Leila Mohammadi a Christian convert from Islam was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment by a revolutionary court in Iran after spending 5 months in the infamous Evin prison, according to Iranian news services. She was first arrested in July 2011 when police raided her home, east of Tehran, and confiscated her belongings. She was released from 74 days solitary confinement on $150,000 bail. At her trial on 18 January she was charged with ‘collaboration with foreign-dependent groups, broad anti-Islamic propaganda, deceiving citizens by formation of what is called a house church, insulting sacred figures and action against national security.’ However she was acquitted of ‘collaboration with foreign dependent groups’ because the judge ruled that she had done that unintentionally. Almost all activity related to Christianity in the country is illegal. Last year 200+ Christians were arrested and detained in Iran. Pray for the release and protection of all Iranian Christians in prison and pray particularly for Leila’s release.

Pray: that God will strengthen Leila in this difficult time, enabling her to stand firm in her faith. (Ps.3:8)

More: http://www.assistnews.net/Stories/2012/s12010160.htm


As pressure increases on Christian communities three Christian converts Farshid Modares-Aval, Mohammad-Reza Pirri and Yashar Farzin-No were arrested on July 20 when authorities searched their homes and seized a number of their personal belongings. They are in Tabriz prison. Security and judicial authorities have not provided any reason for their arrest or given any information regarding their health. Usually when families of detainees go to the authorities about the plight of loved ones they hear promises for early release if they keep silent and don’t publicize the case. Eventually when nothing happens families tell their stories to the media. According to reports received the three men have been beaten during interrogation. Mohammad-Reza Pirri’s brutal beating put him in the prison hospital for four days. Iranian law enforcement has always tried to relate house churches to foreign governments as political groups intending to overthrow the Islamic regime.

Pray: for God to hold these men, their families and all illegally held detainees in His hands, ask Him to strengthen and encourage them as they experience suppression and persecution. (Ps.32:7-8)

More: http://www.assistnews.net/Stories/2013/s13080054.htm

In recent months a campaign of threats and opposition against any faith contrary to Shiite, especially the Christian faith, has been under way by Shiite clerics and all media outlets connected to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Christian News Agency (MohabatNews) reported a meeting of cleric leaders speaking out against ‘the ever-increasing activities of ‘false Christians’ (Protestant and born-again Christians!), and ‘false Christianity’. Adding, ‘the Pope is actively atempting to spread Christianity inside Iran and such actions will result in exposing the Catholic Church for issues that would be very costly to the church’.  Iran has the largest population of non-Christians in the 10/40 window. Violence and crime is rising. Iran has the highest drug per capita in the world with people turning to drugs and prostitution to escape pain and hopeless situations. But, praise God! Iranians are hungry for truth. There is an unprecedented openness to the gospel message (see praise item below)

Pray: protection for all Christian mission to Iranians so that many more will find hope, peace, and redemption through Christ. (Lk.24:47)

More: http://www.iranaliveministries.org/


The pastor of a church in Esfahan, and nine imprisoned Christians from the city were freed on April 30 and May 1, pending their recall at a future date. According to the Farsi Christian News Network (FCNN), their family had to put up a lot of money as a guarantee. In addition, new charges were filed against the accused. According to FCNN, quoting Christian sources in Esfahan, Pastor Hekmat Salimi and nine others were freed after their families paid 50,000 US$ for Salimi, Meysam Hojati and Shahnaz Zarifi, and 30,000 US$ for others. These ‘security payments’ are rarely returned, and then only after very long and protracted negotiations. In addition, FCNN said, bribes are often demanded by the same Islamic Justice ministry officials who set the initial terms. FCNN said the Islamic Republic is ‘tightening its oppressive grip’ against the Christian community in Isfahan.

Pray: that those who have received their freedom pending recall would be fully released soon. (2Cor.3:17)

More: http://www.openheaven.com/forums/forum_posts.asp?TID=39609&PN=1&TPN=1


House church leaders fear an increased wave of persecution following a speech by Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who warned against the ‘network of house churches’ that ‘threaten Islamic faith and deceive young Muslims’. His comments came in the context of warning against what he believed to be attacks against the pure principles of Islamic faith, including Hollywood films and cartoons that are at odds with Islam. A church leader from Iran said, ‘I think this is the first time that he has openly agitated against the house church movement and mentioned it specifically. Speeches like this often have far reaching consequences in the country. Not that the people of Iran react with violence against Christians, but behind the scenes, the security services and religious police will take measures. That is what leaders of house churches fear the most at this moment.’

Pray: that the speech will attract more Iranians to Christ now the House Church movement is officially recognised, and for government plans against Christians to be thwarted. (Pr.2:33)

More: http://www.mnnonline.org/article/14968

In its news night programme on Friday 10th September Iranian State television announced that nine people had been arrested on the charge of carrying out evangelism just outside Hamedan. In this report State television mentioned that two of these people were being supported by organizations that are based outside the country, in particular the United States and Great Britain, but they did not mention the nationalities of these people. In this report it has been said that 'the other seven people who were arrested are Iranian and were cooperating with these Christian-Zionist organizations'. This report labels the arrested people as 'Christian Zionists' and 'evangelicals' but it did not say anything about their relationship with Israel or Zionists. In the Iranian government culture 'Christian-Zionists' is a title that they use to call Evangelical Christians who are benefiting from having access to a number of networks and TV satellite programmes for evangelism.

Pray: for believers in Iran that God will help them to overcome the pressure of the authorities. (Rev.17:14)

More: http://www.fcnn.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2317:the-report-by-the-iranian-state-tv-about-the-arrest-of-nine-christians-in-hamedan&catid=127:iranian-christian&Itemid=593

We praise God for the four women released on January 29th, and one woman and two men released on the 26th who were arrested on December 26th, 2010 along with 31 others. We are asked to continue to pray for the remaining 26 Christians still in an Iranian prison for their faith. Some of those detained are obliged to pay $180,000 bail for temporary release. Parents remain imprisoned while children (some are minors) do not know where their parents are. Please also pray for Yousef Nadarkhani sentenced to death for apostasy.

Pray: for the release of the prisoners, for an end to bail demands and for the government policy of ‘religious cleansing’ to stop. (Jer.30:8-9)

More: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/258601/iran-releases-some-christians-others-remain-prison-paul-marshall

Iranian authorities secretly executed a Jewish-Armenian couple along with one women and two other men. It’s unknown what they were charged with. The dawn execution was on March 14 according to human rights activists in Iran. Adiva Mirza Soleiman Kalimi was a Jewish Iranian and her husband was an Armenian Iranian. The identities of the other individuals remain unknown. The families of the victims asked authorities to return the bodies so they could be buried according to their cultural and religious customs. However, they received threats of arrest for doing so from agents of the Ministry of Intelligence. While a Division Court of the Revolutionary Court located inside the Evin prison confirmed the execution it refused to provide further details regarding the prisoners' bodies.

Pray: that Christians jailed for their faith would be powerfully aware of God with them at all times and for all persecuted Christians to be bold, wise, and full of hope. (Heb.10:35)

More: http://www.mohabatnews.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1463:secret-execution-of-a-jewish-armenian-couple-in-tehrans-evin-prison&catid=36:iranian-christians&Itemid=279