The church in the Middle East

Written by David Fletcher 13 May 2016
The church in the Middle East

Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter a month later than western Christians. One beautiful Orthodox tradition is the ceremony of lights in Jerusalem: Christians light their candles in the ancient city and take the fire back to their homes. Meanwhile, the Middle East conflict continues to impact Christians alongside their fellow-citizens. From Aleppo, the Aid to the Church in Need agency shared the heart-breaking words of Franciscan priest Father Ibrahim Alsabagh: ‘Never, since the beginning of this terrible war, were things as bad as they are now. I have no words to describe all the suffering I see on a daily basis. When the bombs do stop falling, there is an eerie silence, like in a cemetery. When will the world community finally wake up and put an end to this new Sarajevo?’ A London-based Syrian Orthodox priest, Revd Nadim Nassar, said he was ‘furious’ with the global Church for its failure to speak out against the atrocities in Syria.

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