Syria: SAS training Syrians

Written by David Fletcher 30 Sep 2016
Syria: SAS training Syrians

Both International Business Times and Russia Today have joined The Sun and Daily Mirror in reporting that British special forces are secretly training ‘New Syrian Army’ (NSA) rebels in Jordan. IB Times says the aim of the Marine commandos and SAS is to equip and empower the US-backed NSA to fight IS. Those who join the NSA are supposed to sign a pledge only to fight IS and not the Syrian Army. But the media are saying, ‘Don’t let us be surprised if they turn their fire on Syrian regular forces.’ Recently, US-led aircraft attacked a Syrian army unit, resulting in 62 deaths. According to the Independent, the Ministry of Defence confirmed British jets were involved in killing 62 sons, husbands and fathers. Previous attempts by the US to train Syrian rebels met with disaster. The Pentagon spent $500 million training just five men in 2015 and rebels handed vehicles and ammunition over to extremists. The programme was shut down.

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