Russia: Denies bombing Syrian hospitals and school

Written by Linda Digby 19 Feb 2016
Russia: Denies bombing Syrian hospitals and school

An estimated 50 people were killed in missile attacks on at least four hospitals and a school in rebel-held northern Syria on Monday. Russia has been accused of being responsible for the attacks. The UN said intentionally directing attacks at hospitals constitutes a war crime. In an article by President Putin’s press secretary Mr Peskov in a Russian newspaper, the Kremlin said, ‘accusations against the Russian Federation in the video-conferencing application of air strikes on hospitals in Syria were unacceptable. We categorically allot as deplorable those who make such statements and are unable to somehow prove their allegations’. Asked by journalists to comment on the information about the hospital bombardment in Syria’s Idlib province, as well as accusations of Russian air and space forces in this incident, Peskov called for people to go back to the source and noted that Syria's Ambassador to Russia, Riyad Haddad said that the hospital in Idlib province was destroyed by the Americans, not by the Russian for

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