Burkina Faso: Christian surgeon remains captive, wife is released

Written by David Fletcher 12 Feb 2016
Burkina Faso: Christian surgeon remains captive, wife is released

An Australian Christian missionary was freed after she and her husband were kidnapped last month in Burkina Faso. Jocelyn and Ken Elliott, both in their 80s, have run a hospital for forty years there, meeting physical needs with the ultimate aim of showing the love of God to everyone. They were abducted by an al-Qaeda-linked group three weeks ago, and held in neighbouring Niger. Mrs Elliott was freed following mediation by the president of Niger, Mahamadou Issoufou. He said that efforts to release her surgeon husband were being intensified. A statement released to Al-Jazeera by al-Qaeda said the woman had been released because of guidance from its leaders ‘not to involve women in war’.

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