Indonesia: Christian governor accused of blasphemy

Written by David Fletcher 11 Nov 2016
Indonesia: Christian governor accused of blasphemy

Indonesian police have questioned Jakarta's Christian governor Basuki Purnama, better known as Ahok, over allegations that he insulted Islam, which led to a mass protest. This became violent and caused a number of police injuries and the death of an elderly man. Ahok now stands accused of insulting the Qu’ran while campaigning in governorship elections in September. At that time political attacks on him cited a Qu’ranic verse, which supposedly bars Muslims from choosing non-Muslim leaders. On Friday, protesters hurled missiles at police, who responded with tear gas and water cannon. Mr Purnama is the first non-Muslim Jakarta governor for 50 years and the first Chinese Indonesian to hold the post, making him a double minority in Muslim-majority Indonesia. He is widely popular in Jakarta for his fight against government corruption and his ability to raise the standard of living.

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  • Pray: that the government will not allow the situation to get out of control. Ask God to protect Governor Ahok and his family. Pray for President Widodo, facing threats against his government. (Ex.8:22)