Masab Hassan Yousef, the son of a prominent Hamas leader who became a Christian is facing a deportation hearing on June 30 in San Diego because the U.S. Government views him as ‘a threat to America’s national security.’ Yousef, 32, authored the globally circulated book ‘Son of Hamas’ in which he recalls embracing Christianity and working as a secret agent for Israeli intelligence for over a decade to halt ‘terrorist attacks throughout Israel.’ Israeli officials have not commented on the case. The book was published this year, resulting in television appearances on American network shows. Yousef sought political asylum in the US but was told last February he was ‘barred from a grant of asylum because there were ‘reasonable grounds’ for believing he was ‘a danger to the security of the United States.’

Pray: for God to protect Yousef and provide a safe haven for him to put down his roots. (Ps.121:3)


As observers around the world mourned the teachers and children killed in Newtown, many expressed frustration with a US political system that has left guns so easily accessible. The German Foreign Minister signed a condolence book for the victims at Berlin’s US Embassy. In Moscow dozens of Russians spontaneously placed flowers at the US Embassy over the weekend, news of the tragedy was shared across the Internet in China, which witnessed its own school attack on Friday. (see item 4 below) Across Europe heads of state expressed their grief, shock and horror plus mounting frustration with a US political system that has left dangerous weapons legal and accessible to the public. Mexico is directly affected by US gun laws. Other nations that have experienced mass homicides by a lone shooter have reformed legislation and question why the US can’t do the same.

Pray: for all who have been touched by this atrocity to know God’s comfort and sustenance (Ps.55:4-5, 16-17) Pray also for clarity and tightening of US gun laws. (Ps.45:4)

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Residents of Moore are trying to recover and clean up as the Governor asked America to pray for Oklahoma. While people were at work and children in school a 20 mile long 1¼ miles wide tornado hit Moore on the outskirts of Oklahoma City. A resident said, ‘It's like a bomb dropped on Moore. I just praise God my daughter is safe.’ A fire fighter among the first responders to the crisis said that the devastation was unimaginable. ‘You could tell the people who lost everything. They have that look- like they aren't all there. They just walk around in a daze.’ Neighbourhoods are unrecognizable.’ Rescuers braved the danger of electrocution and fire from downed power lines and ruptured natural gas lines. President Obama has declared a major disaster. See: 51people were killed, including 20 children. Some of the most heartbreaking stories have involved children, with the town's two schools taking a direct hit

Pray: for families of the deceased, and for the thousands who have been affected by homes, schools, businesses and medical centres being destroyed. (Ps.20:1a)



They came to the USA seeking protection from persecution in their home country but have been caught up in what some are calling an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ situation. In one case a young man from South Sudan trying for years to get permanent residence in the USA was denied sanctuary because of his possible ties to a terrorist organization. The tie is the time he was held at a Sudanese rebel army's training camp for a month after being abducted as a child. He escaped and resettled in the U.S. but his case remains on hold. Human rights groups argue provisions in immigration are overly broad. Others who have been placed in the terrorist category include doctors who assisted the wounded and were unaware that the patients were terrorists and women who were forced to feed terrorists at the threat of their lives.

Pray: that the United States continues to be a beacon of freedom and hope for those seeking asylum. (Lev.19:15)


President Barack Obama has begun a new push to reshape public perception regarding his health care law while working behind the scenes to fix its problems. At a White House event Tuesday he reminded Americans that he designed the Affordable Care Act to prevent insurance discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions and to allow young people to stay on their parents' coverage until age 26. But for many Americans, the's online Obamacare website is failing many consumers attempting to sign up. It was updated last weekend but still many are still running into failures and crashes. To combat continuing concerns about, President Osama hopes to refocus the public's attention on potential benefits with the health care law in an effort to encourage more to sign up despite deep flaws with enrolment data. Insurers now say that much data they're receiving is incomplete or incorrect and could be useless. Ultimately, it may mean consumers cannot access benefits on January 1, 2014 - the date the coverage begins.

Pray: that Government administration officials, insurance company representatives and technology specialists will solve the problem. (Pr.15:22)



Following the results of the midterm elections, Christians are being urged to pray for their elected leaders. Chuck Colson, the former top aid to President Nixon said, ‘First things first. I will be on my knees, begging God to have mercy on this country and on His Church. And we should pray for our newly elected representatives and senators. Conservative evangelicals and Catholics need to acknowledge that we have no political home.’ Colson cheered on the victories of pro-life candidates: Dan Coates of Indiana and Rand Paul of Kentucky. Dr. Rand Paul said the country had been hit by a ‘Tea Bag tidal wave’ fuelled by angry Americans. In his podcast last week Chuck Colson stated there was room for a religious revolution. Of the parties, Democratic and Republican, Colson praised the Tea Party for attempting to change the culture of Washington.

Pray: that the grassroots movement will be directed by God and actioned by men of integrity in America. (Ps.45:4)


Evangelical Christians and anti-abortion activists united the Republican right behind Rick Santorum for the party's presidential nomination. On Wednesday Mr Santorum declared that his strong Iowa showing means it's ‘game on’ for the party's presidential nomination, and he's heading to New Hampshire for round two after coming second by eight votes to Mitt Romney in Tuesday’s caucuses. The Associated Press did not declare a winner, but Iowa Republican chairman Matt Strawn announced early Wednesday that Romney had 30,015 votes to 30,007 for Santorum. Santorum's camp called the result a moral equivalent of a win because their support grew so fast in the last couple of weeks. Santorum the former senator from Pennsylvania said, ‘God has given us this great country to allow his people to be free. I offer a public thanks to God.’ and ‘It's now or never for conservative voters.’

Pray: that as the USA moves into eleven months of political canvassing, God’s values will be honoured and not used as a political tool. (Ex.20:3,7)


The state of Arizona has passed harsh anti-illegal immigration laws, including one that requires police to demand a person’s legal papers if there is reason to believe the person is in the United States illegally. The state government hopes that these laws will stem the flow of illegal Mexican immigrants across the Mexico-Arizona border. However, the targeting of ‘illegal aliens’ confronts Christian churches with their own moral dilemma because hostility to ‘sojourners’ runs counter to the teachings of Jesus, as Baptist minister Howard Bess argues in his essay (see link). Christian churches in Arizona of every kind – Roman Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Pentecostal, liberal and conservative – offer services to people in need and seldom ask about immigration status. Typically, the churches provide services with a full knowledge that some recipients are in the US illegally. Thousands of helper/Christian people are thereby aiding and abetting law-breakers which, Bess argues, easily become a part of our Christian responsibility.

Pray: that a humane and Christian resolution will be revealed to Arizona’s policy-makers. (Ps.37:11)
