Ukraine: historic national day of prayer

Written by David Fletcher 01 Jul 2016
Ukraine: historic national day of prayer

For the first time in Ukraine’s history, all the churches of the country came together for a National Day of Prayer for their nation in Kiev. It was attended by thousands and broadcast ‘live’ by three national TV channels. An especially enthusiastic welcome was given to East Ukraine church leaders and the leader of Ukraine’s Messianic Jewish Community. It was a far cry from the media images of politicians fighting in parliament, Russian tanks, corruption, economic stagnation, and a civil airliner being shot down. Ukraine’s history, culture and language are closer to Russia than any other country. The Russian Orthodox Church comes from what is now Ukraine. Thousands of Ukrainians prayed for Russia and President Putin! For Russia, Ukraine is in the blood. For Ukraine, Russia is in the blood. Even Mr Putin’s first name, Vladimir, is Ukrainian in origin.

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