Middle East: church summit

Written by David Fletcher 23 Sep 2016
Middle East: church summit

Last week, Jordan hosted the 11th General Assembly of the Middle East Council of Churches. Presidents of churches from Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Cyprus, Lebanon, Egypt and Iran reflected on common challenges facing Christian communities in the region and met with King Abdullah who gave his support by saying, ‘Christians in the Arab world are an integral part of the Arab social fabric and protecting their rights is a duty of all.’ At the close of the three-day assembly, the leaders said how they appreciate the support of Muslim leaders in the region and value their combatting extremism. They asked for intervention to stop the war in Syria and to give support to the region’s refugees, and urged the speedy election of a president in Lebanon. In Lebanon, the constitution requires the president to be a Christian but the post has been vacant for over two years as the sides cannot agree on a candidate.

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