Pakistan: kidnapping of children escalating

Written by David Fletcher 19 Aug 2016
Pakistan: kidnapping of children escalating

There has been a rash of child kidnappings in recent months, increasing to alarming numbers (300 in one city in two weeks). The police are ineffective, resulting in vigilante forces being formed. Vigilantes recently stopped an ambulance carrying twelve children. The driver was tortured and accused of kidnapping when his trip was a legitimate one. Criminals are growing even more daring. Some children are forced into prostitution and begging, some are found with major body parts removed, including kidneys, eyes and hearts; obviously feeding a lucrative illegal black market for body transplants. Equally disturbing are those being trained to be suicide bombers. A Lahore Christian believer writes that over 900 children have been kidnapped. Local Christians are fasting and praying for divine intervention in this atrocity perpetrated against young and helpless children. Will you join them in prayer?

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