Syria: US - Russian truce plan

Written by David Fletcher 26 Feb 2016
Syria: US - Russian truce plan

The USA and Russia announced plans for a cessation of Syrian hostilities to take effect tomorrow. It excludes IS and Nusra Front. UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon welcomed the announcement, which followed a failed attempt to restart peace talks by Staffan de Mistura in Geneva. De Mistura said, ‘We can now relaunch, very soon, the political process needed to end this conflict.’ Under the cessation terms, parties would indicate their agreement to the United States and Russia by noon Damascus time today, and the truce would take effect at midnight. To succeed, the deal will require both countries to persuade their allies on the ground to comply. Fighting and airstrikes s continued this week, according to a British-based monitoring group. Meanwhile, the Turkish government has said it doesn't think a deal will be respected by all.

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