skopje, Macedonia
Here are some prayer concerns from Pastor Venco Nakov who with a team of others is organizing this important event that will focus especially on the Balkan countries:
1. Pray that right people from the the Balkans would come. 
2. Pray that the effect of this European Trumpet Call will have impact on whole of Europe.
3. Pray that the Lord will help us to meet all the expenses.
4 May the Lord give us wisdom how to do this.
For more information, please contact
Venko Nakov <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
A Korean advocate for the people of North Korea writes: "We do request the prayers of the International Prayer Council for the liberation and healing of North Korea's prison camp population, for the innumerable homeless and starving North Korean orphans and children, and for all of the people of North Korea."
  1. Pray for the reform or overthrow of the evil, totalitarian regime of Kim Jong Un. Constant propaganda tries to give him, his departed father and grandfather as having god-like status.
  2. Pray that the North Korean people will come to know the truth and be able to rise up against this brutal dictatorship.  
  3. Pray for the estimated three-quarters of the population who don't get enough to eat, especially the children. There are many street orphans that no one cares for that also need help.
  4. For the liberation of the 200,000 estimated prison camp inmates, many of them who are Christians or just suspected for being disloyal to the government. They are normally worked to death or used for medical and other experiments just like the Nazis did.
  5. Thousands upon thousands of Christians have been martyred by this communist regime since it took over decades ago. Most of them have died without the outside world knowing or caring. They are heroes of the faith. Please pray for the persecuted church in North Korea that it will be protected, strengthened and grow massively in spite of great hardship.
To all the Saints around the world. It is with mixed feelings I am writing to you all, the joy of the birth of the newest country of the South of Sudan, and with sadness of what is happening right now in this new country.
I feel very strongly that God is calling us, leaders of the faith to take practical steps to bring the true peace of the prince of peace to the situation in the south of Sudan.
1.  First we will start with 3 days of prayer and fasting.
2.  Secondly a peace conference.
Our prayer theme:  2 Chronicles 7:14: "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land".
1.  Repentance.
Pray that all the Sudanese will come to acknowledge that they have sinned against God.
2.  Forgiveness.
Pray that every family that has lost someone will find grace from above to forgive.
3.  Reconciliation
Pray that a true reconciliation with God and one another takes place during these times of prayer and fasting.
4.  Unity
Pray for a true spirit of unity, that the wall of tribes will come down and a true unity based in Christ Church will take place across the nation of the south of Sudan.
5.  Rebuilding a broken nation
Pray that every Sudanese in the south will receive from the Lord a spirit of ownership to build the nation in every aspect of life.
Rev. Jeremiah Dawood (Armeia)
East Ham Baptist Church  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  
(CNN) -- U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Saturday warned officials in the embattled Central African Republic not to repeat the mistakes that led to the Rwanda genocide 20 years ago.
In a speech to the country's National Transitional Council in the capital city, Bangui, the leader of the international body also urged the world not to "look away" from the nation's turmoil. "Some say this is a forgotten crisis," Ban said. "I am here to help make sure the world does not forget."
The Central African Republic, a former French colony, plunged into chaos last year after a coalition of mostly Muslim rebels ousted President Francois Bozize. They have since been forced out of power, but Christian and Muslim militias continue to battle for control. Thousands have died during the fighting and 2.2 million people, about half the country's population, are in need of humanitarian aid, according to the U.N. More than 650,000 people are still internally displaced, and nearly 300,000 have fled to neighboring countries in search of refuge... 
In 1994, Hutu extremists in Rwanda targeted ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus in a three-month killing spree that left an estimated 800,000 people dead. After his visit to the Central African Republic, the U.N. Secretary-General travels to Rwanda for the ceremonies observing the 20th anniversary of the genocide there.
1. Please pray for CAR political officials, the African Union-led peacekeeping force, as well as the French forces, to be effective in maintaining order in the country.
2. Pray that the Christian and Muslim militias will be moved to lay down their weapons and seek peaceful solutions to their differences. 
3. Intercede for effective humanitarian relief to half the population needing assistance and that they can return to a normal, peaceful life again soon.
A special prayer initiative with an international team is being planned for the last week of May in Baghdad. Please pray for the organizers, the arrangements, participants and the team as preparations are made for His guidance and protection.
Our Iraqi brothers and sisters in Christ need our prayer support for the following as well:
  1. For the election of the Iraqi parliament by the end of this month.
  2. Reconciliation between the central & the Kurdish governments.
  3. Standing against spirit of Islam, bloodshed, Satan worshipping.
  4. Spiritual hunger to know the Lord among the Iraqi people.
  5. Support & protection for the believers from a Muslim background. One brother, a young man, was killed in Mosul by his relatives two weeks ago, 12 bullets!
  6. Reconciliation between believers and collaboration in prayer networking.
  7. For the Catholic & Orthodox bishops, to be open to the Lord's work through other Christian organizations.
A Christian worker in Istanbul shares recent news and prayer topics.
Last week we had another great day of outreach in a busy section of Istanbul. Dozens, maybe hundreds received tracts, and dozens heard the gospel clearly presented by our team of over 15 believers. One man became angry after my sketch board presentation, saying I should leave and not do "missionary" work (a bad word to many) there...
This day, unlike most, we saw a larger percentage of opposition and spiritual blindness, which saddens us. 
1. Let us continue to pray for Turkey for the binding of spiritual forces as well as the weakening of cultural and historical prejudices that blind people to the glory of Christ.     
2. Pray that the brothers and sisters in Christ will be bold in sharing His truth with the Turks and that there will be many opportunities to do so. May many have dreams and visions of the Lord that open their hearts to know more and become His followers!
3. Pray that the united prayer movement in the nation would blossom fully and cover the whole nation in ongoing united and authoritative prayer for His reconcilation of all the peoples of the land and transformation.
Please pray for these issues in this crucial time for the nation:
1.  The Church in Mozambique should stand in the gap for Mozambicans instead of going along with political ills.
2.  Pray that Renamo and FRELIMO government make progress in resolving contentious electoral law.
3.  This is an election year, Mozambicans need peaceful elections.
Mapanza Nkwilimba
Country Director, Food for the Hungry
We are so excited about all the countries that will come to Brazil, what an opportunity! Please pray with us specially for the 32 nations that will come with their teams to play the Football / Soccer World Cup from the 12th of June to the 13th of July in 12 different cities all through our nation. You can see the power point slides here. Thirty two slides, one for each of the nations that will come to the World Cup.
There are different ways you can use this material which contains information and prayer point.
1. Share it with as many other prayer warriors as possible
2. Use it for specific times of intercession.
3.  Project it during prayer meetings in your youth group, church, cell group, YWAM base, DTS, etc.
4.  Print out each slide and put them  on the wall in classrooms or prayer rooms, and pray in groups for each of the nations represented by the pictures posted on the walls.
5. Share the series on social media networks.
But whatever you do, please pray for these nations and the Brazilian church, as we will be receiving many people from those nations on our door step. Pray that many international teams will come and help the Brazilian church share the Gospel to all those nations. Note that atleast 8 of these nations are predominantly Muslim, or have a big Muslim segment of their population.
May God bless you as you make yourselves available to intercede for the nations.
Johan Lukasse and the Kickoff team
JOCUM YWAM JMEO Belo Horizonte, Brazil
PrayerFocus Hinduism/Buddhism      
March 2014