G20: Evangelical Alliance prayer request

Written by David Fletcher 07 Jul 2017
G20: Evangelical Alliance prayer request

The G20 results will influence the world. It is the first time that leaders like Trump and Putin will unite and attempt to create a major shift to nationalism and individualism with regards to hunger, climate, war, terror, and refugees. All kings and powers are installed by God and we, the body of Christ, have the responsibility to intercede for our leaders. Will you join us to pray while our political leaders meet together? The presidents of China, Japan, Korea, India, Indonesia, Singapore, and Australia will be there. Danger is also coming from international protest movements. Anti-fascism, anti-capitalists, militant socialist, Marxists, communist, militant Kurds and people against President Trump are preparing to block the summit and bring violence and chaos to the streets and infrastructure. Nearly all of Hamburg's denominations and prayer movements will be praying in churches and on the streets. We also need your prayers for peace.

Additional Info

  • Pray: for God to block and dispel anarchism on the streets, the harbour and the borders. Pray for God's plans, not the evil one’s, to go out from the G20 to the nations. (1 Kings 8:28)