Turkey: ministry and missionaries

Written by David Fletcher 18 Mar 2016
Turkey: ministry and missionaries

Multi-lingual missionaries know persecution but continue to distribute tracts and share the gospel with Turkish, Iranian and Iraqi people groups using materials in Farsi, Arabic, Turkish and other languages. People in the villages are very receptive and open to the gospel. Once word gets out that missionaries are in a village the authorities come and stop their ministry, so they go in and out in less than one day, then wait for another opportune time to visit. Cities are more open. Authorities have a hard time controlling missionaries. They go door-to-door, giving out 12,000 evangelistic tracts, New Testaments, and other materials every month. New believers are formed into small groups. This organisation and other similar ones need translators for unreached people groups, funding for laptops (internet cafes are not safe), vehicles (they travel miles in their work), and most of all God’s anointing, direction and protection.

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