Pakistan: prayer request

Written by David Fletcher 09 Dec 2016
Pakistan: prayer request

A missionary writes, ‘Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. (Ps 20:7) Visas: please pray about the ban on Christian workers getting visas (particularly Americans). This is a real problem. Health: pray for the many workers currently experiencing serious health problems. Christian TV banned: this law is also being brought against other minority groups. Several Christians have continued producing and broadcasting materials and have been arrested for it. Blocking satellite transmissions: they are trying to block satellite TV and radio; may they not be able to do this. Backup: there is a board managing 6-7 groups producing TV, radio and correspondence courses. Pray for backup copies to be made for every group. There have been times when police have come in unannounced and destroyed materials. Pray for protection over this material and wisdom in knowing how to proceed.’

Additional Info

  • Pray: for God’s protection over church planting in a very vulnerable area. Pray also for laws against Christianity and Christian broadcasting to be overturned, and for God to continue to grow His Church .(Pr.3:5-6)