Can UN do more about Christian genocide?

Written by David Fletcher 03 Jun 2016
Can UN do more about Christian genocide?

As genocide against Christians and other minorities intensifies in the Middle East, advocacy groups are putting pressure on the United Nations to do more to intervene. In March John Kerry officially declared, ‘Christians and minorities in the Middle East are facing genocide’. Now the American Centre for Law and Justice (ACLJ) has written to Kerry, thanking him for his speech, but calling on the USA to press the UN to declare that the ongoing atrocities committed by IS and associate groups constitute genocide. It wants the UN to do everything in its power to mobilise the international community to take swift and decisive action. In its letter to Kerry, the ACLJ details how IS is targeting Christian and Yazidi minorities, forcing them to pay the jizya tax, destroying their homes and places of worship, and brutally putting them to death. It warns that action must be taken because the Christian population in the Middle East is rapidly decreasing. The letter, it is hoped, will influence the UN Human Rights Council discussion (6-10 June).

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