
Written by Linda Digby 05 Aug 2016

After years of crippling hyperinflation and unemployment Zimbabwe is on the verge of complete collapse and open revolution. A local pastor posted videos on social media under the hashtag #thisflag. and was swiftly arrested after a successful stay-away (workers stayed at home in peaceful protest). On the day of his trial, thousands of church leaders, lawyers and champions of freedom descended on the magistrate’s court where he stood accused of encouraging violence. However, his videos called for peaceful non-violent protest and prayer for the nation, begging leaders to stamp out corruption, injustice and police brutality. The prosecutor then submitted a changed charge of treason (punishable by death). In the face of shield-bearing, baton-wielding riot police, the protesters outside the court knelt down, lifted flags and Bibles and prayed for justice and freedom. Miraculously, justice prevailed and the magistrate threw the case out because of a technicality. He was released. The battle for a free and prosperous Zimbabwe has begun.

Additional Info

  • Pray: for the Church to lead the way to peace and prosperity, for an end to decades of poverty, injustice and corruption and for continued unity among churches as the government tries to intimidate (2Ti.1:7)