Praying for the unreached

Written by David Fletcher 08 Apr 2016
Praying for the unreached

One in four people remain without reasonable access to the gospel. Although there may be a few believers or even a few churches, there are many people groups with no or few resources to evangelise their communities. What can we do to change this? Jesus told His disciples in Luke 10:1-3, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’ Jesus’ solution to the dilemma of the plentiful harvest with few workers was prayer. Prayer changes things! We can pray for the hearts among every least-reached people group to be ready to hear and respond to the Gospel; for the Lord of the Harvest to send labourers among these peoples;and for the Body of Christ to labour together in the unity of the Spirit to bring good news where it has never been heard before.

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