Events Calendar
To Sunday 04 September 2016
Leading up to the Cumbria Prayer Conference on October 8th, we’re taking a team to Ulverston, Cumbria for a Weekend of Prayer from Friday 2nd to Sunday 4th September 2016
We’ll be supporting a local prayer group and local churches in this prayer mission.
“The spiritual legacy of George Fox has been neglected in the Ulverston area, but it can be reclaimed as we seek the LORD together.
As well as praying for the whole area we will be seeking to 'unstop the wells' – to reclaim the spiritual inheritance of that work of God centred at Swarthmoor Hall 300 years ago.
We shall also be praying in support of local churches in the development of the “God for All” initiative, which has the aim of giving everyone in Cumbria the opportunity to discover more of God and his purpose in their lives by 2020.”
The Timetable
Friday 2nd Evening of Prayer waiting on the LORD in the Quaker Meeting House, Meeting House Lane, Ulverston 7.30 – 10.30pm on Friday 2nd September
Saturday 3rd A prayer journey to some of the sites connected with George Fox in the area.
Evening of prayer and worship
Sunday 4th Morning meeting with a local church or home church
Also Join us to Prayer Walk the first leg of the Cistercian Way from Grange over Sands to Cartmel Priory on the Friday morning.
(This is a 3 to 4 mile walk over Grange Fell taking in views of Morecambe Bay and the Leven Estuary across to Ulverston)
Accommodation & Cost: We will arrange accommodation with local hosts or with ourselves at Crown Cottage in Grange.
Meals: Some sustenance may be needed when we are out and about, but we’ll plan to share meals as a team or with our hosts.
If you are interested in being involved in part or all of the weekend and would like to know more please get in touch for more details. Email
Web Links:
Cumbria Prayer Conference
God for All, Cumbria
World Prayer Centre
UK Wells