Afghanistan: prayer request from a missionary

Written by David Fletcher 12 Feb 2016
Afghanistan: prayer request from a missionary

‘Workers arriving in the country need to fly onwards; however, our aviation organisation’s licence has been withdrawn. Air travel is crucial for working in remote areas. There are people studying the local languages who need to enter the country, so please pray for the difficult visa situation. Pray for brothers from the neighbouring country who visit believers in the mountain region, where the security is not good. We are thankful for a good start to our medical project in the west. Pray for wisdom to carry out projects in a skilful way, building relationships with those to whom we reach out. A brother visited a group in the north and was amazed how many believers were present. Please pray for a defence minister, as no-one has yet been appointed. There is still much T*ban fighting: they destroyed a major power line, so the capital only has electricity during the night for a few hours.’ For information on the struggling government, click the ‘more’ button.

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