USA: meeting Jesus inspired ex-congressman

Written by David Fletcher 11 Aug 2016
USA: meeting Jesus inspired ex-congressman

Former congressman Tom DeLay encountered Jesus over 30 years ago and the transformation he underwent inspired him to write a book, jointly with Baptist pastor Wallace Henley, calling America back to its godly heritage. He spoke in depth about the process of repentance and revival that can lead to transformation in a nation. ‘How does a nation repent? Well, 100% of the nation isn’t going to repent, but when the remnant community, which is the core of the spiritual heart of the nation, awakens to repentance it radiates to others and others pick up the theme across the culture. When that occurs, that's when revival really strikes,’ Henley said. ‘God is at the core of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and the Constitution is at the core of our government. We need a God-centred revolution for the Constitution, resulting in a rebirth of our culture.'

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