Ten days ago workers on a boat off the coast of North Korea launched helium-filled scripture balloons that floated over the country declaring God's truth and promises. Coincidently as the workers prepared to leave the area Kim Jong Il died of a heart attack We can pray that as the word of God was lifted high over the dark land of North Korea His spirit would now cover and pierce the darkness over and in the land. While the world speculates about the future of North Korea, may we continue to intercede for those who face brutal persecution, imprisoned in labour ‘death’ camps and subjected to starvation and torture. Sister Yang was tortured for a month after being suspected of being a Christian. A woman sitting near Sister Yang had overheard her praying quietly and reported her to the authorities.‘They beat me with a shovel,’ Sister Yang told Voice of the Martyers, ‘Eventually my whole body had turned blue.’

Pray: for many in North Korea to know about Jesus Christ. Pray also for missionaries to continue to be protected as they bring His light to the darkest of places. (Ps.5:11-12)

More: http://etools.vomusa.org/a/vomso/bg_vomso_wdbm-20111220-YearEnd_443.html


North Korea is one of the world's most secretive societies, and still nominally under communist rule. Their nuclear ambitions have aggravated their rigidly maintained isolation from the rest of the world. North Korea’s roots were birthed in 1948 amid the chaotic end of World War II and its history is dominated by Kim Il-sung. As Christians we can pray for a rebirth of Korea out of the chaos of war into God’s provision of peace for the nation. After the Korean War, Kim Il-sung introduced the personal philosophy of 'Juche', or self-reliance, which became a guiding light for North Korea's development. As Christians we can pray for God’s guiding light Jesus Christ to be shone over the nation at this time as avenues of Christian support are touching the nation. (See  Archdiocese of Seoul outreach to North Korea)

Pray: for an end to ‘leadership dependence on cult personality’ and the beginning of ‘God's Rule’ for the whole nation. (Eze.18:23)

More: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/country_profiles/1131421.stm

In recent weeks the communist state has issued a series of threats against both South Korean and US targets, to which the US has responded with high-profile movements of advanced aircraft and warships around the Korean peninsula. (See Prayer Alert 12-2013) Most people believe North Korea does not want all-out war, even though they intend restarting facilities at its Yongbyon nuclear complex. The move came a day after Pyongyang announced a ‘new strategic line focusing on its nuclear programme and economy.' Life in North Korea is famine ravaged. A man in South Hwanghaewas killed by firing squad after it was learned he had eaten his two children, the Sunday Times reported recently. North Korea would neither confirm nor deny the account of the execution but it is not the first time that the communist regime is believed to have punished residents who resorted to cannibalism in order to stay alive. Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/report-starving-north-korean-father-resorts-cannibalism-article-1.1250773#ixzz2PO2jG2i6

Pray: that the aggressive rhetoric and military posturing will not result in counter-actions and pray for stability and calm communications. (Ps.2:1-2 & Ps.113:4-6)

More: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/apr/02/us-north-korea-nuclear-plan

The new Supreme Leader has clamped down on mobile phone use, declaring any use of a mobile phone during the 100 days of mourning for his father an act of war leading to charges of treason and long prison terms or death. Only a small percentage of the population has mobile phones, those who do own handsets are limited in their calling scope to their economic class. Lowly workers can contact only other lowly workers. The elite are likewise sequestered to their own economic tier. The communications, from low to high, are monitored. One false step in phrasing could earn years of hard labour. The government monitors mobile calls and surfing the Internet so little ‘outside’ news passes through filters for the 400,000 internet users.

Pray: that God would enable western truths and technology to reach North Korea. (Ps.110:2)

More: http://www.mobilephones.org.uk/mobile-news/north-korean-mobile-phone-use-equates-to-treason/

Panama's president Ricardo Martinelli said his country has seized a North Korean-flagged ship in the Panama Canal carrying ‘undeclared sophisticated missile equipment.’ The 35-strong crew had resisted the search and the captain had tried to kill himself. The US ‘commended’ Panama for its actions and said it strongly supported a full inspection of the ship. The ship had crossed the Pacific from Cuba without its automatic tracking system switched on - a move described by the BBC's security correspondent Frank Gardner as highly suspicious. The suspected weaponry was found in two containers and finding further ‘surprises’ was not ruled out as the search of the ship continued on Wednesday. Neither Cuba nor North Korea has yet commented on the incident. Under United Nations sanctions North Korea is banned from weapons exports and the import of all but small arms. North Korea has an on-going missile development programme.

Pray: that all North Korea’s black-market dealings would continue to be intercepted, and that sanctions would achieve the desired results. (Job 34:28-30)

More: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-23324170


North Korea warned foreigners to leave South Korea because ‘the two countries are on the brink of war’. Observers say this is mostly bluster to bolster Kim Jong Un’s image. However America's allies are taking precautions. Japan has deployed two interceptor missiles capable of engaging a North Korean rocket. North Korea founds its historical legitimacy on its ferocious animosity against U.S. imperialism and is what makes the current moment so dangerous. - SPIRITUAL INSIGHTS reveal that North Korea has deep political roots going back much further than 1945. Wedged awkwardly between China, Russia and Japan, the Korean Peninsula has long been a bloody battleground for greater powers. Korean rulers only managed to survive by playing one foreign power off against the other and by offering subservience, mainly to Chinese emperors, in exchange for protection. This legacy has nurtured a passionate fear and loathing of dependency on stronger countries.

Pray: that North Korea will turn from the state religion of Juche (Ps.4:2-3) Pray also against an all-out holy war on the west. (Ps.4:8)

More: http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2013/April/N-Korea-Warns-Tourists-to-Evacuate-South-Korea/


200,000+ North Koreans, including many Christians suffer brutal conditions in labour camps for political prisoners. Camp 14 is known as a ‘complete control district,’ meaning its 50,000 prisoners will work there until death. Camp 22 also holds 50,000 is the size of Los Angeles and thought to be used for human experiments. Camp 25 holds felons, religious leaders, spies and their families, and is controlled by the secret police. Very few survive a labour camp. The average sentence is 15 years, the average labour camp life expectancy is seven years. Up to three generations of entire families have been detained in government efforts to ‘root out class enemies.’ Christian workers along the border and inside the country face the continual threat of arrest and the subsequent consequences. Yet additional workers are in training for this dangerous work. Voice of the Martyrs request prayer for North Koreans, their team of workers and the North Korean underground church.

Pray: that God will guard the hearts of North Korean Christians and mission workers.(Ps.17:8,9)

More: http://www.salem-news.com/articles/june152012/korea-religion-pk.php


The North Korean attack against a South Korean island on 23 November is being called ‘one of the most serious incidents between the two nations since the Korean War.’ It was North Korea's third major provocative action this year. China has called for an emergency meeting of the six countries involved in talks about the North's nuclear disarmament. But South Korean President Lee Myung-bak said he was not interested in resuming the six-party talks immediately, according to South Korean news agency Yonhap.See: Western observers learned that North Korea has a modern uranium enrichment facility with at least 1,000 centrifuges - potentially offering Pyongyang [the capital of North Korea] another route to nuclear power. Observers speculate hostility may be an attempt to manufacture North Korean victories ahead of the exchange of power from Kim Jong-Il to his son, Kim Jong-Un. North Korea is number one on the Open Doors World Watch List 2010.

Pray: for the Lord to intervene in this conflict, establishing and maintaining peace. (Ps.37:37)

More: http://www.win1040.com/post.php?id=917