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Time 2 Turn - National Prayer Conference
From Monday 12 March 2018 -  01:00pm
To Wednesday 14 March 2018 - 01:10pm
by admin


Our National Prayer Conference is as much a calling as it is a conference. We are calling people who want to stand in God’s presence, worship Him with all their hearts and let Him gently minister to them and encourage them. It is a calling to dedicate time to pray for God’s Kingdom to come, and listen to His call.

This calling is for all people whether new to prayer, young or old, and from any background, who have a hunger for the purposes of Jesus and hunger to see change in our nations.
Our theme is - Time to Turn. This is a mobilising call that starts with us: people who love prayer. We are delighted to have Malcolm Duncan with us as our guest speaker. We will announce more speakers and seminar details on

We look forward to you joining us for what we believe will be another great conference.

The venue accommodation is full. Please call the office to discuss alternative accommodation options on 0121 633 7393.