Canada: indigenous community suicide crisis

Written by David Fletcher 15 Apr 2016
Canada: indigenous community suicide crisis

The Attawapiskat First Nation of 2,000 people living in Ontario declared a state of emergency on Saturday after eleven of its members tried taking their own lives this month and twenty-eight tried to do so in March, according to papers provided by a local politician. The declaration was signed by Chief Bruce Shisheesh of the remote northern community. The MP for the area said, ‘This is a systemic crisis. There's not been a serious response from any level of government until now.’ Canada's 1.4 million aboriginals, making up 4% of the population, have higher levels of poverty and a lower life expectancy than other Canadians, and are more often victims of violent crime, addiction and incarceration. The First Nation government is sending a crisis response unit with two mental health counsellors to the community following Saturday’s declaration. Pray for God to direct their responses and give them favour and for God’s will be done.

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