Iran: Christians awaiting trial

Written by Super User 02 Dec 2016
Iran: Christians awaiting trial

Yaser, Saheb and Mohammed Reza were arrested at a house church in May and charged with ‘action against national security’. They were released on bail after weeks in detention. Their pastor, Yousef Nadarkhani, and his wife Fatemeh (Tina) Pasandideh were also arrested but not detained. However, Yousef was later charged for the same crime. All four were summoned to the revolutionary court in Rasht in October, but the judge didn’t issue a verdict. The second hearing is on 14 December. In addition, Yaser, Saheb and Mohammed face charges related to consumption of alcohol (they drank wine during a communion service). Drinking alcohol is not illegal for Christians, but is prohibited for Muslims. The charges against Christian converts reflect the view that a Muslim cannot change religion. After a court hearing on 10 September, they were each sentenced to eighty lashes, but they are appealing this verdict. The appeal hearing is scheduled for 9 February 2017.

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