International Days Of Prayer (IDOP) this month

Written by David Fletcher 04 Nov 2016
International Days Of Prayer (IDOP) this month

On 6 and 19 November, millions of Christians around the world will unite in prayer for the persecuted church. Approximately 100 million Christians globally face persecution daily. They face routine harassment and often suffer in silence and isolation. Over the years, the IDOP has been a platform to highlight their stories, advocate their plight, and encourage prayer; this brings solidarity and encouragement to persecuted Christians by reminding them that they are part of a larger, global family of believers. We can join millions this Sunday and again on the 19th, and ask the God of the nations to strengthen and deliver His suffering saints. Today we can pray for even more people this year to hear about this initiative, and for those in sorrow to experience triumph in the face of the enemy. Pray that in spite of persecution, wherever they are in the world, our brothers and sisters in Christ will be strong in their faith, holding on to God and His promises.

Additional Info

  • Pray: for God to use the prayers of His people to strengthen and deliver suffering saints. (1 Cor.12:26)