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Revive 2017
From Saturday 29 July 2017
To Friday 04 August 2017
by natasha.ruddock

‘All for One’
With Roger and Faith Forster, and special guest speakers Stuart Bell, Steve Clifford and Jake Isaac.


This year we are joining with other Christian festivals that are celebrating the theme of our ‘oneness’ in Christ. There couldn’t be a more fitting title for Revive than All for One. It reminds us of the wonderful taste of heaven-on-earth that we experience together, young and old, as we worship Jesus. God has always moved in power at Revive and we believe 2017 will be no exception. We are looking forward to seeing more lives changed as we enjoy his presence together!

Our theme of ‘All for One’ is part of a nationwide initiative based on John 17:21 that is bringing together Evangelical festivals and events in 2017.

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Location Ashburnham Place, East Sussex