Niger: first weekend of Ramadan

Written by David Fletcher 10 Jun 2016
Niger: first weekend of Ramadan

Many Christians will be praying for Muslims, using the Prayercast Ramadan Challenge as a resource. Muslims’ pursuit of God is in vain without Jesus Christ. The spiritual condition of Muslims in Niger is dry. We can pray for focused efforts to evangelise those under the age of fifteen (half the population); pray for speed and accuracy for those translating Scriptures for barely reached people groups, and for a visible Christian presence in their societies. Pray for peace among struggling believers who feel isolated. Niger was under military rule for thirty-one years; violent coups and bloody political infighting have finally unfolded into a fledgling democracy, but slavery is still practised in isolated areas of the country. Children are trafficked for labour in gold mines, sexual exploitation, and begging. Women are abducted and sold and young boys are kidnapped for work in stone quarries. A land dispute with Libya remains unresolved and triggers spasmodic acts of violence.

Additional Info

  • Pray: for Muslim and unreached ethnic groups in Niger to be evangelised, encounter God and change. (Mt.9:13)