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Start 2018 Right!
From Friday 09 February 2018
To Saturday 10 February 2018
by natasha.ruddock

Start the Year Right! is one of the most important new year gatherings of apostles, prophets, and reformers in Europe. Join Emma Stark, the Glasgow Prophetic Centre team and guest Apostle Jane Hamon of Christian International and hear what God is saying for 2018 – for you, for Scotland, for Europe.

We believe that 2017 is an important year in God’s calendar – a year where He will cause us to arise, shine, and advance like never before. A year where we will see His power invade like a force through the Church. Therefore, we invite you to join with people from all over Scotland, the UK, Europe and parts of Noth America to hear the voice of God and be aligned with His heart.

Come and be equipped to outwork God’s purposes for the coming year, experience new levels of encounter with Jesus through passionate worship, and be encouraged to take your place in God’s transformation of the earth!

Find out more and book a space

Location Hilton Glasgow