Christian militants MEND (The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta ) threatened to attack Muslim targets in response to bombings carried out by Boko Haram. Targets would be mosques, hajj camps, Islamic institutions, large congregations in Islamic events and assassinations of clerics that propagate doctrines of hate. However Mend has appeared increasingly fragmented in recent months. The group behind the current threats is believed to comprise disgruntled militants who have turned against the amnesty agreed between Mend and the Nigerian government in 2009. ‘We are on the cusp of something imaginable happening.’ said Tolu Ogunies a journalist and witness to attacks on Muslims in southern Nigeria. This new round of proposed violence is codenamed Operation Barbarossa. (Barbarossa was the code name for Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union)

Pray: for threats of murder and violence to be replaced by peaceful stability and helpful diplomacy. (Ps.43:1-4)



Muslim herdsmen and soldiers killed at least 45 ethnic Berom Christians in Plateau state in the past week. Smaller attacks beginning on Nov. 20th over allegations by Fulani Muslims of cattle theft preceded an attack on a church on Nov. 23rd killing four Christians, and an assault the next day left 35 Christians dead. Thousands of Christians are fleeing because they have no guns with which to fight back against aggressive Muslims with guns. Nearly all Christians have fled to Jos or have left Plateau state. In Thursday's attack the Fulani Muslims were shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ (God is greater). Alhaji Kasimu is one of leaders of the Muslim community in Barkin Ladi responsible for arming Muslims to attack Christians.

Pray: for the thousands of displaced Christians to know God’s provision and protection and for security agencies to take the necessary steps to check violence. (Ps.71:1-4)



In the aftermath of the recent presidential election hundreds of Christians were killed and hundreds of churches and Christian business were burned down or destroyed. Now, with the death of Osama Bin Laden, Christians across northern Nigeria are bracing themselves for possible reprisal attacks by Muslim extremist who are opposed to Bin laden's death. Church members have received anonymous text messages warning them of an impending attacks due to Osama's death, and reports are coming out of five northern states that some Muslims are planning to demonstrate against the death of Bin Laden. Northern Nigerian Christians have always been at the receiving end of violence when Muslim extremists feel they have been offended.

Pray: against sadistic acts of vengeance against Christians. (Ps.20:1)



Part of a press statement by the Overseas Fellowship of Nigerian Christians based in England sent commiserations to the family of Drummer Lee Rigby stating, ‘Our prayers are with Amy Rigby, their young son, wider family and friends as they grapple with this dastardly act. May our good LORD comfort them in their sorrows. This cowardly and cold-blooded murder of a British icon in the locale of an established military base was intended to strike fear into our hearts and break the bands that unite us as a peaceful nation. This is characteristic of the violent agenda of the proselytized adherents of these fringe groups in their grandiose belief that such carnage and unjustifiable acts glorify a just and merciful God. We utterly deplore the barbaric actions of these unscrupulous individuals who would not hesitate to invoke darkness on their motherland on the altar of self-glorification. We are deeply saddened at the recent revelation that the perpetrators are British of Nigerian extraction.’ For the full press release click the more button

Pray: for divine intervention and human vigilance to defeat the agents of terrorism. (Ps.77:14)



As Nigerian terrorist attacks continue, citizens are blaming the government for failing to protect them and asking why President Goodluck Jonathan is not doing more to save the Christians under attack by Islamist extremists. These latest calls mark a stark reverse of public opinion for President Goodluck Jonathan, hailed as Nigeria's Barack Obama when he took office in May 2010, promising to bring change and prosperity. Jonathan, a Christian and whose middle name Ebelechukwu means ‘God's Mercy’ admitted that members of his government might have sympathies toward Boko Haram, the Islamist terror group attacking churches and government offices. Citizens are so angry with these revelations that they have taken to the streets carrying mock coffins and placards calling him ‘President Badluck.’ Journalists are saying the President ‘has come across as clueless when it comes to dealing with Boko Haram.’ President of the Christian Association of Nigeria decried the government's failure to protect Christians from attacks and accused some security agents of taking sides. (See Prayer Alert 04-2012)

Pray: that ‘God's Mercy’ will be poured out over Nigeria and for the present situation to be turned around. (Ps.10:12)


As Nigeria continues to deal with prolonged violence from terror sect Boko Haram, persecuted Christian and Muslim communities are beginning to work together to root out the group and curb its mounting influence and destruction in their country. Thousands of Christians and Muslims protected each other from possible terror attacks while taking prayer breaks during a protest against high fuel prices. While Muslims prayed Christians formed a protective human chain around them. The unifying events at the protest coincide with a new initiative from the Nigerian Muslim group, Concerned Citizens of Kano State, that puts Muslims in Christian churches to ease any misdirected tensions between the two religious groups. The programme seeks to eliminate the confusion that Boko Haram has created, while affirming that Muslim-Christian relations in the country have been – and can continue to be – strong. Fears of civil war escalated following Christmas Day violence last month.

Pray: for forgiveness and reconciliation where Christians have wronged Muslims and Muslims have wronged Christians; may their unity thwart the plans of their enemies. (Is.60:18)


Rev Faye Pama Musa, Secretary of the Borno state chapter of the Christian Association of Nigeria was shot dead at his home in Northern Nigeria on May 15th after being followed home by suspected Boko Haram militants after an evening Bible study. He had a wife and three children. Christians warn that they are the main target of on-going violence in Nigeria's restive northeast. Brigadier General Chris Olukolade said forces have successfully engaged a large number of heavily armed terrorists during the last few days as they attempt to curtail violence. By Tuesday 14th suspected Islamic extremists and three soldiers were reported dead. Twenty others have been arrested. Boko Haram extremists were reported ‘fleeing to Nigeria's borders with Cameroon, Chad and Niger’, though that has not been confirmed. The president has called for the arrest of anyone suspected of working with the insurgents and ordered his forces to occupy any building housing extremists. See:

Pray: against militant groups feeding off rampant poverty and corruption as they recruit the poorest people into violence. May the government officials and troops bring about good governance. (Ex.23:6-7)



The Nigerian government must do more to protect Christians after another church was targeted over the weekend, an advocacy group has said. (see last weeks Prayer-Alert 15-2012) Suspicion for responsibility has fallen on Boko Haram. The Christian Association of Nigeria recently said it believes that Boko Haram, which means ‘Western education is sacrilege’ intends to ‘exterminate’ Nigeria’s Christian population. The Rev Yunusa Nmadu, chief executive of Christian Solidarity Worldwide Nigeria called upon the international community and the US administration in particular to declare Boko Haram a terrorist group ‘because this is what it is in reality.’ He also appealed to the Nigerian government to ensure adequate protection for Christians ‘as they are the main targets and regular victims of the Boko Haram insurgency.’ Christian Solidarity Worldwide said the burden of security should not be left to individuals.

Pray: for the international community to provide counter-insurgency training for the army and police and may God give them the wisdom to prevent further bloodshed. (Pr.1:5)
