Central African Republic: Seleka v Christians

Written by David Fletcher 04 Nov 2016
Central African Republic: Seleka v Christians

One correspondent writes: ‘Seleka rebels have changed the course of CAR’s history, through sheer barbarity. Many people expected UN forces to put an end to the suffering, since there is no longer a national army to provide security, but there have been incidents where UN soldiers opened fire on protesters. Our part of town was deserted last night, everyone having fled. It's like being in a battlefield, with sustained gunfire and rockets exploding all around. In one district, there have been clashes between different factions of the Seleka, with leaders killing each other. It's like a story in the Bible where God caused the enemies of Israel to turn their swords against each other. But we do not despair! A number of teaching and training sessions have been held recently in different places, to strengthen the church. The latest was attended by hundreds of church leaders, Christian workers and government authorities. International speakers provided input. The work of rebuilding the CAR church on new spiritual foundations continues.’

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