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A changing world - A Kingdom opportunity
Saturday 08 April 2017, 10:30am
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Invitation to a Day Conference at the Lenchwood Christian Centre, Evesham
Saturday April 8th 2017

We are very excited to announce that on Saturday April 8th, Passion for the Nation will be joining with the Lenchwood Christian Centre for a one-day Conference. The speaker will be Suzanne Ferrett, founder of Passion for the Nation.

This is a time when God’s eyes are on nations, including the United Kingdom. The challenges are enormous but so is the potential for the Kingdom to advance, and God has purpose and plan. He has been preparing His people for this season to touch the world around them, from Governments to the lives of individuals, and to pioneer that advance, He has been refreshing and equipping His people in the place of prayer. This is a time for His people to enter His Presence in intimate worship, and also to stand in their God given spiritual authority to shape the world around them.

At this significant time in our nation’s history, this conference will be a time to hear vision, to be informed and encouraged, as well as a time to participate in prayer for our land. It will be a great opportunity to connect with others.

We would love to see you there.

Practical Details:
Location: The Lenchwood Christian Centre, Spitten Farm, Ab Lench, WR11 4UP
Speaker: Suzanne Ferrett, founder – Passion for the Nation
Coffee will be served from 10.30, and the sessions will begin at 11.00am and 2.30pm.
Lunch will be available to purchase at the centre.
There is no charge for the conference, but an offering will be taken.
To help us with catering, please do email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or ring 01386 462220 if you are planning to come.

Location The Lenchwood Christian Centre, Spitten Farm, Ab Lench, WR11 4UP