Israel: new West Bank plan

Written by David Fletcher 26 Aug 2016
Israel: new West Bank plan

Last week Israeli defence minister Liberman unveiled a plan to contend with Palestinian terrorism. The main points were to find alternative civilian leadership to replace Palestinian president Abbas, and to map towns and villages throughout the West Bank as ‘red’ and ‘green.’ Regions from which no terrorist activities are launched will be ‘green’ and earn various benefits and easing of restrictions. Regions from which terrorists originate will be ‘red’, and security measures will be levelled against them. While it is unclear whether residents of red areas will be denied permits to work in Israel, it's already known that green areas will be rewarded with the expansion of their development plans. The proposal ignores tight security cooperation between the Israeli and Palestinian security forces that has been effective in maintaining calm and preventing the outbreak of another widespread intifada on the West Bank.

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