Displaying items by tag: Politics

Thursday, 09 May 2019 22:41

Bulgaria: Pope urges ‘welcome refugees’

Bulgaria’s prime minister welcomed Pope Francis when he visited Bulgaria on 5 May, saying it reflects his interest in the peaceful economic development of the Balkans. Francis’ tour included a visit to a refugee camp in the outskirts of Sofia, where he said, ‘Bulgaria confronts the phenomenon of those crossing its borders in order to flee wars, conflicts or dire poverty in attempts to reach the wealthiest areas of Europe. They want new opportunities in life or simply a safe refuge. To all Bulgarians, familiar with the drama of emigration, I respectfully suggest that you not close your eyes, your hearts, or your hands - in accordance with your best tradition - to those who knock at your door.’ The Orthodox Church rejected the idea of holding joint prayers with the pontiff.

Published in Europe

Worship songs and heartfelt prayers filled the streets of neighbourhoods across South Africa on Freedom Day, Saturday 4 May, as believers celebrated their freedom in Christ and prayed for change in the country. Over 80 Jesus Marches took place in small towns and in big cities. Many participants were armed with black bags to clean the streets while praying. At the 10am start of the marches a prayer for the nation that was streamed to all the march venues via mobile phones. The central theme was John 8:36 - ‘Who the Son sets free is free indeed’. Many referred to the event as celebrating ‘True Freedom Day’, as only Christ can truly set us free and no government or worldly system can provide all the answers to society’s problems. Christians were encouraged to wear white on election day - Wednesday 8 May. See also the next article, on the elections.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 09 May 2019 22:23

South Africa: pivotal elections

Twenty-five years ago, under Nelson Mandela, the African National Congress (ANC) party ended apartheid, but since then it has governed poorly. Four in ten South Africans still live in poverty. Half of young people are unemployed, in an unequal society caused by corruption at all government levels. Seven out of ten South Africans don't trust politicians and many under-30s did not bother to vote in the 8 May elections. At the time of writing, ballot results are trickling in with the results expected on 11 May. The weakness of its challengers means that the ANC is expected to win again, but national projections show a drop in support of 8%. Recently the ANC replaced President Zuma with his deputy, Cyril Ramaphosa, who is attempting to recover stolen state funds. So far he has been unable to remove the deeply entrenched crony networks of corrupt local officials and power brokers who deliver many votes for ANC. See also the previous article, and

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 09 May 2019 22:10

Sudan: ‘deep state’ of Islamists remains

Omar al-Bashir is no longer Sudan’s president, but those who served him want to hold on to power through a military council. Meanwhile, protesters are still staging a sit-in outside Khartoum’s military headquarters and demanding that power be handed over to civilians. Islamist regime insiders who were close to al-Bashir remain in the shadows, and, unfortunately for the Christian minority of 3%, they are determined to maintain their grip on power. These Islamists are what is being described in media reports as a ‘deep state’ of shadowy authority figures that could eventually seize power in a counter-coup. Islamist influence is strong in the upper echelons of the armed forces and political parties are weakened by decades of authoritarian rule. It will be difficult for independent individuals with experience and strength to deal with these dangers.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 02 May 2019 21:22

Brexit Party and elections

If Parliament doesn’t pass a Brexit deal and withdrawal agreement by 22 May, the UK will have to take part in EU elections on 23 May despite having opted to leave the European bloc. Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party is running for these elections, and two recent YouGov polls indicate it might attract 27% of the voters, overtaking both Labour and Conservative. Farage hopes to quell the idea of a second Brexit referendum by topping the polls and calling for an immediate withdrawal from the EU. The party is expected to focus on the single message that the UK must leave the EU immediately. Detailed policies will be left until after the EU elections. Meanwhile, he has pledged to ‘realign and change British politics’ by standing in the Brexit-backing city of Peterborough by-election in June. See

Published in British Isles

A new survey by the pro-EU group European Movement Ireland and polling company Red C shows that public support for Ireland’s membership of the EU has increased to 93%. The survey of 1,000 people aged 18 and over across the country shows support for the EU at the highest level since the poll began in 2013. 50% of people surveyed now believe that a united Ireland as a member of the EU is more likely in the wake of the UK’s decision to leave the union, while 41% do not think that this is likely. The highest backing for continued EU membership was among the 18- to 24-year-old and 65-plus age groups. The survey was conducted between 21 and 27 March 2019, when there was uncertainty around whether the UK would depart from the EU without an agreement as originally planned on 29 March.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 02 May 2019 21:08

Spain: far-right politics

The Socialists won the recent Spanish election, but far-right party Vox will enter parliament for the first time. Vox opposes multiculturalism, migration, and feminism. Italy's deputy PM from the right-wing League party congratulated ‘our friends in Vox for joining the parliament in Spain’. Its views on immigration and Islam place it in line with far-right and populist parties elsewhere in Europe. With European elections only weeks away, nationalist and far-right parties across Europe are sensing an opportunity for a rise in European nationalism. Italy’s anti-establishment Five Star Movement has common cause with Germany's main opposition party, AfD, the Finns Party, the Danish People's Party (who seize migrants’ property to pay bills), Austria's Freedom Party, France's National Rally, Sweden’s anti-immigration party, and several others, including Nigel Farage’s Brexit party. See

Published in Europe
Thursday, 25 April 2019 23:16

Passion for the Nation on local elections

‘Thank You, Father, for those who have served this nation in many capacities across the years; but now this is a new day. Lord, You positioned leaders of ten, leaders of hundreds and leaders of thousands, and You prepared and anointed leaders before their time of service, So, in the Name of Jesus, we call forth across this nation, the leaders You have appointed for this season. We declare they will be positioned and connected for Your voice to be heard, recognised, and active within every place of influence and gateway of society. We declare that those chosen and appointed by you for the next season will stand strong and secure with new levels of revelation and understanding. We declare they will listen, speak and act according to the words and strategies of the Spirit of God, causing them to grow in favour with God and man.’ For the full declaration, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in British Isles

A report on 25 April suggests the prime minister is planning to bring forward a law next week to enact her withdrawal agreement, even though it has been rejected by MPs three times. The law is expected to include new guarantees that the government hopes will entice both Tory Eurosceptics and wavering Labour MPs to vote for the deal. An attempt to force another vote of no confidence in Mrs May was scuppered after senior Tories refused to change party rules to allow another ballot to be held. We can continue to pray for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 17:20 that if a person has faith as small as a mustard seed, they can say to a mountain, ‘Move from here to there’, and it will move.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 25 April 2019 22:30

Extinction Rebellion protests continue

A retired parole officer in his eighties was among climate change protesters arrested on 25 April, after climbing on top of a train in London’s rush hour. Extinction Rebellion want politicians to realise that climate change is actually a ‘climate crisis’. The following are twitter suggestions by environmentalists for transformation: cancel Heathrow expansion and impose graduated taxes on frequent fliers; insulate UK's draughty housing stock; and make electric cars work. They say the Department for Transport is failing to deliver a vitally important charging network as part of its long-term climate plans. Other suggestions are: get farmers to cut emissions, and start widespread rewilding so that trees can capture CO2; stop tax breaks to North Sea oil and gas; ban fracking; and bring back cheap, effective onshore wind power. Many said if we really want to tackle climate change we should be going as fast as we can, not setting arbitrary target dates like 2050.

Published in British Isles