Open Doors USA is working with candidates from both parties seeking the position of President of the United States to craft a religious freedom pledge. The pledge has now been presented to all of the presidential candidates to sign. A candidate’s signature indicates they commit to upholding religious freedom for people of all faiths in America, and prioritizing religious freedom concerns in foreign policy. So far, Rick Santorum is the only presidential candidate who has signed it. Meanwhile, a coalition of Jewish, Christian and Muslim leaders are asking candidates not to lose sight of Middle East peace. Their statement reads, ‘While majorities of Israelis and Palestinians continue to long for peace, political problems on both sides inhibit leaders from moving forward. The months leading up to US national elections present a special challenge, we urge candidates not to use any rhetoric that could make prospects for peace more problematic.’ See:

Pray: that the next US President will uphold religious freedom and cultural justice into the national spotlight and preserve these most valued freedoms for future generations. (Ps.45:4)



Proposition 8, which sought to maintain the traditional definition of marriage in California, was struck down by a 2-1 vote at the Circuit Court in San Francisco on Tuesday, with the measure being deemed unconstitutional. Pro-family groups will appeal the court's ruling, and the case will most likely go to the US Supreme Court provided the court decides to hear it. No same-sex marriages are likely to be solemnized before the case is resolved.

Pray: that a court of law will not be allowed to redefine marriage. (Gen.1:27,28a)


A grieving Boston community filled a park late Tuesday where 8 year old Martin Ruchard, a local boy and the youngest victim killed in the Boston Marathon bombings, once played. They prayed for the family and neighborhood as they held candles and sang ‘God Bless America.’ Martin was by the finish line when the explosion killed him and two others and injured 176. Richard's mother Denise suffered brain injury and his 6-year-old sister Jane lost a leg. We are asked to pray for Bill the family’s father. President Barack Obama vowed to bring the perpetrators to justice. Christians have taken to Twitter to express their sympathies and ask for prayers with the hashtags #prayforboston and #BostonMarathon Mars Hill Church Pastor said, ‘The most powerful weapon at our disposal against evil is the hope-filled prayer of God's people.’ See also:

Pray: for medical personnel and counselors treating the victims. May God give these men and women helpful words for hurting people. (Ps.40:17)


A group of atheists has filed a lawsuit to stop the display of the World Trade Centre cross at a memorial of the 9/11 terror attacks. The ‘government enshrinement of the cross was an impermissible mingling of church and state,’ the American Atheists said in a press statement. The group filed the lawsuit this week in New York and posted a copy of the lawsuit on its website naming many defendants, including the state of New Jersey, the city of New York, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. The World Trade Centre cross, two intersecting steel beams that held up when the twin towers collapsed, was moved Saturday from near a church to its new home at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. There was ceremonial blessing of the cross in a service led by Father Brian Jordan, a Franciscan monk who ministered to workers clearing the area after the 9/11 attacks.

Pray: against religiosity and agnostic aggression that could smear an important part of commemorating 9/11 (Ps.36:9-11)


Anti-bullying campaigns have been grabbing headlines for months, mainly fighting bigotry against homosexuals. Now Dan Savage, a top anti-bullying advocate, has been caught up in an incident that some say is hypocritical at best. Savage is a gay man who founded one of the most popular anti-bullying websites, But he was recently captured on tape doing some bullying of his own, attacking the Bible and targeting Christian students at a high school event. ‘We can learn to ignore the bull---- in the Bible about gay people, the same way we have learned to ignore the bull---- in the Bible about slavery, about shellfish, about dinner, about farming, about menstruation, about virginity, about masturbation, we ignore bull---- in the Bible about all sorts of things,’ he says in the tape. Many students walked out in protest of Savage's diatribe against the Word of God, sacred to both Jews and Christians.

Pray: that those who object to Dan Savage’s ideas will overrule and promote Christian Biblical ideals. (Col.2:20)




On paper, Mr Obama should have been in trouble. He became the first president to achieve re-election since FDR with an unemployment rate of 7.9 per cent. A swathe of statewide ballots culminated in US states supporting legalizing marijuana for recreational use, allowing gay marriage and rejecting a call to ban public funding for abortions. These moves were decided among more than 170 ballot initiatives and referendums held across the country. The upsides of Mr Obama's victory ensures the survival of healthcare reform bringing the US more or less into line with other rich countries providing guaranteed coverage, if and when implemented, for all their citizens; and American foreign policy will be in the hands of a leader of proven cool and sound judgement, who no longer has to worry about his next election. Mitt Romney urged his supporters to set aside partisan differences and Barack Obama also stated his desire to work with Mitt Romney to take the country forward.

Pray: the President to have a united government that will successfully implement solutions to the challenges ahead.(Eph.4:3)



Last week a tornado outbreak of 440 warnings in five states killed 39 people and completely flattened whole townships. Meteorologists say this only comes along once every 10 or 20 years. The Salvation Army has sent in Emergency Disaster Service teams from nearby New Albany to the badly damaged town of Henryville in Clark County, where mobile canteens have been set up. Another team is providing food for 200 people at the Red Cross shelter in Charlestown. In Washington County, they are providing food for nearly 400 victims. The Salvation Army is assessing what's needed and providing support to the victims of these storms, and believe they will be meeting needs for a long time.’ Father Schaftlein in Henryville, a town severely affected said, ‘Although the response to provide help to those people affected has been significant, sustaining that outreach over the course of several months will be vital.'

Pray: for excellent communication between the various service providers, enabling swift, successful and appropriate aid wherever it is needed. (Php.4:19)




Congress is divided amid warnings of dangers to the world economy. The financial crisis deepened after President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner accused one another of failing to negotiate to avert an unprecedented debt default early next week. Chiefs of the International Monetary Fund and credit rating agencies such as Standard & Poor's and Moody's warned they will downgrade the United States' top credit rating if an agreement isn't reached by Tuesday. Also on Tuesday the Arab League will meet in Cairo at the request of President Mahmoud Abbas due to a funding crisis causing them to be unable to pay employees salaries. A funding crisis crippling the West Bank government is due to pledged aid by the Arab League not materializing. PA staff receive half-pay until funds arrive, if the crisis continues the government will take additional austerity measures. See

Pray: for God to give his wisdom to the nations who have chosen to spend beyond their means. (Pr.21:1)
