Paint a prayer for the nations

Written by David Fletcher 22 Dec 2016
Paint a prayer for the nations

On Sunday we celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace, but peace is missing in so many places. Central African Republic is experiencing armed clashes between Muslims and Christians. Democratic Republic of Congo is warring against rebel groups. Egypt is has militant branches of Islamic State. Libya still has an ongoing civil war. Mali citizens are burdened with clashes between army and rebel groups. Mozambique is contending with RENAMO rebels. Nigeria is battling militants. Somalia is struggling against al-Shabaab. South Sudan is suffering continual atrocities between opposing groups. Praying into so many situations can be overwhelming, but this Christmas perhaps we could offer our imaginations to the Prince of Peace and have our thoughts inspired by the Holy Spirit. Let us paint a prayer based on ‘What would it look like if God touched this place, this situation, this nation, with His glorious colours of salvation and restoration?’ Let this Holy Spirit-inspired image fuel our prayers for 2017.

Additional Info

  • Pray: for the Holy Spirit to give us renewed, inspired prayers that usher in winds of change in 2017. (Jn.14:26)